Kinetics e.V vs koksy (6403 views)

de prescott
be vyPer
nl Tomas
nl Bassie
fr kaz
de gr0ss
pl FiREN
pl dummy
pl Aima
pl eug3n
pl Cubz
pl ViTek
pl ridji
pl jasiek
06.05.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vyPer (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 30697
The bets have been cancelled.

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Enemy Territory TV
de [] - ETTV 2
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By: DeVito (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
By: m1st3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 52


1rd :O
nowe the next ?
Zamknij morde z tym the next, ty byles zbanwoany za bimbota czy chuj wie co a teraz pierdolisz. GTFO frajerze.
gnajda RYJ ta bimbot prv hax moze jeszcze
gl trivium :D
:XDDDDDDDDDDDD +111136336361731337
gryz go about gryz suke hahah :D
gl Dropz
gl kinetics, ur gona need it :)
gr0ss > all
lol we're only facing polish hackers these days, great.
gl klbr!!

You have € 100 on eu Kinetics
Possible win: € 689
im gonna own everybody.. thats the key to our victory!! :D
gl gr0ss
bl gr0ss
hackers vs hackers.
indeed :)
sad but true
bust the hackers of kinetics please, really man if you get owned they hack... look at the nicks, woody and markinator :go play 2.55 back again and think you are higher then low.
cheaters vs cheaters :)
btw /bottomshots was grappig gisteravond ;D
ik schiet altijd slechtste van me team dus nP :p
newschool to crossfire yeah who cares about it, i play longer ET then you, atleast since it exists
and markinator do you really think we played serious? 3 covies and only laughing because of satchel kills and you acting like it's offi.
[Kinetics|vyPer]: yo flikker, wat the fak zit je beetje te wenen dat we hacke, je weet dat t niet zo is
[Kinetics|vyPer]: ego fags bitch pls jonge, med bashe we elke keer, dan ga je wenen als we med+ zoeken ofzo
ye I also think he only plays ET for 2 months... gg lowbrained fagg.
LOL even with a 3v3 it was a draw and you say you are med+ at mirc rofl. Tukkertje was 2 months ago low+ and now med+. pls gtfo retard
maar jij bent nog altijd low
woody has spoken
eug3n, Vitek, Cubz , Aima, jasiek GOOOO KOKS POWER !!
ridij <-- koks :D
pozdro dla tych debili ktorzy graja w 1 druzynie z haxami :F
pozdro dla twojej matki ty kurwa wycwelony kondomie jebany juz kurwa nie ma co robic to sie bawi w sherlocka w internecie
lepsze to niz bycie internetowym gangsterem ;)
dropz gl ale team przedni ...
netCoders showmatch v1.01
dropzzzz<3, gr0ss gl ! :D
GL tomas & Woutie
np 4 ktics

gl wout
eugen pobierze wszystko
go gr0ss
gl tomas ;)
mirageji, LoL
cheaters vs cheaters
and where is this bs coming from :D got some proof? xD didnt thiks so..
Shall I remind you why your team got kicked from OC?
they did? why? :D
1 player 3 accounts, mirage nC customer playing for 2 clans
+1 tell me!
show some fucking proof before you all start whining, srsly, grow up. you get bashed and then start whining about hax, i'm sure you wouldn't if you owned them but ok.
We didn't even start playing vs those so stfu kid.
you kicked us cause mirage was playing from another pc
i didn't really follow why you got kicked, was surprise to see you kicked
BUT mirage wasn't allowed to play open cup with you anyway since he already played oc with another team before, so i guess that's ok.
well not rlly, our first OC match he played with us, he didnt play for Pandora then yet.
After that first match he didnt play our other 2 OC matches, then he played for pandora

But you're right, stupid move but a disqualification for playing from another pc seems a bit harsh

That's the most stupid defend-sentence you can say
You aren't hax for sure, cuz ur shite but 100% some others use and amazed how much rules your team performed to violate in OC.
+1 flashy
je staat bij ons in de clan op clanbase, cheaterlover!
np for gnajda ofc
go gnaj..oops firen
heh koksy fajna nazwa ile wy macie lat 15? max .
a co zlego jest w tej nazwie ?
mam 3 latka, 3 i pol..
ohhhh powialo dorosloscia...
Instant win for the hackers.
GO GNAJDA !!! and accept your loss in Clanbase finally after 3 weeks! W00o0o0o
kinetics, zeh underdog, izzi bash imo.
cheaters united
gl gnajda
gl gr0ss
gl bassie
You have € 52 on Kinetics
Possible win: € 141.96

Gl kinetics
gl gnajda i reszta haxow ( wyjatek ridji )
ze niby eugen to czit ?
daj sobie spokoj xcoolek :* ten dzieciak tylko haxy widzi
dzieci ?? popatrz na siebie panie dorosly nie uwzglednilem niestety ciebie w moim nawiasie moj blad chociaz jestes kretynem
japa lou o_0
gl Kinetics
GL DASGR0SS & prescott
gl dummy! gl ridji ! :-)
hackers always win.
firen, dummy & jasiek GL :))
gl kinetix

btw i have demo of tomas getting 3o1 with 9 hs so pls everyone call him hacker too now then ur skilled <3
np for firen

jak wjebiecie to ja wam wjebie koksy ;<! :d
THX GUYS <333333
First ist tot :'(
ne,momentan nur viel stress(prüfungen,freundinn usw.)
denk ma,dass ich mich ab juni wieder mal blicken/hören lass :)

btw. GG
forfeit win nais!
2:0 after gold
1:0 overall ;p
forfeit gg kinetics
gotta admit, these guys are the most retarded lows I have EVER seen.
We played with rizla and ridji (backup players) . Aima and ViTek cant play. Anyway gtfo for kinetics and my team
You have € 3935 on Kinetics
Possible win: € 9680.1
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

FU retarded polaks
Kinetics 2-0 koksy
then koksy noshowd 2nd map

no gtv score cause match wasnt finished
Our backup wont play vs you, rizla and ridji, and they disconnected. I need to delete them from backup. Aima and Vitek cant play today, eug3n had 200-300 ping, Anywai you guys are not good

first time i actually said lol and also did it ! :DDDD
made my day gnajda :D
wtf :(
dropsik pokara ... jak zawsze :* :D