gods.inc vs sKyrocket (6019 views)

04.05.09 21:15 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009 | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: w0nd3r (ettvd) |
ettv.evil-hannie.eu:27970 |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29
Viewer Peak: 29

..viel glück :-)
scheiß huso direkt mal 4k auf sky xD
You have 81.94
You have 41 on god
You lost
FU ! ^__^
You lost
FU ! ^__^
np for s/<y ro/<ect
gl voodoo
hf powel und duke :> gl god
gl BDI and phate, everyone else can fuckoff
hf duKe_ :)
gl Snacki
gl duke
gl gods duke & dyk
Good luck gods.
And don't blame the server! : )
And don't blame the server! : )
gl dyk mein pozzboy, duke, bdi, pozzercheck
You have 806 on de god Cancel bet
Possible win: 1805.44
Possible win: 1805.44
hf zerohour
gl gods
hf zerohour and hoodies <3
hf zerohour with your cheat :-) same to other bimbal`s friends
who are you to say they cheat gnajda?
buddies in their own business
good luck gods!!!!
GL sky
gl m8s
gl gods
btw nicht auf den shizo gehn ,der ist nicht auf dem server, nur die anderen 2.
dont connect to shizo ,not on the server :P
dont connect to shizo ,not on the server :P
fun zero , spearhead !
gl snacki palimy ziolo czy marie??? pozdro !!!soapki zwami:) bibka umnie :)
gl hoodies
whos that zerhour ? New butch is born
OLD new talent
3:2 for sky atm
4:2 Sky
wp zerohour
wie der drecks spast an hat,war mehr als eindeutig zu sehen ;)
hax > skill
wp gods.inc
hax > skill
wp gods.inc
u dont have skill so... sry? (only duke is skilled) and... show me my hax plz
watch your demo
getroffene hunde bellen :)
idd :)
i dint play with gods.inc :D
dude everybody saw ur hax...u got low- movement and no brains...but aiming every time through walls to the exactly positions of ur enemys and i dont need to talk about ur 360's with aiming at a enemy who is faraway! and that is a fact! its just to obvious how u try to hide ur hack.just watch the replay with shownormals and tell me again that it inst obvious hacking o0
even polish guys told us at the ettv server that u suck at lan,but at home where nobody can watch u playing u mutate to a pro player like butchji and maus...srsly stfu and gtfo
stupid polak
dude everybody saw ur hax...u got low- movement and no brains...but aiming every time through walls to the exactly positions of ur enemys and i dont need to talk about ur 360's with aiming at a enemy who is faraway! and that is a fact! its just to obvious how u try to hide ur hack.just watch the replay with shownormals and tell me again that it inst obvious hacking o0
even polish guys told us at the ettv server that u suck at lan,but at home where nobody can watch u playing u mutate to a pro player like butchji and maus...srsly stfu and gtfo
stupid polak
bitch didnt even refer to you in his post :_D_D__D_D_D
"wie der drecks spast an hat,war mehr als eindeutig zu sehen ;)
hax > skill
wp gods.inc "
wheres your name? XD
"show me MY hax" :DD
bitch didnt even refer to you in his post :_D_D__D_D_D
"wie der drecks spast an hat,war mehr als eindeutig zu sehen ;)
hax > skill
wp gods.inc "
wheres your name? XD
"show me MY hax" :DD
i know that there always is someone better and the skills are rising but your aim is simply mechanical, like you showed us defending supply flag. hf with your cheat and incoming ban.
played this zerohour guy some times before and rly, who the fuck is he? :D
wp, nice game.
the better team won.
the better team won.
i loled :D
ich meine das durchaus ernst!
i loled twice ;)
lolen ist wohl auch das einzig angebrachte :D
We played them as well before, zerohour was too obvious, I bet he had ~50% acc as usually
yep, 50% acc xD
well, its a shame that we cant do anything...
well, its a shame that we cant do anything...
We'd even predicted he would have such acc before the match, and he didn't fail :]
We demanded demos from him @ our cb match, but polish admin confirmed results without any further comment
yeah, they have to protect other polaks, living in corrugated sheet huts, cause they have nothing else. (excluding their warp-machines)
he had around 50 on lan, so here you should be happy that he didnt have 60
your little gay housepartys dont count as a LAN
i thought that you are mature...what a fucking fail
too bad.. one more polak on hate-list :(
ban him by an avi.... it works :)
sometimes :P
hihi zerohour :-)
0hour, even gnajda was less obvious than u + he has some movement, u cant strafe, not even able to use sprint after spawn and u r total statswhore. and i think if u were clean u wouldnt be in such "low team" ("low" if i compare others in ur team to u). enjoy this game while u can, i hope u will get banned soon (and not unbanned after 3 days due to lack of evdence)
i see something incoming...
Suprise Suprise ;]
Suprise Suprise ;]
da kommen die hax ausreden, shame :<
50% acc is doch n bischn sehr obvious... sogar auf special, wo ich fast jeden schuss treff hab ich maximal 42
wie ist das so, wenn man so richtig blöd ist?
btw: was war das fürn match? clanbase oder was sonst?
jo, cb oc .. steht in den infos
kann man da net demos anfordern & sonstirgendwas? der zero hat son mieses movement, da wird mir ja beim zuschaun schlecht & dann son gutes aim
ich hab mir des replay vorhin ma angeschaut..
also der typ bewegt sich ja quasi nie, aber wird trotzdem nie getroffen :-D
also der typ bewegt sich ja quasi nie, aber wird trotzdem nie getroffen :-D
btw: 180°-scripts in cb allowed?
nope, defwin
zero hatt eins, benutzt es auf supply in defence & auf grush bei allies
maybe stop crying :OOOO
don't cry, just discussin about zerohours movement, knowing & 180°-abuse
you dont need to have good movement to be good players, if your move to much ur accuracy is worse, its simple. trust me
lmfao don't skip your english course to play et man ;s
ROFL! u made my day fra thx alot :D
"hahahahahahhaa" unfortunately english course is not needed to have obvious 50 acc
unfortunately 50 acc is not needed for life
so the whole et isnt needed for life, so stop crying
whatever you call "cry" .. geh, rasier em udo sei mutte, ty
thanks for using a 180° turnscript ;]
ah and, killerboy is already working for your ban idiot
ah and, killerboy is already working for your ban idiot
its allowed morron -.-
First i asked killerboy if its forbidden to use a 180° turnscript
I also asked killerboy what happens if someone using it
Thanks for the defwin and now die of aids fucking hacker ;]
I also asked killerboy what happens if someone using it
Thanks for the defwin and now die of aids fucking hacker ;]
Killerboy is CROSSFIRE admin, not cb, so gtfo and fail again
rules are rules, its not needed that someone is admin or not lol
and not long time ago he was a CB Admin, so gtfo and take your deserved loss ;]
and not long time ago he was a CB Admin, so gtfo and take your deserved loss ;]
show me CB rules about 180
you will feel them soon enough
it's not allowed = ]
you just failed :P
he is cb-admin not crossfire-admin tbh.
but it surprises me. cb doesn't (and shouldn't) ban for scripts tbh. only etmasters did i thought.
but it surprises me. cb doesn't (and shouldn't) ban for scripts tbh. only etmasters did i thought.
well, i just talked to him today. So i think he told me the truth ^^
maybe get life fucking duke :OOOOOOO who are u btw God? Budda? Allah? UUUUUUUU LOSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
hahahaha, ban for what? aimbot? hax? GL :D
wallhack dude, you will see...
in germany we say: Who laugh atlast, laughs as best ;)
in germany we say: Who laugh atlast, laughs as best ;)
jetzt packt der Tim aber die Floskeln aus... vom feinsten.
werd mir match ma anschauen ^^
werd mir match ma anschauen ^^
mach ma hase und achte mal auf zerohour, am besten mit r_shownormals 1
sehr sehr großes kino ;]
sehr sehr großes kino ;]
cb matchlink pl0x
no score yet
und jetzt? ^^
u obviously didnt get me.
Why is there almost the most whine after/before germans played ?
because we like it :) the others are just too lazy to write smthn
flawless sense, congratulations.
179° script allowed ?
ps : nix neues ,dass die rocket typen cheaten :V
ps : nix neues ,dass die rocket typen cheaten :V
another fail with the legendary name :>
says the gay who doesnt know anything x)
Please explain, why do you use the clan name of a legendary clan, who at that time belonged to the world top3. U losers play @ 2nd or 3rd div @ CB.
Doesnt it make you even a little bit frustrated? Why not make up a new name and everything would be ok with the critisism and s**t. You know you can not / never will reach the gods.inc true level :). Go play your mudleauge.
Doesnt it make you even a little bit frustrated? Why not make up a new name and everything would be ok with the critisism and s**t. You know you can not / never will reach the gods.inc true level :). Go play your mudleauge.
no it doesnt make me frustrated^^ im fine with it.
well, please explain why you care so much ;) only because there was a very good time, long time ago, noone should be allowed to be in that team again? wow, best opinion ever! ;)
so go, flame your mother or someone else. youre boring, stupido ;)
well, please explain why you care so much ;) only because there was a very good time, long time ago, noone should be allowed to be in that team again? wow, best opinion ever! ;)
so go, flame your mother or someone else. youre boring, stupido ;)
you attitude of sending me "to my mother" shows how incompetent you are even to play this game :<
:D bigtime major league bullshit.. no more to say. bibuy
You don't know bdi, dYk or dke right?
...because if you did, you would have kept your little random newskewl mouth shut.
...because if you did, you would have kept your little random newskewl mouth shut.
Hey Gods.inc u lost and ure crying because ur 3rd team and u finished OC!! so please eat more hamburgers with ur fat girl...
says the gay whos from warp-land x)
says the gay without skill :O
cant remember that ive played against you anytime.. so just do it like the estonian ruffneck and flame your mother. ;) bibuy
What the FUCK are you talking about?
nooooooooes :( how did you loose?
ban for zerohour + defwin most likely incoming :)
rly? xD
at least the defwin!
haha wat xd? do you think that zerohour will be banned by demo ?
tbh I don't care about him being banned or not (eventho his hax are quite obvious), but as explained above, we willl most likely get out deserved defwin cuz 180script is not allowed :)
You lost Can you Hear MEEEEEEEE????????? ELIMINATED! And youre crying like little child because u can't take it to your empty head :O
psss... he dont know some pl cheats ..because he is angry.. :)
You represent the average POLISH RANDOM pretty well.
so u re not the kind of 'cheaterbeaters'. YOU DONT LOOK GOOD ON THE DANCEFLOOR anmyore :D
fuc* them ;)
fuc* them ;)
trying to get there again atm :)
joar... habe nur supply def von ihm angesehen... mehrmaliges 180° script benutzt und doch teilweise recht merkwürdiges wissen wann/ wo gegner aus der deckung kommen.
aber lange spawn's kassieren geht trotzdem 1A.
aber lange spawn's kassieren geht trotzdem 1A.