Authentic Gaming vs Cortana (10237 views)

nl saKen
nl ZaK-
pl edain
pl zMk
fr RizZle
fr kARn4J
hr suVi
hr frozz
hr rimi
hr calisto
hr komar
hr gmx
Grand Final of
EMS Qualifier #3

Cortana needs to beat auth twice to win!
(both parts of this final will be in one (this) match)

1st Grand Final (maps: supply, radar, sp_delivery_te):
4:2 to hr Cortana

2nd Grand Final (maps: supply, radar, sp_delivery_te):
4:2 to eu Authentic-Gaming
07.05.09 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series IV Qualifiers
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: saKen (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 76507
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)
de [] - ETTV 2
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: saKen (ettvd)
de ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 2
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
fr #Gamerz-Connexion TV I
By: dr4g (ettvd)
By: m1st3r (ettvd)
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 78


ego boys authentic .<<

Cortana 4:0 authentic
gl ZaK-
no slajdan no win :<
good luck !
yes i do
what ?
whos she :[?
i love this fucking girl
she told: do you want fuck me?
apparently she s just asking "do you want me?"
I thought it was was "want to fuck me"
its "you wanna fuck me?"
facil pour RizZle :D
gogo gmx and cortana <3
np for edain & co.
gl auth ! :)
hf cor, will be close game
gl suVi!
gl frozz zMk & karnaj :>
gl suVi
hf saKen
GL saKen & Team!
GL croats!
Gl cortana
You have € 5 on eu Auth Cancel bet
Possible win: € 9.5
gl auth and gl suVi.
You have € 49 on hr Cor Cancel bet
Possible win: € 246.47

You have € 49 on hr Cor
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.

GL Cortana
4:o auth.
`2;0 auth
2-0 ,playing radar atm.
score ?
4-2 cor so fucking lucky! XDDDDDDDDD
cortana won, they came from loser bracket so other war?
You have € 2000 on Cor
You won € 5540

Fala decki
You have € 1000 on hr Cor
You won € 2770

Fala decki
don't know who finished the game but we're playing another match x_x
yes but the bets are only for the first match,not entire final,it doesnt say anywhere cortana has to beat twice
u dont get his point
i get it but you dont apperantly get my point:p

Either put result 4-2 back or cancel all bets since it nowhere said cortana has to beat twice
u still dont get his point
no its you who dont get it.
winners bracket winner vs. losers bracket winner and grand finals are two separate matches

so if one team wins 4:0 and then loses the second match 2:4 they still win 6:4 overall?
that was also a mistake. its two separate matches. i dont bet that one team would win twice, while the other only needs to win once.
Exactly what is the mistake there?
yea but there it said before the match mamut needs to win twice not like here when the match was already over
it was due to practical reasons, and they also noticed everyone about that. normally both matches are separate events @ gtv. now give me the money i won! :d
You have € 20 on hr Cor
You won € 55.4
lol whining about e-money plz.
best match ever
Finally ! I was sleeping on my computer :D
Well played
couldn't see you typing "zzzzzzz" for the whole match.
is it actual win for auth?
You have € 250 on eu Auth
You won € 392.5

Fala decki
wtf, its bullshit with bets, I only bet on the first match, and even if you count both its 6-6
agreed. it was always 2 separate matches.

someone needs to get arni here to fix this mess.
idd, he just cant put 4-2 on this match...they passed, but nor it was 4-2 overall,nor they won the match that was 1st at gtv
oh my e money gone = ( cry me a river
where did I mention any bets? I'm talking about result
admin told me to enter 4-2 for us, so I did. Seems m1st3r has decided to take matters into his own hands and change it again though, awesome
gimme back my moneyz idiot saken!!
wp auth :)
Give back my money FFS
wp edzio i pawka <3
edzio pedzio : *
Plz admins GTFO with your "Cortana needs to beat auth twice to win!" adding it after the game is already over GG retards
Either put the right score or give money back
yes ofcourse, lets blame GTV admins because of users taking gbooky a bit too serious
you suck h3ll, gtfo my interwebz! stupid admin omg
Saken and every admin managing a GTV war although they are part of the losing team need to get kicked from their admin rights. I mean WTF those suckers always find a trick not to lose their money, like adding another match after the game and say it was part of the bet... nice GamesTV !
you fucking mongloid don't talk if you don't know shit, I asked w0nd3r what score I should put and he told me to put the 4:2 from the second match, now crawl back into the little hole you came from fuckface
That is why wonder has written under this message "blame the match admin" (Awww wait, its you !). You may be a very young boy, but it does not mean that you HAVE to be stupid.
I've already spoken to him, problem solved.
I doubt there's any connection between my comment and him posting that but if you've managed to find one that's amazing.
Stupid? That's all you can come up with? Breaking my balls here Steve!!
Yeah sorry I'm not retarded like you, so I dont consider that knowing a bunch of insults makes you clever.
Aww, last thing : learn to read.
Perhaps you should learn to construct your sentences better so they actually make some sense. Guess I'll refrain from replying to you from now on though, can't be bothered to waste my time on dumbasses such as yourself.
basically auth has won the game although the score is 6:6

i want my money...
basicly its a draw actualy but auth goes forward
close games :D , we both are qualified anyway ^^
You have € 1000 on hr Cor
Match is a draw, you were reimbursed.

Fucking incompetants, give the money based on the match that was listed, the score was 2-4, brainless retards...
counting both matches is draw(6-6) on gamestv. counting both in esl its 4-2 for auth
yes but bet was only for the first match,and they even put the score 4-2 for cortana when it finished and 15 minutes later after the match was ALREADY OVER they remove the score and write "Cortana needs to beat auth twice to win!"....if that was writen in the first place than no problem but it was added after the match so score should be 4-2 as first match ended
lol???? you should be very happy...
why should I? it was 4-2 Cortana after the match that was here on gtv!!
very nice, flaming gtv admins who do this stuff for free.............. very mature and stuff, maybe i have to tell you again, no one forces you to go to this site: if you don't like it GTFO
yep :)
and no one forces you to be retarded but shit happens
awesome comeback mongolkid
yes it was awesome thx
6:6 is correct, 2bad it wasn't mentioned in the infotext, that the one team has to beat the other twice. blame the match admin :p
so stop discussion about the score, it's kinda useless.
draw = reimburse
that bollox dude..they should let the bets stand after the match that was listed here, not some double game bollox. They even said it was 4-2 then changed it!
rather not

btw saken got money on auth, unhaxpected eh? :D
you got reimbursed, what else do you want?
all money I won and that was taken away :(
if u can't accept gtv rules bye bye

PS: why only retards / REEtards are whining about e-money? wtf is this
and rules are like: admin can do w/e he want during match to protect his e-money? next time would be nice to give info about winning 2 times be4 match kthx?
the money i have won, cause it was 4-2 for cortana..
trying so hard to increase my e-moneyz :[[[[[[[[[[[
I thought it is that cortana has to beat auth twice and not vice versal. Auth won the second match so it should be auth's victory, shouldn't it?
gg saKen ;DD
rofl at tards screaming at e-money.
who won?!
the same thing was with mamut vs bb
no it wasnt the same thing idiot.