Ozon3rs vs Havok & Kaos (3772 views)

it fadeh
it Ashy
it Morpho
it .hUMY
it sponge
it Raga
it HexenTerzo
gb Jeebs
gb Mosphe
gb Snap
si darkman
be Bjorn
gb T!gz
gb cablecarandsnak
Clanbase Opencup 6on6
12.05.09 21:15 CEST
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase OpenCup Spring '09 (6v6)
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fadeh (Requestee)
Maps: Salvage

Total Pot: € 10083
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 40
Viewer Peak: 40


gl oz3

np4whichever backup hAk use tonight.
hf both :D
bjorn > all
gogo Oz3 ;-)
izi for hak
izi for oz3

Also like to add, hAk hasn't pracced, or even scrimmed in ages. Cable hasn't played in a while. So there's no reason for Oz3 to lose this'un. Better win fags, got moniez on you! Make me rich :(

You have € 100 on oz3!.
Possible win: € 969


Cable = Swedish :)
but tigz is the new rglaf with all train he did with us
Indeed, Tigz has improved :D

The italian magic!
Bash for Italianinis!
i hope the team that will be easier opponent to us for 3rd place will loose.
fuckin' ell I lost all my money..
4-2 hak gg really nice match
Was a great match, even shit myself during A22. :D
score added but:

You have € 50 on eu #hAk
Possible win: € 57

wtf ;d
You have € 8 on #hAk
Possible win: € 9.12


But not giving monies Gg!
You have € 100 on oz3!.
You lost

World of Warcraft Skill.
Bjorn made the difference once again.

Nice nade Jeebsie ;D
Always 1 dude to carry a team through.

Take aA for instance.

The difference between our teams is, that without Bjorn you would probably lose, and without aA we would probably still win :X
I dont think so
aA makes a huge difference I agree but I think Robertos is right
Zielarz, suri, soee all lag incredibly and are also good players, mojo too he just has a head and doesnt abuse everything there is :)
nah the only "skilled" player is soee, the others cant do really much without their "hero" aA imho
I could not agree more with you Sponge. However DSN would lose against us with and without aA. LOL hahaha
I beg to differrrr!

Take away any of the Wiechury players and you got.... well :DD

Zielarz & Mojonis are skilled though.

Hope you're not taking this srs biz Robertos
"Hope you're not taking this srs biz Robertos"

I'm not a macaroni :D
u're a kurwa mac and that's worse I guess
What, no: "If you take away the VAE players you got.... well ;DD" reply!?!?!

Robertos, I'm unhappy :(
I counted 1 VAE player, happy?

You're not even trying are you :<
"The difference between our teams is, that without Bjorn you would probably lose, and without aA we would probably still win :X"

funny :)
i remember a team poland sucking with team germany without aA..mm nope maybe was not u ;X

anyway rly nice game hAK
epic match ;)

bjorn <3
jeebs <3
A mix losing Sewer by 10 seconds and winning an almost lost Ark was really that bad? Don't remember aA playin those 2 maps.
And I was talking bout my clan, not Team PL. But of course for you it makes no difference, cause for you the NC team and clan means exactly the same :O
Yeah I also remember DSN losing vs extoo without aA and after he joined the match everything changed dramatically. Without him DSN would have lost for sure :-D
I remember that :DD

Ex2 vs DSN that is :)
hey syst sorry for the OT but say to tigz that i accept
Alrighty, will do when I see him next :}

Getting married. ? :D
something like that! :D
lol, if Soee is the only skilled player in DSN then this game must be dead xD

No offense to Soee, love you :P