unstoppable Gaming vs PROTOTYPE Gaming Community (6344 views)

gb mixman
br Felipe
br Seinels
pl xardas
bg snoox
de mAnu
de ViTamin
de t3chn0
17.05.09 23:00 CEST
Get Button LinksHTML:
Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mixman (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 7940
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

de d-hosting.de|ETTV
By: eLemenT`Uther (ettvd)
fr uNstopPable ETTV
By: mixman (ettvd)
pl #3er.et - ETTV - Hit4u.pl
By: matec (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


nice mix! :)
gl techno,heady und die andern protofreaks xD
LooK!! 0o snoox On ETTV :) GL mate <3
lol snoox.
go go xardas
LoLd x)
gl mixman :D
izi 4 prototype :D
techno is low maybe + xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
sNoOx hahahaha
GL both Team
GL :)
gl proto <3 :)
affe mlk vai aprender jogar
se perder te mato

match skill?
low+ probably max :P
no one!! high and whieing like Anig3 :)
gl both Teams
gl prototype
well i hope u guys have fun ;)
gl proto
shoutout to techno...
if u need help for crushing them, well call me :)
gl mates from uS :)
gl snoox
gl&hf .:uS:. :D :*
vodka play lose
gl t3chn0 ;D
im not vodka btw :P his nick is snooz not snoox :D
i will play in place of techno , he's not there... so gl me :)
Soz but i m here =)
gl proto!
All on obvious snoox.
hax all the way
4:2 proto np 4 me :P
<3 4:2
GO GO SNOOX!!! ty 4 money tbh
good job
which match btw?
are you serious?
ye, i thought the cheater was in .:us:. and not in prototype ---> they had more ettvmatches :> i want to see the 2 minutes of aldernest^^
WTF i saw the 2 mins and i diddnt see anything
lolD just some whiner who wanna fuck snoox -.-
PLS whine more ^^
well done killerboy , seems you are losing ur touch .... because thats not me on the pbbans and i dont see what you mean by the last 2 min?
And why you didnt say anything about uS team? 2 of their players got kicked just in SAME time and that happend TWICE on b4 and on delivery...... and if you say im hacking you better look on the match with uS again and spec the other guys not me ..... you better take a look on this match and try to bust some real cheaters MR.PRO

lol waht is wrong in the last 2 mins on adlernest?
nothing .....
yea and you are very smart!
i know thanks, my mother always said i'm special.
dude you sux i know a guy you've unbanned and hes still cheating and he is now ur mate learn to bust......
rofl... if you really care about ET tell me who pls
hahahha the problem is i dont care about ET like you do... ET4life @ you right? well and i ain't so fcking retarded to tell ALSO my mates name ;)
all aren't my bans.... try to proof
that ain't me :) and dude go on i dont give a damn fuck
you have the same bday and same name on the cb accounts, god you are stupid :)
yep you to GET A LIFE
haha you got fucking owned.
your are special? call your life a 3rd world , moron and go jerk off
this is an experience you cant compare with cheating alone at home and jerking off on your multikills
kilLerboy listen now, if u speak about just before they take obj and he kills that guy at stairs comming from 1st sapwn allies, well then there is nothing WH there ... 1st time isaw the demo i thought huh>? wth is that... then i rewatched it and what?? if u look a bit, u would see the bag of the axis medic is viewable... so get brain and look at least more than once at that demo... 2nd, speaking about 3rd world countries, malta is an under educated country... look at the statistics. (and if i refair to your example, well then i'm affraid these conclusions are exact) peace out!
Malta has the highest education levels in europe, get your facts right.
there are exceptions like you with a low- educatation
that's why i am going to university :(
Leave him allone and dont distory his life :<
Yes Yes Yes!
i don't care about that.
1st of all: this was my brother. (and yea we have the same IP whiule we playED on the same computer before.) 2nd who cares about 2.55?
3rd: nothing prooves that was a cheat btw, it's a bug with ATI PB and switching from ETpro to 2.55.
4th AGAIN: u are a tard, who hasn't got a life (proof of that is that u go and look for PBbans while PB is a system with 65% of failure and that u just loose some time to go and look there) if u need psychologic help, ask me :o i'll help u man rly, i know it's hard for u to be so a tard, but rly u need help :)
learn to press the reply button, its hard i know, but youll learn!
EXODIAK ......

your a cheating retard defending another cheating retard. gg
anyway...we want play tonight against PROTOTYPE....so 1 question we need to install something at the srv... to can play with ettv like "tv proxy"....atm srv dont use ettv....but we want....just ask if we need to install something on the srv?
you can either ask on #gamestv.org to lend you a server to play your match on it (they will manually add the "tv's") or else if you're hosting your server, tell the server admin to change etded.exe to ettv.exe or smth, not sure how it works, but the guys in #gamestv.org will definately know :)
need help ffs ! dont care about hackers...the will get ban anyway....if they need hax....np hf
Mill-inqas u se jkunu jistgħu jifhmu dan ^ ^.
. Bo $ "vjolazzjoni tkun antika nickname ta tiegħi brother li lagħbu ET. (2,55) i aktar lagħbu ET biss wara l-iskola u meta © ie lura mill-iskola aktar tard 2hours hu mixgħul 2.55 jilagħbu rating. u minħabba PB għandha bug ma ATI ma nafx għalfejn huwa jikkunsidra dan bħala ksur # 9005 i think minħabba video settings u oħrajn ma jkunux l-istess bħal fuq ETpro, filwaqt li xi ETpro settings vjolazzjonijiet ta '2.55 PB sistema
lol link to the translator? it's actually not bad if you do not consider the ħ chars, considering we're a 3rd world country it a gd translator.
k thx want try -.-
ye i knew but like u go to the university, u should be able to translate this system failure in an understandable maltees.
*KILERBOY*: that's why i am going to university
Killerboy can u give me your x fire ? than we can talk a bit or i can sent u the demo from snoox !!
i don't do deals with terrorists cheaters, you can always play at www.esl.eu and pray they won't bust you D:
U want bust me o_0 ?
buut m8 its older than 1 half year =) and it was on 55 pub
ClanBase rule say that cheating is only allowed on non-pb streaming servers, the 2.55 servers was streaming to PB... also bans have to be older than 1 year to not resulting in a cb ban.

They are harsh, but they're the rules.
Mr. Buster you wanna tell me my life history as well? ... : D ... send me Yawn-Link or sth. like this ... wanna see my old names ... and plz all links from pbbans Mr. Ugly : D ... Maybe you also know how a pussy looks like?! ... or are you on pbbans.com and not on pornhub.com? ... : DD
you're the only one who is clean from the team, congradz.
cool story bro
killerboy on killing spree

oh wait

on bust spree :D

good job
killerboy i can't understand your job anyway?! ... you get money for this shit or what? : D
no , he is just retarded no-lifer , that's all ;)
it only took me about 2 minutes
you like playing vs some cheaters?
omg guys, wtf are u talking shit about his mother?! she hasn't anything to do with this. u can be unrespectfull with him because u don't agree in his opinion, choices, etc... but don't talk about family. this is kinda tardy :(
Hm ... bust them all ... all who you called cheater and we can talk again killergirl!
stop show all bans killerboy :)....i want play against them tonight
I bet you dont have anything on me!
killerboy = nolifer
reply button will help
reply button will help
Well, unhaxpected !
killerboy lol we played against haxors and now you will bust clean players :O and what do you say to your mother when she asks what you've done today? "i try all day to bust clean players " she is certainly proud of you
comon guys stfu with mums...omg get brain srsly...its his job to find hackers...and his mum isnt the middle of the fight..so play whine about killerboy not his mum...
*so whine about killerboy not his mum...`*
I have nothing said about his mother .
I have only said that his mother is certainly proud of him .. LOL :o
like i already said gtfo of with mothers, i feel sorry for u killerboy if what u say is true, but i don't get it u call some players cheaters while u only got some old PBban links etc... it's your job ok, but continue doing that and u'll kill ET
ET is already dead rofl
but u are right , showing some old PB bans doesnt means that players are cheaters ..... coz what you said about me on adlernest vs uS is just bullshits.... i send my demo to lot of ppl and they all are saying that there is nothing obvious in my playing
cheaters will always be cheaters so stfu you got caught and your most recent pbban was "april 2009" i wouldnt call a month ago OLD. only people killing this game is idiots like you .
solitude who the fuck are u talking about?
i was talking to snoox but you can put yourself in the same group of idiots as him.
well u kinda a tard thn, because if u put me in that group of 2.55 cheaterz (while it was not me) then u can put the fuck the half of your fking national team in it to, same for other countries... tard -.-'
your the retard cheater now kindly go fuck yourself.
poofter , i missed u again , DONT U FUCKING LOVE ME FOR FUCK SAKES ???
manners pls, both of you
OmG LOL!!! Just saw its today hehe no coments!!!! OWNED by Killerboy :)
u are a retard find u some friends get a life, u have a big mouth behind u pc, i'm sure ur face is like this: http://www.reseaucampus.com/t/6fd/6fd5bc7ad292be04e570d5306c796025.jpg hard for u isn'it?
haha ur next mixman