FagaLag vs Wolf Crazy Killer (5240 views)

gb Williams
gb Potty
nl wra1th
se Crisless
no shiiim
lt reVe
gb w3st
be shugga
fr $!moon
fr Actarius
fr Kartez
be DDS
fr Aniki
19.05.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FuSWilliam (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 5972
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
fr #NerdVibes ETTV 2
By: VrgL (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gl williams and fagalag :)
ty markison! im playing if i can get my internet to work :(
gl wck !! ^^
gl fagies <3
gl shiiim ,Potty,Williams,w3st ...
omg shiim & west !
You have € 100 on be WcK
You won € 445
2izi i said it =)
was close @ grush ! We lost for 2 fuckin' second ! :D
gl fags
thats sucks that u lost ur internet williams i hope everything works out :)
GL KARTEZZ !! & reVe
thanks :-D
hf Tuesday @ 1on1 ;D
Have fun
gl wck !
gl david <3
w3st and potty gl - never new u went to the dark side!
oh yeah and hi williams ;)
gog fglg ;]
gl cris and wra1th :)
gl reve and potty :D and Kartez OFC!
thx m8 :) we're both banned @ cf :Dd i made the journal too :DD
you made a journal while you are banned? :<
and me? omfg

Gl Shugga et Julien <3
Jolie galette sur youtube !
Héhé, tu es impressioné par mon talent, ça se voit ^^ Viens une fois en Belgique, tu verras ce que c'est ;-)
gl williams!! and west all e money on you guys :P <3
You have € -42.14

?? :-O
I cant play this match internet has died and wont be online maybe for a few weeks :( but west be playing insted of me :) gl goooo fagalag!
you keep saying that since our old fus :D why not change provider ?
ah well w3st is good ingame leader so dont worry
i have get new internet provider on the 28th of this month. And hopefuly old internet on the 22nd :)
Gl Acta & Aniki :D
gl fagalag
gl fags
Shiim will do it!
ez 4 shiim
gogo reve
gogo lvSponGe_

Gl les Wck ;)
Simone <3
gl fags
Lol potty and w3st what are you playing with that fag of a williams:P!

Jeez think about your reputation:D:P!
lol who the fuck are you m8? get life
i have a life... more then you do... so np for me;)!

And let me just have my own opinion ok;)
Since i leave in a free country now get lost you gay twat
(mister that thinks he is god... cause he owns a vent and a server:P)!
reVeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D!
You have € 200 on fglg
Possible win: € 242

GL w3st =) & potty !

& DDS bcs u are old TLS :)
Potty isn't Signum ?! ... OH WAIT!

GL wCK belhuji cheats so izi win :p <3
Gl simoone et Kartez! :D
merci mangeur de mitraillette xD
gl shimmeh!
Gl izi 4 KARTEZ
izizi skilldr0p
thx ;p
anyway , gl cris & reve np4you guys
np 4 criss not me i suck atm...
Gl w3st <3
You have € 35 on be WcK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 209.65
J'en met un peu plus on sait jamais
You have € 72 on be WcK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 418.32
gl Aniki heheh ;)
wra1th <3 gl man!

and hf potty :D
Danke all! Should be a nice game, first time playing for fglg for me, hope all goes well :D hf both!
Easy for fagalag ;D
zizi ;D
Salut Melon-man
salut à toi le grand-bo-parleur-derriere-son-pc-"man" :D
On aimerait bien voir ca en lan
Bah toi ton skill ne grossit pas tout court, :-D

edit: j'arrete de répondre, c'est useless, puis on dirait des gamins ;p
Gl micka et ani :)
simoon prend toi une branlée + sous le bus

gl aux autres wck sinon ^^
forgot to bet :(
gg wp lads
4-2 wck
Well played
wp bartez kartez
hehe dommage t'a pas parié ;p
Bah le match HB contre accurate a été annulé :x j'ai pas pu remiser a temps
You have € 30 on be WcK
You won € 133.5

:DDD wp simone ^^
what a suprise wili ...:o
gg wck :)
potty & w3st -_-
good job fagalag
money lost
:( unlucky guys we will win league im back soooon :P
yo dude, no offence but you kinda suck man.. low+ max & chaoticly screaming on vent when something goes wrong because you cant aim..
i remember you said this to me and my teammates:

"i was leader of the best 2.56 clan"

gg kartez & teamm8's :)