Descent vs Cortana (7323 views)

us aRiZona
ca Anim
is Phyzic
hr Calisto
hr suVi
hr Frozz
ETProLeague $300 Tournament Losers Bracket

us Descent vs hr Cortana
21.05.09 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: etproleague
Manager: aRiZona59 (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 17847
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Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de eX|ETTV.1'
By: Xenofreak (ettvd)
de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 47


lol nice time -_-
3:00 AM ? SO FUCKING LAME! No lives :p
gl descent
oops, fixed time : )
gl suvi
eu or usa server?
gl anim! :D
Gl Cortana
vandræðalegt að eiga ekki mappið en þið skiljið þetta ekki heimsku utlendingar
4:0 to descent
lol its too funny to watch xDDd
dunno who on the descent team is more obv :DD

You have € 2500 on des.
Possible win: € 5425
You have € 192 on des.
You won € 416.64
the thing that bothered me most, is that I had to SK 2 secs earlier, mmm
like i didnt have to do the same?
U're hackers + u're admins + u've got srvr privilege, I guess u just wanna win this so damn hard, but u gotta understand nobody gives a rats ass about this fail league.
Where are my ET binds when I need them? larky, I need your help on this one! I can't handle it alone.
gnajda also had some of my sayings quoted
well you call everybody hacker, even lan winners n stuff :)
wow phyzic got a ban for ot_logo, how amazing is that. theyre admins yeah, have you seen the comments about the "adminning" from previous season? all positive. besides the NA ones ok, but they dont like arizona over there :D. dont freaking whine about the servers, you know you had to play there when you signed up. so you fucking lost and get over it
yo dawg i heard u like americans so we put some americans in your whine while u eat american hamburgers
yo dawg another idiot talking about something he doesn't know anything about. take a shower.
i do know that your buddy anim is playing ETL with a banned cheater + cup admin lets him and wanted to join even himself :)
nice friends. got nothing to add.
hmmmm anim doesnt play etl with a banned cheater???? etl bans for any trace of hacking.... Yes this league "EPL" is quite shitty because kardon runs it and he's a fucking moron and he has been caught hacking before. Yet again if you don't like the rules choose not to play in the cup.
the guy were talking about is from iceland?
Well, then if i get kicked for ot_logo i can cheat freely after that ? thanks dood.
its a random command, it wont do anything for you
GOTTA say though that its losers bracket ;)
You have € 16 on us des.
You won € 34.72
And spec suVi?! NEVER
etproleague =! cb x] phyzic is banned for ot_logo, makes him very suspicious doesnt it? and wow anim is banned for 'smurfing' dont know tho if hes unbanned already :D
hmm im sure ive ot_logo on his page :D

well since you seem to edit alot:

"Description Cvar ot_logo = 1"

so stop crying

and nice deleting :[
ye banned for ot_logo wich is a cvar not a cheat ,and the old ban is 3 years old for some publick fuckup but nvm bust me again after this ban expires if you rly think im hacking nub-...
Either you hack or you are just stupid enough to "test" cvars that you never heard of.

either way, die in a car fire
zak- had it 2, he raged enlanged..
Still doesn't change the fact you can cheat online
+1 !

Goh nu voel ik me zo een van die mensen van die crossfire meetings up collegehumor
easy thug im scared..
why did you comment that on me?
look again, he commented that on fi Palikka
I got a message, that he did it to me... so look:XD
yeah new gamestv setting i guess, had the same :D
no the msg was that there was a new comment in the thread you were active :D
Lol does it matter who won or who lost the winner is going to play the number 1 seed of the winners bracket and get destroyed.
nice faill cortana :s
cheaters always win
suvi :<
shit happens, laggy server, laggy opponents, just watch the game and see, i couldnt even give a headshot during warmup while they were standing still :D
why didnt you shoot bodyshots
anim brah! <3
Let me lay down some information about Phyzic. He was caught with nexus.pk3 two years ago, he tried a hack, ok he did his time and what not. Ot_logo 1.5 years ago, my league is like ETL, we don't ban for cvars, and even if we did it's over 1 year old. However, phyzic is suspended on clanbase. The only reason that he is suspended on clanbase now is that none of the admins had suspended him when he was linked to ot_logo at that time 1.5 years ago. He is suspended now cause there was a hiccup in the admining of clanbase, and I am not going to ban him from my league because of a overlook in another league. He was caught two years ago for nexus, that was his last offense, which means he is eligible for etproleague which has a one year policy.
omfg, i really have to make those avis (vs Order-Gaming) where he stopped hiding it in the delivery and tracking like 10 times trough the wall and he's clearly moving FOR the opponent behind the wall (even like from 50m away oppo). i though u will get this with a your own clear head, i was wrong : [
then make those avis
i think you're just mad cause you're bad. avis please
i'll make them tonight np
He's a cheater as well, what do you expect...
gottaloveamericans :D and yench make thouse avis plz and then wait till 03 of june and bust me ploxxxxx
haha vá hvað þetta er snilldar chatbox herna :D
allgjör snilld xD hehe
Suvi Suvi ;) Power rtd:-p
;P nothing :-)