ButtonBashers vs myRevenge e.V. ET Germany (10746 views)

lv Clown
es Winghaven
it XyLoS
fi matias
fi lettu
fi olbaa
be mAus
de Fendah
de Shine
de Exz^
de Kekz
at Max
at joeyy
de Nero
04.06.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series IV
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Sn4kE (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 58048
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
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By: rio_
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Language: Italian
us rew2et.es -50Slots
By: Hitch
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Language: spanish

Total Slots: 100
Listener Peak: 4

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #2
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)

de [www.sHiZo.eu] - ETTV 2
By: sHiZo (ettvd)

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By: Saeufer (ettvd)
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By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#2?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
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de ISIgame.net#tv1 - isigame.net
By: rio_ (ettvd)

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de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fr Titef TV 2 #Volting
By: Titef (ettvd)
By: m1st3r (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 172


Lineup myRevenge:

de Fendah
de Shine
de Exz^
de Kekz
at joeyy
at Max
de Nero
hf & gl
gl fi olBaa<3
izi for fins
izi 4 BB

but enjoy this match myR
You have € 6 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 552.96


You have € 10 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1000

gl myR'
gl both myR enjoy it :) macht sie fertig

You have € 100 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 4239
You have € 30 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1068.9

too izi 4 myrevenge ;)
:D sag ich bloss ^^

You have € 2243 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 8119.66
i would rly cancel that lool
Fenda <3
shine sie haben skill und cheaten nich trust me !
Hoffe es wird ein gutes und spaßiges match....
shine hats geregelt. * You were kicked from #3on3.et by EuroGL (Banned (*.eurogl.com (Bad user (You have been globally banned))
* You were kicked from #6on6.et by EuroGL (Banned (*.eurogl.com (Bad user (You have been globally banned))
* You were kicked from #et.merc by EuroGL (Banned (*.eurogl.com (Bad user (You have been globally banned))
hast gegen ihn gewonnen oder was?
ne er mein ich cheate halt also gewinnen gegen ihn is ja nicht schwer weiße aber naja er is halt der king
Seiner Meinung nach bin ich auch am cheaten . :DD
das gefühl kenn ich xD
Spam hier nicht alles voll mit deinem Müll...
Gegen ihn gewinnen, haben wir ja gesehen.
he! er hat selbst mich mal wegen angeblichen cheatens gebannt und DAS würd mir nun echt zu denken geben!
lol, wasn armutszeugnis :_D
Was willst du eigentlich?
Hast du irgendwelche probleme oder flamest du uns einfach nur jedesmal aus persönlicher Triebbefriedigung an?
ja, vorhautverengung. halp!
Du bist wirklich zu viel im Internet.
ok, danke für deinen input
rofl, I've had exactly the same... Just cant believe how this guy still thinks that everyone who owns him is a cheater (I mean is he braindamaged or what, dont people think about stuff like that? :s)
Also kinda sad that people like him have so much power in a community like this ;/

I always tell my mates to pick a random nick when we're playing vs them, less chance to get banned! (cuz we're owning them everytime :P)
well if u can change with linux in less then 5 mins ur Pb stuff and can even use detected ETH shine is totally right , just u noobs dont get it

still, he just randomly accuses people and kicks them from the channel after it, he did that to me too and I'm 100% sure I'm not cheating.
shine bans everyone that's a news xDD
go wing
go bb!!
bb might struggle with this one
gl myR IZI :DDDD
Where is mAus?
they dont need maus for weak opponents
izi bash is incoming
izi bash 4 fenda !
izi 4 fenda keks and nero

buttonbashers luger only
du bist mein held... xD

ich dich auch mein kleiner
gl myR hf bb
mAus wont play... he told me that he is afraid... joeyy>mAus, sry
You have € 15 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 374.1

all my money :D
no mAus, no commentcombo's.
way too easy for myR
izi 4 BB
way to easy for bb that it's not even worth watching.
but not so easy to play vs system6...^^
rofl, would've bashed you without bug, anyway feel free for a rematch :)!
yeah more than 1 min on the clock and u noobs cant push the button
You have € 1 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 37.87

You have € 5 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 188.6

wehe myR, wehe!
bla bla bla gl someone , have fun
dude it is gonna be played at 6pm cet ...
You have € 250 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 6800
I<3myR gogogo no nero no win :(
You have € 10 on myR
Possible win: € 275

Gl :d
gl myr, you will need it...

You have € 490 on bb
bb watch out if you win, you'll get banned from 3on3.et
You have € 5000 on eu bb Cancel bet
Possible win: € 5100

no mAus :(
gl buttonbashers
gl myR, but u will need your secret keyplayer :O)
sorry, bbq tonight, cant play...
ich glaub ,der meinte mich :D
ohne genshi ist myR NIX"!

Gl Kekz<3
vllt ,vlllt auch nicht ^^
Ja ja wie kommt ihr immer auf so
Einen Müll !!
MyR war noch nie besser ! Als zu Zeit!

laberst du ein müll.. unglaublich... XO
gogogo XyLoS
yeah, mAus :P

Get Ross and Toxic again xD
You have € 4000 on de myR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 39720
5€ on BB

Gl & HF Both
i hope myR dont even get out of the spawn
we wont.
i hope u noobs like Ray get busted , whos that wnb ?
teams like u are making me sick...
EDIT: ray is ray, official ESL nick
teams like u makes me sick DITO
use busted hackers in EMS fucking cheaterlovers
you should rly look after what theyre beeing busted for, ot_logo is so serious
it was lavod I guess?
well, no chance.
funny match.. :=)
You have € 5 on myR
You lost

You have € 15 on de myR
You lost

grrr :D
awaiting protest