Valkyrie #StopNPlay vs (7944 views)

ET SW OpenCup Spring 2009 Fourth League Final.
15.06.09 21:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009 | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: GLH-Candyman |
![]() Language: Portuguese |
Total Slots: 150
Listener Peak: 15
Listener Peak: 15
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![]() By: Saeufer (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: andyF1 (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: w0nd3r (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: Titef (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: shadz (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 48
Viewer Peak: 48

Gl ladies ><
vai ser um jogo dificil e renhido
e: hard match
e: hard match
siempre igual xD
ja sabes haha <33 meu pichel
You have 3000 on Val
Possible win: 4740
Mas os vale ganar -.-´
Possible win: 4740
Mas os vale ganar -.-´
aprende a falar português se queres ser bem-parecido
gonna be close match! :)
fanatics lineup:
fanatics lineup:

boa sorte :)
TAÇA E NOSSA!!!!!!!!!!
"Fourth League" not in bold, wonder why :d
ja ganharam. muita sorte amigos e parabens pela continuidade dum bom trabalho (2º lugar ano passado) (1º este ano :P)
go valk
go valk
GL fntx :D
easy 4 et.Fanatics !
Gl fNtx ^^
Hf Dewu :)
dzieki :)
GL Fanatics
You have 55 on pl fNtx Cancel bet
Possible win: 331.1
Possible win: 331.1
gl valkyrie!!!
krypto,reAvr <3
krypto,reAvr <3
izi noras :-)
Niech ktos nagrywa komentarz, ciekawe jak bedzie wymawial nasze nicki :DD

th0rdis <3
gl nORAs
2nd ..
gl nORAssss
gl nORAssss
Gl noras
gl noooooras
gl nORAs
gl nORAs!
gl nOras
Gl noras !! karaj tam !
gl noras (i understand now thordis xD)
c-c-c-combo breaker !
someone had to say it!
gl nor-ass!
dokladnie to samo napisalem jak thordis mnie poprosil o dopisanie lancuszka a potem kazal to zmienic :< tak wiem, cool story bro
cool story bro
is it possible ?! :o i didnt comment it :o have to change it !
sooo... reAvr silver WhT krypto uTk nomearod havefun with polish randoms :D
sooo... reAvr silver WhT krypto uTk nomearod havefun with polish randoms :D
thanks mate <3
siemka goldzik!
who the fuck are you ?! : D
ale tak czy siak siema milo cie znowu widziec :D
jak cos to dzwon 0-700-...
ale tak czy siak siema milo cie znowu widziec :D
jak cos to dzwon 0-700-...
no dzwonie bezustannie, mialem kiedys nick pentel :)
:o lol siema :DDD to wejdz na #valkyrie albo to pogadamy ^^

yes its me... shiny and lustrous : DDD
: ***
: ***
hf nORAS, thordis and otherrs
Gl fanatycy
GL Th0rdis & nORAS ;)
Valkyrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OFC! GL BOYS!
It's not bad to lose vs winners of OC :)

The power of Valkyrie will be with you ;P :D
It's not bad to lose vs winners of OC :)

The power of Valkyrie will be with you ;P :D
You have 34 on pl fNtx Cancel bet
Possible win: 145.18
dobry kurs macie wygrac:)
Possible win: 145.18
dobry kurs macie wygrac:)
You have 1575 on pt Val Cancel bet
Possible win: 2016
Possible win: 2016
fdz ganhas 500 salario de um mes
gl dewuteje (:
gl valk
gl et.Fanatics :]
good luck nomearod :> :DDDD
GL&HF Valkyrie :)
kryptoZORD <3
cantem o hino no warmup que da sorte pessoal, BOA SORTE =D
cantem o hino no warmup que da sorte pessoal, BOA SORTE =D
GL for whole Fanatics squad :)
izi for fNtx!
izi for fNtx!
would be if tedziu, thordis and matys had decent ping :( perhaps excuses, but still, last time we played offi with them, it was civilised server and we were 4 seconds from winning it 4-0.
ohhhh hug me pleeeeaseeeeeee :D
ohhhh hug me pleeeeaseeeeeee :D
<hug> :D
silver pocal is not that bad, congratz! :)
silver pocal is not that bad, congratz! :)
yes i've collected pocals from 5, 4, 3 leagues of OC :D
gl biatches
gl valkyrie
danke dominik! :)
No sN1e no win xD !!
bede mial jak zwykle lowest dmg :D
gl krypto, shinigami, reaver, nomearod
É que ja ganharam imo! =)
gl tugas
gl krypt and nomearod<3
dewu zniszczenia niszcz
oh 4:0 for Valk what a surprise !!!
tbh it was, after our last clash :)
imo it wasnt :o Valk just had to win it
gg for valkyrie :D
You have 7974 on pt Val
Possible win: 10206.72
Possible win: 10206.72
LOL he request a uk server thats all, should be good for both sides. but it is true shadz is not here atm. ah and thanks for the ban on your irc channel
sooo ur whining about having 80 ping? LOLd m8
get a better excuse imo...
sometimes is better to accept the defeat without saying stupid things... we r just better m8. 2 victories agaisnt u guys.. this only prove we r better.
practise harder maybe next time u will become victorious.
better luck next time.
get a better excuse imo...
sometimes is better to accept the defeat without saying stupid things... we r just better m8. 2 victories agaisnt u guys.. this only prove we r better.
practise harder maybe next time u will become victorious.
better luck next time.
ofc m8 ofc just admit defeat and stfu...asking demos now? :DDDdddddddddddd
m8 u must be stressed, what a bad losing guy... wtv
m8 u must be stressed, what a bad losing guy... wtv
first one was pure lotto, 4-2 and at second map we needed 4 seconds to finish it 4-0 for us.
this time, its not about 88 average ping and yours 55. its about 3 of our players having 100 plus warps while me and 45 lowered the average having 50 ping.
anyways, i didnt expect fanatics to finish that well, joined them recently, so we're kinda happy of the outcome of the tournament, just its a shame the final couldnt be played fairly.
i just wonder if you would rest silently if the situation was turned 180 degrees with pings which i doubt.
nonetheless its always the winner who has a monopol for being right and you have won and as long it was clean - then it was deserved win for you. gl for future and have fun with your pocals, we'll try to have one with our pocals :)
this time, its not about 88 average ping and yours 55. its about 3 of our players having 100 plus warps while me and 45 lowered the average having 50 ping.
anyways, i didnt expect fanatics to finish that well, joined them recently, so we're kinda happy of the outcome of the tournament, just its a shame the final couldnt be played fairly.
i just wonder if you would rest silently if the situation was turned 180 degrees with pings which i doubt.
nonetheless its always the winner who has a monopol for being right and you have won and as long it was clean - then it was deserved win for you. gl for future and have fun with your pocals, we'll try to have one with our pocals :)
2 guys had ping of 100 not plus and it lowered, other had good pings, average pings were 60-80, its more than fair dont use this excuses...
gl in the future anyway
gl in the future anyway
u should play on german server ...
the pings were perfectly fair, even the CB referee said so, the whine about pings is completly bullshit
perfectly fair. simply perfectly.
szczurek mainly said that we just dont have another server choice (which was bullshit) and still he is only CB ref, so bringing his opinion upon whether pings were fair or not is stupid. the rules of cb clearly shows when pings are not fair, too bad you and him failed to play by these rules.
dw - over 50 - over 60
fourtyfive - over 50 - over 60
noras - over 60 - over 70
matys - 100 (and over)
tedziu - 98 (and over 100)
thordis - 98 (and over 100)
you? everybody except reavr (that had 80) had less than 60.
perfectly fair? without inventing a new philosophical theory to back this sentence up you are loooking like an idiot while saying that.
you won but its stupid to still repeat that pings were fair, rly.
szczurek mainly said that we just dont have another server choice (which was bullshit) and still he is only CB ref, so bringing his opinion upon whether pings were fair or not is stupid. the rules of cb clearly shows when pings are not fair, too bad you and him failed to play by these rules.
dw - over 50 - over 60
fourtyfive - over 50 - over 60
noras - over 60 - over 70
matys - 100 (and over)
tedziu - 98 (and over 100)
thordis - 98 (and over 100)
you? everybody except reavr (that had 80) had less than 60.
perfectly fair? without inventing a new philosophical theory to back this sentence up you are loooking like an idiot while saying that.
you won but its stupid to still repeat that pings were fair, rly.
do the math your ping average was 81, our was 61, omg what a diference, dunno whats the point of whining about ping when you have 98 and below its kinda lame, btw if you want to do a match in a server where our average ping is 20 more(omg omg omg) pm on irc cause im pretty sure the outcome would be the same,and nice calling me stupid, that and the ban from your channel just show how mature you are... i had a good impression of you before this, but now i see how you really are. GL next time and keep blaming everything but yourselves cus thats the best way
60 and 100 hmm its different
anyway its european cup (center of europe is in germany no in uk)
anyway its european cup (center of europe is in germany no in uk)
lol your average was not 100 if you look at that like that the pings were 80-100 still only 20 of diference, its was gamestv server if you had ger serv with ettv we would not mind playing there
i have nothing to do with irc
and you seem rly not to be able to understand what is the problem. HALF OF OUR TEAM had 100 ping, thus was excluded from playing decently, while you all had playable ping.
WE USED AVERAGE PING issue to force playing on different server, which you refused, showing how fair you guys are. as long as i had good opinion about you before, now you compromised it by your actions.
we have already played a match without ping issues against you and guess what - you were luckily saved from losing it 0-4.
Doesnt mean we would surely win, but the match would be fucking close and you knew it, thats why you refused changing gtv server. Thanks, fairplay prize goes to you this year.
About calling you stupid, I could easily find worse name for someone who is saying the pings were perfectly fair...
and you seem rly not to be able to understand what is the problem. HALF OF OUR TEAM had 100 ping, thus was excluded from playing decently, while you all had playable ping.
WE USED AVERAGE PING issue to force playing on different server, which you refused, showing how fair you guys are. as long as i had good opinion about you before, now you compromised it by your actions.
we have already played a match without ping issues against you and guess what - you were luckily saved from losing it 0-4.
Doesnt mean we would surely win, but the match would be fucking close and you knew it, thats why you refused changing gtv server. Thanks, fairplay prize goes to you this year.
About calling you stupid, I could easily find worse name for someone who is saying the pings were perfectly fair...
oh w8 but we won 4-2, 100 ping is not a bad ping for me but oke
oh plz, you had two players with 98/100 ping wich is very much playable, the match you played vs us before was won by us 4-2(and we were not praccing at the time), only because we were not ready for battery, if we were it would probably be 4-0 for us, you had no valid alternative concerning server, and we did not want to play wihout ettv, PLZ STOP ACTING AS YOU HAD UNPLAYABLE PING and try to be more mature
Truck has already passed the mg at 1st allies spawn when time ended. 3-4 seconds and it would be 4-0 for us. But let's forget this match, it was groupstage, noone cares.
Ping 98 isn't playable on gtv servers, sorry, but it was warping all the time.
I still don't get it, why you were refusing to change a server where pings would be fair (70 for everyone). Thats the way you want to win? Yes?
Ping 98 isn't playable on gtv servers, sorry, but it was warping all the time.
I still don't get it, why you were refusing to change a server where pings would be fair (70 for everyone). Thats the way you want to win? Yes?
we were refusing cause you had no server with ettv support, and nice pic btw im pretty sure i can get a pic where our average ping was same as yours, why not a pic at supply? seing as it was first map
there were plenty of other gtv servers, only needed to switch @ gtv page, but he "went on vacations"!
three players.
warping 100 is not playable at normal level.
we didnt pracc at all for that groupmatch, too.
we werent ready for delivery (like you for battery, which leaves us with lotto ending goldrush).
didnt say you lost that game but you would lose if you weren't lucky.
we only needed to change gtv warserver @ gtv page, but you said the guy who requested broadcast went on vacations - obvious lack of will of changing the server.
the only immature people here are you with all those smileys after the match and being stuck with your perfectly fair pings.
warping 100 is not playable at normal level.
we didnt pracc at all for that groupmatch, too.
we werent ready for delivery (like you for battery, which leaves us with lotto ending goldrush).
didnt say you lost that game but you would lose if you weren't lucky.
we only needed to change gtv warserver @ gtv page, but you said the guy who requested broadcast went on vacations - obvious lack of will of changing the server.
the only immature people here are you with all those smileys after the match and being stuck with your perfectly fair pings.

HORRIBLE HORRIBLE PINGS OMG ITS TOTALY UNPLAYABLE, plz im done arguing keep telling yourselves you could have won with other pings, thats the mature thing to do
thats one of lower pings of thordis, he had 100 as well.
btw your pings look very nice.
it could have been fair match with other pings.
keep denying it, thats the mature thing to do.
btw your pings look very nice.
it could have been fair match with other pings.
keep denying it, thats the mature thing to do.
ye ye you had really really bad pings, even japan guys couldnt have worse than you, really i dont care tell yourself whatever you want
very mature perfectly fair?:DD
1 second was that oh.. :/
ohhh u hv erased the coments... good for u.
expected. gj krypto :O<3
thanks flriiii puta <3
zomg I didn't watch, was studying for an exam :( grats Valk!