[*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe vs System6 Gaming (5437 views)

Semifinal of 2nd OC league
14.06.09 21:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Spring 2009 | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Radar | |
Supply | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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![]() By: Santa-Claus (ettvd) |
ettv.ssx-netteam.cz:29001 |
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![]() By: sHiZo (ettvd) |
ettv.shizo.eu:27003 |
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![]() By: Saeufer (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: andyF1 (ettvd) |
andyf1.servegame.com:29001 |
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![]() By: DeVito (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: w0nd3r (ettvd) |
ettv.evil-hannie.eu:27980 |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 77
Viewer Peak: 77

gl trix en zeno!
gl Catcher :>
You have 1433 on [*EU*]
Possible win: 2493.42
Possible win: 2493.42
Favorites for me from the start were EU, System6 and iNmotion.
Giving EU the most chances, also because of Homer his admin horror! (:p)
GL to your team Homer and hf Trixor+Qismo :)
Giving EU the most chances, also because of Homer his admin horror! (:p)
GL to your team Homer and hf Trixor+Qismo :)
EU is a weak team, system6 should have any difficulty bashing them. Unless Homer does some magic stuff.
your team won 4-2 but... EU play in semifinals :d?
stfu EU is a fail team
stfu cheater
nC np for me
Well, they had [CBlol] Homer, so the result wasnt that important for him.
Although I don't like you, I have to say that Homer is playing a dirty game in this OC.
if dirty means playing by the rules, then yes, hes extremley dirty!
I hope Kaizer already changed his guid. Atleast we weren't so kiddy to not allow him
do u mean : trying to play with a wrong pb guid stkz ?
Or do u mean getting us forfeit because we bashed u ?
Or do u mean getting us forfeit because we bashed u ?
and you are?
playing by the rules =! abusing the rules to win because you dont have the skill to win the match in a fair way, got it ?
says the one who wouldn't let me play because of the wrong guid? would have loved to play against u nerds, trust me :D
Checking guids isnt abusing the rules. You would have done the same. But w/e, you got bashed, your semifinal doesnt worth a dogshit, be proud mate.
1. your a busted cheater
2. i didn't play so stop telling me i got bashed
3. you really really need to learn english so that you can construct a proper sentence
2. i didn't play so stop telling me i got bashed
3. you really really need to learn english so that you can construct a proper sentence
U won't have any honour if u win this cup, by the way nice work clan(dumb)base
You dont have any honour already by playing with boumbo and manix so pls
Your answer shows the poverty of your argumentation. Lets talk (well, assuming that you may be able to say something correct) in french then, we'll see if you will still be this confident.
ps: i lol'd @ you whining about cheats, douchebag.
ps: i lol'd @ you whining about cheats, douchebag.
when did i whine about cheats? i stated a fact, that you're a busted hacker, along with other clan mates. and why would i want to try and speak french? english is a worldwide language and spoken universally, therefore i shouldn't need to, and don't intend to. and what ignus said, u think u can talk about honour? i think u lost every last bit of your own when u decided to cheat ):
YOU whining about cheats is really funny :D + your point about english doesnt make sense since you didnt get my point.
Now stop answering/spamming your shit and go pracc for your offi. If your team plays like they did against us you have a lot to do.
Now stop answering/spamming your shit and go pracc for your offi. If your team plays like they did against us you have a lot to do.
like i said, i'm not whining about cheating, i'm stating a fact that you're a busted hacker, unless you'd like to try and deny it? and you're the one missing the point, you clearly can't seem to respond with a legit come back. I've had enough of trying to explain to retards why they are the way they are :(
mais il c passé quoi ds ce match?
On les a battu, ils ont demandé de manière très "discrète" des demos sur le serv juste avant que tout le monde déco.
Dans le doute d'une réclamation (connaissant le grand Homer) on est resté sur le channel irc CB du match si jamais ils voulaient discuter.
Ils ont tous quitté le chan, attendu bien la règle des 48h avant de rentrer directement (Homer étant admin) le resultat en leur faveur sur CB en disant que nous ne leur avions pas fourni les démos.
Une fois qu'on a appris ça, on a uploadé de suite les démos (et bon y'avait le ETTV+un replay donc c'était vraiment pour dire de gagner par forfait) mais ils ne voulaient rien entendre.
Bref, tout ça pour dire qu'on a pas fait preuve de mauvaise foi mais que eux si. Enfin bon, on peut pas vraiment leur en vouloir compte tenu de notre "passé", mais ça reste une demi-finale qu'ils n'ont pas mérité.
Dans le doute d'une réclamation (connaissant le grand Homer) on est resté sur le channel irc CB du match si jamais ils voulaient discuter.
Ils ont tous quitté le chan, attendu bien la règle des 48h avant de rentrer directement (Homer étant admin) le resultat en leur faveur sur CB en disant que nous ne leur avions pas fourni les démos.
Une fois qu'on a appris ça, on a uploadé de suite les démos (et bon y'avait le ETTV+un replay donc c'était vraiment pour dire de gagner par forfait) mais ils ne voulaient rien entendre.
Bref, tout ça pour dire qu'on a pas fait preuve de mauvaise foi mais que eux si. Enfin bon, on peut pas vraiment leur en vouloir compte tenu de notre "passé", mais ça reste une demi-finale qu'ils n'ont pas mérité.
ce st des putains noobs :/
Oui :-(
"i think u lost every last bit of your own when u decided to cheat"
why don't you say the same about appleboy and wardy then?
why don't you say the same about appleboy and wardy then?
because they didn't use theirs, believe what u will.
stkz and rules :D:D:D:D:D
first you was angry and you whining @ my team because before game vs you we checked guids 92 times) and now what we have? You do the same as we :D:D:D
first you was angry and you whining @ my team because before game vs you we checked guids 92 times) and now what we have? You do the same as we :D:D:D
me? no.
no kirark, no win.
gib pisdi sts :)
:D kane4no
gl system6 !
gl trix
gl stkz u arse
gL stKz en kaiZer :DD
gl s6
gl eu
another chance for u 2 lose me my gbooky money again stkz. <3
EU will win by a magic forfeit as usual...
GL stkz <3
gl ? & stKz !
phille ?? gl s6 !
Gl EU bash these noobs!
thx my dear:P
gl stKz,catcher & sts
go catcher :D
izi 4 Trixor :) GL
easy 4 ? :) GL
gl EU :)
thx, nice to see that there are still a few left liking (some of) us:P
gl stKz you cunt
gl cAtchEr
GL Trix en resta
You have 100 on [*EU*]
Possible win: 140
faal maar eens hard boys ! :P
Possible win: 140
faal maar eens hard boys ! :P
u will lose everything :D
gl stKz & system6
will be interesting cuz I´m back :D
gl catcher
easy for system6, only stkz poons in eu!
gl sts (;
gl stkz <3
GL stokezzz
You have 150 on [*EU*]
Possible win: 217.5
dont you fail again on me by not playing ;-)
You have 150 on [*EU*]
Possible win: 217.5
dont you fail again on me by not playing ;-)
Let's hope stKz fails!
:((( hater
gl Rezta
hf rezta
hf ronald.
gl stkz m8 <3
izi for [*EU*]United Soldier
gl catcher und ssap
gl catcher und ssap
stokezz will bash it izi
gl ketchup
gj EU
gl in finals
thx, was a nice game
I think u must be rly proud mister sonofabitch !
Where demos uploaded here ?
Where demos uploaded here ?
They aren't a clan which shouldn't be playing in OC so no need to request a demo
I agree on the fact that we shouldnt play OC in the same division as your noob clan.
Anyway, a cup run by guys like you cant be anything but a failure.
Stand your ground in the final dood.
Anyway, a cup run by guys like you cant be anything but a failure.
Stand your ground in the final dood.
we had an ettv against you aswell.
just watch the match, and see how our actual lineup plays.. get over your grudge kid
I'd rather watch a Middlesbroug match on the cable than speccing your match. Get over it and stop replying.
on the cable? and i am over it, your the one who keeps commenting on our matches here.. its all on u
My interventions were just to warn your opponents.
to warn them? rofl
shut the fuck up noob, ur team plays like fucking lows it has been revealed against us and it can't be anything else.
You won them 4-2 with Homer who is low+ max gratz skilled team :DD
don't know you. don't want to. and i never played in that match, so gratz!
lol fag wtf rofl noob hahaha
You have 2 on be system6
You lost
wp :(
You lost
wp :(
Nerds got rolled and nerds will be rolled in final.