Attention vs neVerminds (6450 views)

fr seNtehj
be xAe
de znArk
fi devix
fi Good
ee xrifZ :)
be canni
pl pius
pl despero
pl mirejdz
pl szyker
pl viC
pl sould
pl worm
13.06.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: piuskoxd (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 27086
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de [] - ETTV 1
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fr Titef TV 1 #Volting
By: Titef (ettvd)
By: shadz (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 60


1st :!!D
hf sould :*
gl frauwe,xrifZ ..hf Attention !
imo nvm > att <3 GL FRIENDS :*
gl znark & sentehj

Un grand sage à dit : " always bet on cheater"
Ok mais ceux de quels team?? :x
ce vieux sage c'etait pas pleidrun?
gl pius =]
easy att

gl =)
gl neVerminds
no gl piusko ;***
gtfo xrifz devix & good no gl
gl nvm :)
hf canni <3
gl devix xriff :)
gl despero
gl canni^^
nvm :D :D gl guyz
nvm > att
GL xRifz ;)
<nvm`pius`sad> we are surely underdogs but we will give our best.
<nvm`mirejdz> i think i will be man of the match gl.
<nvm`pius`sad> i'm sad because we dont have any tax yet.
xD fake log's xDDD

21:31 FatOFF`xrifZ •
21:31 FatOFF`xrifZ • check
gl Canny
saturday 21:30.. plz get rl life
haha fischu xD dobre random pic XD
sokl Friday, 12th June 2009 21:50

jestes patalachem, pozdrawiam.
nie ma to jak komenty w piątek o 22 na gtv napierdalać nie real life dude?
what is rl life? Reallifelife?
Ja pierdole. odkad nie grasz w et to w kazdym mozliwym miejscu (gtv, etowned) jedziesz po ludziach grajacych jeszcze w te gre ze sa nolifami, tak jakbys ty jeszcze kilka miesiecy temu nie gral z nami trenow w sobote o tej godzinie.
wiesz mialem mu napisac co nieco jak on kiedys siedzial 7/24 i gral tylko itp, ale szkoda czasu na takich jak on bo on teraz jest lepszy od nas!
sokl Friday, 12th June 2009 21:50
hahaha, oh the irony :DDDDDDd
paradox istnienia.
hf gl fi Good =) u know me ?
I think not :/
I dont remember LOL , but thanks to you anyway =)
gl frauwe ;d
gl neVerminds, xrifz, devix ( for 2on2 all the time ), sentehj which denies hes not in my fanclub
gl neVerminds :P Pius nie strejfuj tak mocno bo Ci piety wypierdoli :DDD
easy for znark <3
You have € 113 on Att
Possible win: € 273.46
Cisy ^^, gl nVm!
gl Good <3
hf viC
gl Good and xrifz <3
You have € 55 on ee Att Cancel bet
Possible win: € 102.85

<3 : sentej, good, frauwe, xrifz. :)

jvous aimes sur la bouche
gl hf attention (:
should be EASY bash for the polaks
no goatze no win
attention@cultrual diversity :P
gl nVm dacie rade XDDDDDDDDD
gl Despero ;)
HF seNthej <33
gL Devix :D
Devix tullu takas :D gl
HF nvm :)
gl znArk :)
worm nie moze grac :( wiec do poniedzialku jeszcze nie zagra :( ale moge Cie zapewnic ze jest w lepszej formie niz wczesniej ;-)
Go znArkiii bitch ! <3
devix not playing, hes going to some "gay-festarit" !
gl andy
HF hitting them... xD
You have € 60 on ee Att Cancel bet
Possible win: € 144.6

sentej si ta pas envi de te faire engueuler sur xfire. WIN !!!!
gl Frauwe
Despero darling, gl <3
Frauwe, eind juni kom ik voor een paar dagen naar oostende. Kwil uw beste gerecht eens eten eh ;p
eind juni heb ik verlof :D miss kank wel is naar oostende kome dan :)
Of ik kom eens naar westende gelopen ;)
gl znark and andy
ez for att
GL znArk &nd rest
neVerminds !!!
gl znark :)
You have € 129 on ee Att Cancel bet
Possible win: € 301.86

Alea jacta est
gie el en fau em
frauwe devix & andy cant play tonight :( without line up will be hard :/
me too so no problem

but no mic :K so not avi D:
too low imo
haha says the homo who ragequits everytime we go 1on1 :D

no i get tired of raping you every time. :D
funny. i remember you saying i wallhack, for like 10 times, it hurts :K
xAe will hax more, np.
GL xAe
gl attention and xAe all money on u guys
thx mates :)
playing at 21.30 on a saturday eve, great fun
they dont have a social life :K
if weather suck and i waste 1h for gaming i'm nolifer and btw why you are online mr.lifer.
i was joking ;D et > all

BUT i was whole day shopping clothes and shit, tonight gonna drink some beers with my homies so yea im mr.lifer.
nvm widze codziennie mecze :) nolife:P neverminds school:)
#neverminds SCHOOL :D :-)
easy money!
gl attention!
gl xae :)
gl sould :)
GL xAe le plus fort du monde TMTC reste kom t <3 , oh wait...
gl good :)
thx mate :P ..btw .. where the fucking are you been :D?
score ?
go go nVm :D :*
2/0 nVm
You have € 197 on pl nVm
Possible win: € 311.26

I hope that we didn't disappoint you!;)
unhits polaks can t do any HS wtf :x
yes OFC!
yes ofc i don t say u are skilled i just say u are unhit like all polaks i met in my life (same irl)

3v3 FTW!
You have € 10 on pl nVm
You won € 15.8
4:0 nvm
SOULD man of match
gg guys
You have € 71 on nVm
You won € 112.18
woot znark mega low sensitivity =]
are you fucking kidding me
Canni j'suis plus ton copain :(
macie to :D
:DDD despero po odebranu falgi na sd na vt: MAMY TO!!!!! i kurwa krzyczal jakby to byl final EC :DD