eSrael vs myLegend eSports (8062 views)

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Quarter Final[/b]
20.09.06 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Hot E-Tea 6v6 (CB Hosted)
Manager: superjew (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Enemy Territory TV
de ETTV server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 101


esr ofc
lu ?
This is going to be re-arranged, still deciding the date.
thats not funny H8 you polish cunt
I really wonder what are you trying to get with that comment.
line ups ??
gl @ both teams :)
You talk as if being jewish is any worse than being polish, really get a grip.
ur talking as though drinking tea all day long makes u special ;p :>
dont fucking reply as if all polish ppl were racist :o being polish polish is still better than living in the retarded country that thinks that is "original" cuz they drive on the other side of the road :|
big whine after fake's comment, who couldn't be polish (everybody can change the flag) :o

btw. all Poles fucks jews? Poles are racist? read history 1939-1945!
but why did you reply to me? it will remain a mistery 0_o
sry mate
poles didnt really weep to see the jews being delivered to the nazis
dont act innocent, poles are one of the racists countires, not only towards jews

every pole i met till today was really cool, though :]
why should we weep after ppl that live in poland, but arent polish?
and if ur rly american, id like to ask if U would weep if mexicans where killed?
dont take me 2 serious tho, ive never been in usa but heard from americans that they're a serious pain in the anus
if you want it like that go back to 1933
did i mention anytyhing about going back to war times?
jews, sin <3

myLegend ofc and btw jews>polish (you stinks :])
polish pings>jews pings
benyy always has a good ping tbh and polish dont have good pings 2
HI Jews
jews<>polish aimless headshots
GL MyLegend...
gl israelis
eSrael Lineup :
no draakon :(
keke :(

izi b4$h 4 legend
slots would be nice,gl both
Orf, slots please. This is far more interesting than FF vs. cdap in my opinion.
ESR <3
Sheep :P
10k pot

gl Ml
eSr ftw!@#$%^&*()_+
love u my jewsss
Your bet Bet overview

eSrael MSI 4.83 vs 1.26 myLegend eSports Total pot: 10713 €
Your bet: 55€ on Legend
Go Sheep
go jews !
gl fat sheep! :D
have fun Jewish mates :)
stop betting on eSrael, or i get less euros, and they sux anyway :P
gl legend =)
Dont even talk about israel and poland,lets make the simple math shall we?
Israel @ middle east,we lag ok,thats beacuse we live pretty much far away from eu.
Poland,well lol,poland is @ eu,and they lag,so..
polish lag because only 2 of the many euro carriers thought it was a good idea to connect poland
That means polish people shouldnt be gaming right? :)
ya fo sho we should be farmers
omg montage > all

<3 dorush!
Good Luck Legend
Shouldn't you be real lifing?

I would have thought a lifer has better things to do than post here sarcastically.
Nah, short soccer practice today and no school tomorrow, so I have some spare time, btw gl, I want some money
WP legend gg