Possessed Team vs neVerminds (3570 views)

23.06.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Warleagues XII
Hosting: Warleagues
Manager: piuskoxd (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 5115
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #LoFT ETTV1
By: benJi (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#4?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fr Titef TV 6 #Volting
By: Titef (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


izi posse :d
2nd, gl possesed
hf piusik ;)
hf Hans,Szczuro i Serrano D:
omg more Possessed at ettv !!
hf nvm ;p
piusek :)
gl nvm :)
gl Possessed! :D <3 szczurek, gooly
hf nVm :) go go pius :D!
gl nvm :)
gl szczurek!
neVerminds jak przegracie to was zajebie xD nVm pozdrow mnie ;d
nie wiem czy dasz rade, jestesmy zgrana ekipa bandytow i nie boimy sie lojtkow
gl gooly! all in once again on you!
np 4 gool szczur and rest:) hf
jak wygracie bede chyba na 1 miejscu na gbooky wec sie postarajcie !!!
gd to see you playing again :~)
GL gooly all money on u <3x
GL For Possessed , Go go go :) <3
im NOT playing 2day....its party time... NO me NO win :S:S
znowu mamy miksem grac ;o
w kulki lecisz pijaku :<
You have € 30 on jp Possessd Cancel bet
Possible win: € 68.7

easy for shoe reck
ja tez mam party tajm jak chuj. AMARENA <3
gl nvm =)

You have € 33 on pl nVm Cancel bet
Possible win: € 56.76
GL Szczurek :)
with Angel you will win this match ! :D
gl&hf Angel ! :*** <3
Angel: omg, que cheto soy a ese le cayeron 3 cholas
Possesed lineup ?:D
es Angel
jp Get Right
pl Lypa
jp Serrano
pl stk
pl szczurek

im not sure, gonna be mix ;d
Angel cisnij !! xD
Gl pius , despero , mirejdz , vic , szyker , worm , (mojojojo?) :] izi NVM
no PawLo no win ! :D
lol canceled ? :<
they dont have enough players :<