Lost Soldiers vs FagaLag (6338 views)

de DanLanGo
de w0nd3r
de ducis
de qwik
de bitch
de hcke
us pAuz
gb umoraN
gb Wi!3iAms
se Cris
nl wra1th
lt reVEEe
28.06.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: w0nd3r (Highadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7778
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #Outlaw.et ETTV #1
By: bitch (ettvd)
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fr zzz_ Titef TV 4
By: Titef (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


gl reve<333
gl & hf bitch !!!!
gl fagalag and willaims u better rape them :) lol
gl fagalag, except cris(he's a retard)
gl fags
thnx for link williams, GL LOST SOLDIERS!
gl dirty mates <3

pAuz think all the french girlz make anal fuck :D GL GL GL <3 <3 <3
gl williams
no gl to me ? =[[[
nah your not irish enough like me and flush! :P
and me? wtf
lol willaims :)
good luck fagalag ,
gl wraith and williams
gl fags :D
You have € 53 on de lost^ Cancel bet
Possible win: € 120.84

GL lostSoldier ;)
hf Lost Soldiers
gogo fagsland

ez 4 bitch
lol das ihr sowas wie hcke aufnehmt :XD
kennen wir uns ?
gl fagalag! u better get 10k damage williams -_-
easy bash as smg engr ;)
ull still do it m8 ill be watching ya! x)
allet juhte LS :)
gl bitch&w0nder
no rockstar hes a dishwasher! leave hi alone :P i know they got our names wrong dam germans! haha
gl tyyrd fuckign nerd
hcke = hecke??
Meinst du den von [SKS] ?
ist hcke nicht von big-gaming? mit flamma und den pack?
hcke = hacke
Der von SKS ist seit einiger Zeit verschwunden :/
hmm alles klar :)
gl bitchka :>
laq <333333333333
Hoi wodka <3333 :)
ihr seid ja geil da oben :D
dicker lass den doch sülzen :>
gl reVe :)
"..., stirb an Husten bitte."

nice comments! that's entertainment ^^
wer ist dieser grOss eig? :D den kenn ich garnet, wobei er eig soo skilled sein soll? :D
Mann munkelt er habe sehr viele "HIGH"skilled Quotes.
omg omg dann bin ich jetzt auch high weil ich paar quotes habe? :OOO
xD scheint so :O <3
richtig erkannt du hast 'paar' aber gr0ss hat ueber 70 :/
:OOO k muss mal wieder paar sameln :(
n depp
gl/hf für beide teams <3 wounder
offending comments deleted, any further german flame comment will cause a ban!
hf & gl <3 wonder labertasche enlarged?.. :=)
hahaha if any germans flames at our match u laugh about it but if the flame about 'your' match than directly BAN ... LULZ!
hcke isn derber kacknub
ihr seit ja alle echt schlau?

freut euch doch das er nen Team hat..und behaltet eure ewigen flmes für euch...
gl revie
thx tommy <3<3<3<3<3 :DD

hope you get haunted by Anneliese Michel!!!!!!!!!!!!
np, I already give her directions to you!
gl cris, pauz and williams <3
#cLutchImpact you bitch
gl wili and reVe :-)
gl cris
gl hcke <3
gl mr bitch ^^
gl reve ya wanker
might not be able to play...family issues
Goood luuuck wraittthh!!!
GL Tyyrd, don't take it to heart when you loose!
psst, he's not gonna be there ;)
gl lost
best of luck fagalag im sure u can take this one:) release the SHIM woooo xD !!!!!
ohhh we letting her go wild on them!
good luck kwiq
gl reve
no shiim no win
gl Lost Soldiers <3
gl rockstar dont be obvious!!!
You have € 60 on gb fglg
You won € 217.8

gg wp
thanks for the game
2-4 fagalag
gg lost
monster fail
u didnt fail :) its 4-2 so its alright?
no w0nd3r, no win
gg wp gj fagalag :)

ich bin erschuettert ueber meine grenzenlose dummheite in diesem match
You have € 19 on gb fglg
You won € 68.97
gj guys
was always gunna win but we messed up at radar :(
ggs :)