Virtual Intelligent Players vs REBELLION (7016 views)

nl Freak
nl NoName
nl sQinN
nl Pingu
nl mlo
nl FxFree
pl phase
pl oDuLeK
pl Tanker
pl phantom
pl michat
pl dawidson
07.07.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: NoNamee (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 14413
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de |>B<| TV #2
By: vidi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


GL [/strike] bearboy[strike] & mlo

pak die polakjes
dat zullen we i sgaan doen ja !:D
wiecej rebelionu na ettv!
wiecej rebelionu na ettv!

gl michat:|

whine phase i nic wiecej, zacznijcie lepiej cos grac a nie napinac sie ;p GL dla zachety postawiam na was ;d
haha stary to wy whinujecie jak by ta gra byla calym waszym zyciem :D. co do gry to zobacz sobie wczesniej nasze mecze. obecnie praktycznie nic nie gramy, tylko na offi zbieramy sie i pozniej wychodza klopsy takie jak jak porazka z jakims JF czy remis z CMF :D
to na chuj to na ettv chlopku roztropku ;]
zobacz kto robil requesta.
"i pozniej wychodza klopsy takie jak jak porazka z jakims JF"

"haha stary to wy whinujecie jak by ta gra byla calym waszym zyciem :D"

Powiedzial Phase. GL
a twojej wiecej na !
to sie wkoncu chlopcy przelamcie, bo szkoda mi michata ;D
Virtual InGelligent...

Maar goed dat het virtual is... :')

gl boys !
gl pasza
Gl noname
gl mlo , sqinn , Noname ofc niet te vergeten :D
gl varken & pedale
ik neuk je moeder op een mercedes!
gl mlo =)
GL Virtual Intelligent !
gl NoName :)
Plem <3 :D
wow fast reply dog :d
like some 1 called you to do this :p
Gl No Naaaaaaaaaame =D
pakze geennaam, tijger
neuk ze in de kont noname en skin ga andere naam zoeken :P
Zal ik doen geert :P
tazz en niet eens een gl voor je eigen grote neef !! TAZZZZZZZZ
go vipkes!!
gl noname
Hf Freak, NoName, sQinN, Pingu, mlo, FxFree ^^
Komaan VIP manne, pak zE!!!!!!
alleen als jij dat zometeen doet x)
het mocht niet zo zijn maat :(
What Sqinn said
so were gonna lose? :(
Good luck Fxje pingu and freak ofc
jij ook anton ;) moet ik je komen storen ? xD
gl phase, legendary rifle of ET!
gl Virtual Intelligent
this pussy phase cant play, u can do it !
spokojnie to tylko internet!
Veel succes !!
GL noName ;)
gl ***** :))
gl phase ;)
GL mlo & Noname !!
np for polaks against lowtards
gl phase, legendary rifle of ET!
wooooo mlo!!
phase <3

gl rL
gL V.I.P
GL bearboy.
O wait, just busted:D

gL V.I.P :8-)
gl NoName :)
Gl Freak, Noname, Pingu, Fxfree and Phase
gl NoName
mystery guest

Lol G still faceroll!
pak ze freak & noname :) Gl :D
gl phase, legendary rifle of ET! <3
ok, you've said this 3 times now. i think he gets it
gl phase, legendary rifle of ET! <3

thanks for your support but they won without me coz my PC was broken ;)
gl phase! Legendary rifle of ET with broken computer! <3
Pak ze VIP!
Money on Rebellion though :)

clawien Tanker aka Thaumas

gL vip
Gaan Vipjes !

GL Virtual Intelligent!
gl Odulek & michat!
gl michat ;D ;*
thx ;]
phase zajebal ci ktos kiedys kurwo z otwartej reki w pysk ?
gl mlo
gl phase
easy for those nonpolaks .
4-2 RL
gg wp, failed so fkin hard -.-
thx 4 game
thanks rebellion :D

You have € 20 on pl rL
Possible win: € 30.2
You have € 20 on pl rL
Possible win: € 30.2

mhhh seems i need to look for something to fix our auto-connect ettv thing
You have € 60 on pl rL
You won € 90.6


you guys are done now right?
not really :) we have a break until the end of summer, then Zyga come back and ... :).
Right now i play with friends in eu Titanz, so you will still be able to see me in action :D

thanks for support dedz!


hf/gl with titanz :)
ooo phase pierwszy raz w zyciu wygral offi gratz plebie XDDDD