randomzZz vs TAG (5803 views)

de meNtal
de TimeN
de cRz
at def
de BloOdy
nl Lightning
be overdrive
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de drago
lv Clown
nl jalla
07.07.09 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: mental (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6130
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de kai.eyeshoot.de
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 66


lineups? :D
fuck yeah go mental fuck em
gl Spatzl <33333333333
go mental g0!
<3 jelle
wtf zak.. you clanwhore!
izi bash
I <3 TimeN's INET :D
gg wp tag
at least delivery was kind of "close" xD
mental should do a train-vid: how to shot rifles into the last stage of delivery....
gtfo :D bin eingt. fop
war aber schon bissi peinlich!
MYSTIFY wh 100%

made me a bit smile
same here :'DDD
ye indeed lowlife
what ever : )
yeah it happens everyday you get 5 pms on irc while playing + 2 ppl speccing at ETTV to join vent + all the veteran ET players on vent laughing their ass off about one guy who so obviously whing its more pathetic then anything else really ... but wait, we are only whining cause we won both maps and you didnt even manage to do anything usefull for your team next to some frags at random times.

keep on smiling :) could as well get new etpro / pb guid already. well see who laughs last :DDDD
: )))) <3

We were some random mix without tax and stuff.. who cares its just a cup : )
Good aim, reflexes,coms and good headset, np:)
ok, so wait for the cb ban faggot
Nice cry noooob, hahahah
lol, i didnt even notice him while playing really, its not like he did anything usefull :D as i said, its all the pms + 5 mins of watching ettv that made me post all my flame

seriously how stupid are you to use bot while going prone =DDDD
perfect tracking etc np

Busting with .avi?

wtf is wrong with you guys.. if you lie there its rly easy to give headshots.. but anways watch the ettv or my demo with r_shownormals 1 and you will see that I preshoot alot even if there is nobody hiding.
Yeah upload your demo please
already did, as i said. dont go prone and use aimbot at the same time :D
wasnt even an aimbot, he aimed up at all you lot while running through a small tunnel, all bunched together... wasnt hard.
you have to be an idiot to think mystify was hacking in that.
new to the bot are we?
Rofl seriously , only coz some fucking "EC" Player said he is hacking your coming and post some random comments watch the ettv replay and if you think he hacks your fucking stupid, kk thx..
he s whining because we owned his team in 2 mins @ delivery ;D
Hoffentlich glaubst du da nicht wirklich dran .
hm tu ich. er hat sich bestimmt nochmal jede einzelne szene gegeben nach dem match.
Möglich . Bei Killerboy denke ich aber eher weniger , dass er wegen einer Niederlage sowas macht . Denkt wohl eher nach jeder verdächtigen Szene an Cheats :o)
dann hält er eben jede szene in der er gekillt wird für verdächtig.
just specced him out of curiosity, nothing against him previously...

Seriously, you're crap at hiding your hack man : /

Dude , Im not hacking..

Check the Replay with r_shownormals 1 and you will see that I preshoot alot even if there is nobody hiding and it looks rly retarded .. + I dont even know how to Install or run some bot ! Im not on any Killerboy´s List or smth and also Check if my IP is registred somewhere at nC Forum because it wont.
well rly I dont know you, but I "only" specced like 15 mins of supply and was annoyed by a sum of "more-than-weird" crosshair moves on player behind walls, illogical preshoots (I must spend half my ammo preshooting so I cant rly blame someone for preshooting but...), weird trackings and all.

I'm not 100% sure but from the little I saw I'm pretty sure there's something strange :[
ok, so you dont use nc cheat. we all know using nc cheats is a foolproof way of getting busted ...
Warum replyst du eigentlich als ob du die davon jetz überzeugen kannst das du nicht hackst :DD, lass die spasten doch denken was sie wollen :D , ich wette jetz kriegste auch so ne bomben avi wo man nichts sieht gratz brodr <3 :DD
schreib englisch, ansonsten musste auch gar nichts schreiben, wenn deine "schreibpartner" dich sowieso nich verstehen....
es war an mystify gerichtet und der kann deutsch also erst denken - dann schreiben ;)
bist schon nen ganz harter mit deinen beleidigungen...

uiuiui, wenn da ma nich die gute alte erziehung fehlgeschlagen hat :D
Na BoNg warum biste mit deim Team aus der l4f geflogen das würd ich gern mal wisssssssssssssssssssön :D
Weil die Alpi sein .... ist? :DDD

Alle haben erlaubt aber Alpi hatte angst das ich seine League pwn :-(
TAG is a power team
randomZ - #RETROTARDs are hacking!
Früher hätte es sowas nicht gegeben, seit wann dürfen Kinder überhaupt noch um 22 Uhr am PC sitzen? :D
weiß nicht, aber da wir keine kinder sind trifft es ja nicht auf uns zu :)))