TAG vs vibe (9046 views)

nl sensor
de kingofzwagga
lv o_O
be notcool
pl blessed
nl jalla
ca anim
gb hype
nl ovie
pt setupj
gb mixer
ee dunz
14.07.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: `Lightning (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 53814
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)
us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 132


1st gl tag
gl tba & hf tba
You have € 308 on eu TAG Cancel bet
Possible win: € 465.08

gl aTooN :D
gl setup <3

en ovie lols!
hype's highskill club v30
this one is really gonna own, like the others
gl hype fanboy <3
gl Ov3rdr!ve
gl tba
wutchu doin up at 8am
doctor's appointment :(
You have € 100 on eu vibe Cancel bet
Possible win: € 774
<3 jella
gl tbas
gl hype
gl mixer n hype
gl anim :D
gl anim mav setupj
gl anim and setupj
gl anim!
gl hype highskiller
nP vor den 0viEE!!!!!!!!!
gl brandon / lightning
gl tag :D & Hype<3
tag = wastemanz
GL dunz , anim
Easy 4 lightning aka sensor
dunz gonna get rolled
gl vibe :)
gl haip miXer but izi for lightnin bolt
gl HYPEisONLINE and setup :D
easy for tag
lineup gonna be?


I'm better than the majority of this team. Maybe Night is better because of his experience but I own the rest.
Hype , i would like to buy u a beer , cause ur too pathetic to buy that on ur own
shld be easy for tag
all in for tag, but only because i know that hype is freakin low :)
Who is notcool ?!
He played amazing yesterday
rumors say that it's mAus
mAus ;o afaik
dont lose my money kamz you girl :<
soz :<
i forgive you. it was only my last 120.... :<:<:<
gl TAG
Watch your back, TAG.
gl panicz <3
gl overHYPED cousin!
hype mixer anim :-*
wp maus
You have € 1280 on eu TAG
You won € 1830.4
wp vibe
lightning=insta win
i wonder how many yellow cards will tag get, 3 of their players dont have same nick as on cb
over 9000
3 for fakenicking and 1 for having a spec on the server without the opponent speclocking :D

Ok for real. It took me 5 mins to realize they werent speclocked, i verified their spawntime and kept on speccing lightning and maus :D But tnx anyways vibe, very clever :D

On 14/07/09 @ 21CET, we (vibe) played TAG in CB summercup premier league match.

First, they had mAus playing with them under the name NOT COOL. Aswell as zerender and Lightning wearing fake names.

(url) [img32.imageshack.us]

You can check their CB roster to see that they don't have the same names - (url) [clanbase.ggl.com]

Also, they had a spectator in the match by the name of TAG|WorstPlayerInETHistory who was speccing us entirely through special delivery. Unfortunately we did not realise there was a spectator until goldrush, because we assumed no spectators would be there because there was ETTV for the match.

You can request the match at (url) [www.gamestv.org] .. Type /follow 10 and you will see he is watching the doc carrier and going through our team alot and obviously telling them on comms everytime because they always seemed to know where we were :P

I hope something is done about this because it's quite lame..

Thanks, Hype

Dear admin,

Eventhough i play SC premier league i'm too big a retard to speclock. I know their spec wasnt even speccing cause i already checked the ettv demos but still im whining about it. Also because we lost i want to whine about the fact they were using fakenicks.

I hope something is done about this because it's quite lame..
Thanks, Mouztas
Mustasz :(
hoeso veraad je je eigen clan ? xd :D
gefeliciteerd, u heeft een nieuw dieptepunt bereikt