vs cLutch Impact Gaming (5060 views)

pl Boron
pl Eddie
pl Gold
pl Gurek
pl Onlycry
pl Sonse
ee jeuzzz 8DDD
il pala
se shivje
gb torres
ca rockstAr
ca punkk
ClanBase Summer Cup 1st Match Week
6th League
16.07.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: jeuz (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 10353
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: blazer (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


hi ho
Total Pot: € 0
Total Pot: € 906
putin comme les francais... match is 2mins @ gamestv and u write so shitty comment go and eat some frogs
glhf mag
Kuba pozabija :)
hf rossko, rockstar, jeuz :) ( not fail this time :D )
gl cLutch
Boron i Goldzik !! Ogien kurwa ;)
gl mAgicians! : )
gl mAg ;]
GL Baleron & roger <3 :*
gl Boron
gl mag, dzisiaj bylo lepiej niz ostatnio ;-)
jedzie zyd mercedesem dodal gazu i sie udusil <3
gl rockstar and torres <3
go go go jeuz!!! :D
Wdziecznosci piekny!! <3 i hope i said it right -_-
you should say "pieknie dziekuje" ;) :P
gl Boron.
mag jedziecie z punkami
go go mAg! cisniecie plebs
gl clutch impact :)
gl ci
gl mAg ;-)
gl reeeeeeeetards
boron oczywiscie kara
gl torres
our 6th is sonsee not Xanah...
thats what rockstar said u sent him on crossfire man
gl jeuz you gonna rape them blahblahblah... :XD
<3 thx m8 better rape that other scrim of urs :D
Gl boron & rockstar
gl ci.
omg impact omg
gl jeuz!
and boron ofc :)
gl jeuz :-)
gl Onlycry!
you're high btw! :D
gl Onlycry! go best rifle man in our clan ! :D
GL #ClutchImpact
boron i jego zolnierze skaraja XDDDDD
gl cubz <3
gl rockstar :D
money on mAg
gl&hf mAg

gl boron :)
So this match cancelled or what?
no broadcast, no money. bets cancelled
you should just make your name like \/\/0/\/|)3|2

cause the 0 and 3 make it so gay
bullshit delivery, stupid fucking euro map
ye only coz u lost there : o time was 02:xx ?
anyway thanks 4 war it was great :o
its so bad for 6on6, too much cluster fucking. euros always wanna play this in every fucking war. (i know it was the summer cup map choice)
imo good tact good teamplay and u will have a lot of free space (delivery = b4)
omfg !!! n/c !!! best match ever !!! 4:2 great match :o what a shame

u show so low matches like some medskillers wins without any problem with some lowbobs and here u didnt give even 1 stupid ettvserv :o
Learn english please. God almighty.
its hard to write correctly after so great match ;)
congratz , you won your 1st match ever , well done
said by nolifer without clan :o
first u should check against who we played and how often we changed our lineup

[ yeye i know my english sucks nana 'n' who cares? :o ]
he's in eEriness.. (pwners)
xDDD so its almost like without a clan :P

anyway no offence from my side very gg :)
gg thx 4 game and all 'gl' :)
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