Colors vs (3904 views)

be Skype
be DeaD2
pl Prism
be mIstiek
nl Hardsoul
de znArk
pt amEn
nl T3rpie
nl Animal
nl Apoc
nl esSe
fi BosshHK
fi dTEC7
at DonMatthias
no Hexagon
fi toNi
10.08.09 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Inseh (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 2850
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de |>B<| TV #2
By: vidi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


:P:P good luck but eA will take this
have fun

You have € 100 on eA'
Possible win: € 196
gl amen...
izi for xSo|erAse
EsSe i love ya u gonna bash them all thats how i know you and that is how i'll remember you in 1 year and longer :D
GL erAse! greetz Blackwolf
You have € 14 on eA'
Possible win: € 25.76 GL Bosshk & dtec7
nice odds..
wie erase euch den arsch aufreisen wird hehe :) trotzdem viel spaß amen :)
fi BossHK
fi BossHK
fi BossHK
fi BossHK
fi BossHK
fi BossHK
fi destiny
fi dTEC7
fi Zugnii
fi meatstick
fi Kotka
fi mystiq
low vs med :XDDDDDDDDD

2izi for Erase even with Esse in lineup
says the unskilled polak
roba is ownage tbh, rifler team PL etc etc :DD
low- vs med, except kiddy behaviour falls under skill.. then colors are high+
You sir, are funny ! :D
Gl esseeeeeeeeee 2high4me :XDD
eiks tää ookkaan summercup :<?
You have € 316 on eA'
Possible win: € 508.76
[22:50] esSe: just wanted to inform you that ill quit etpro, and go back to etpub again
our team skill just raised.


don't spread lies about me polak :o
best pic of me ever, thx4spreading it <3
izi for colors, erAse are a pile of wank.
goodluck erase, teamplay ftw
gl amen
gl fi dTEC7

hello, de T3cHn0

1: youre a busted etbotter
2: learn how to reply
3: you say GL luck. GL means Good Luck, so you say Luck twice..
4: you suck, go die in a carfire
izi for znarkzor <3 :D
mistiek + prism :O
GL both, but eRase will win I think. (sorry Inseh) ;)
gL Donniiboy :D
lold toNi

+ gl znark
Match will be postponed, probably to 2-08-2009
easy for Hexagon <3
gl znark ;)
toNi & hex <3
:( "Apoc wilt ge mee naar lan?" NOOIT MEER ZEG IK JE, NOOIT MEER! Niet eens een gl
loool kzag u naam ni deze keer :$, gl!
gl DonMatthias ;)
You have € 100 on eA'
Possible win: € 127
Gl :)
stopped playing for colors since fagalag is in SC to...
still play ladder matches though
Welke line-up? Want laatste keer met tyyrd waren ze zelfs slecht.
gl mIstiek
You have € 2502 on |C
Possible win: € 4003.2
You have € 357 on eA'
Possible win: € 853.23

dont have more money :(((

and btw u can put znark out of lineup... hes busted on cb
Still awaiting unban.
Don't know who will though, not your problem. :)
gl toni hex apoc <3 if one of these 3 doesnt play plz let me know so i can change my bet =)
From Colors to erAse, right? :)

from erase to colors :)
u saw the match against CROW?? ;)
AL1 ben ik nog uwen vriend? :$
hex and toni not avi. Lineup propably esse, dtect, bosshk, animal, hppskm, don so bets on colors =/
GL erAse
u will take it and make me rich:D
gl donmatias<3
erase will beat Colors !
the match from yesterday.. love it!

gl my friend esse !!!!
and GL Don & animal & apoc!