FagaLag vs Aura (3731 views)

gb Williams
us oxYs
nl wra1th
se Crisless
ie Bilgrim
gb guvnor
ch Aquila
be bayatu
ee CanN0niZe
ee Easr
fr nTo
pl Raiven
it sponge
16.07.09 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: FuSWilliam (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 7404
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV Recorder
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl fagalag :)
izi bash for fags
wasy for cannonize <3 GL
no shiim no win
gl fagalag <3
david & sponge <3!

gl both
nTo mon amour <3
gl aura!
No Shiim no win
shiiiim is here in heart! :P
i wished i could be there!!:(

Easy for pl RAIVEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN & it spongebob! :D
fagalag gonna roll , gl to sponge tho
gl williams and oxys and cannonize and crisless
got my money on fagalag, GL
gl bil
Gl fagalag i know you got it in you boys!
and i got my money on you wiliman<3
thanks lover! lol your money will come back!
GL Cris <33
williams make me a child !
:P will be abit hard! that lol
np for the williams :PPPPPP
GL HF williams
gl fg
gl cannonize
gl nTo^^
most annoying rifle CanN0niZe gl
gl CanN0niZe, Aquila, Williams and Crisless
lol wra1th from teammates to enemies!

gl both hf
FagaLag GL my money is on u, dont loose it pliz :D

You have € 100 on gb fglg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 193
gl bayatu & CanN0niZe & nTo
i bet i know you bayatu<3
say whaaat? :D
GL tyyrd!!
so yeh GOOD LUCK GUYS! wished i could be there playing aswell!!
will be following it on here :p so i need updates!!:D

and remember, be nice with eachother ;))

GO FAGALAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:DD <3

hahaa! i dont know what you mean shiiim we are always nice and quiet on vent :) your the one normaly shouting :D hahaha xx
oh yes, shimmie always raging at vent, pretty normal stuff xD
gl wra1th :)
:o </3
no reVe no sexyness, gl :p
gl easr
Aug 09, 2008 at 11:55 am

Nerd it's 1year ago
gtfo & look @ his cheat ( crusher)
That's a 0€ cheat , he just tried ^^ , that's not rly cheating
That's why i hate about people, they sending busts that were a year ago
he's frenchtard
:( we're not all like him :[ (but i'm agree, french community, have a lot of stupid player, but we don't choose :[)
yep! comme les polaks qui ont une reput d'être unhit et lagger :x
Ouai mais sa c'est vrai :!D
Et les belges tu sais ce qu'on en pense chez nous ?! :DDD

Mangeur de frite ;D ,non le mieux sa rester les blagues ;D
:DDD au moins elles sont bonnes nos frites!!!!!!!
Grave si je viens en Belgique tu m'en paye une barquette hein ;)
gl easr aff
gl cannon
AURA with a cheater Nice !!!
yes big cheater with aimbot / wh / riflecam / noclip / god
shit they'll lose , he buy a 100€ cheat on NC

proofs? i cant understand ur french page
That's ironic
it means he cheated with a stupid free cheat , just for trying
I was asking him to tell me what was on that page and the evidence of nTo cheat (i searched pbguid on cb and it didnt match)
ETBot is a free bot?
nerd look @ the pbbans link before saying shit
Nto t'es toujours pas rempli ? l'meilleur des low+
GL guys, can't play tonight will be at ettv :(

Hf fagalag <3
More whine about me XD

thanks for suport xAee.
i'm "busted" since 1 years. 6 months banned on clanbase.
now it's cool
busted with free crusher so ... and it's not my Ip's etc ..
so gtfo all frenchs retard

gl FagaLag
if u got banned - unbanned and ip doesnt match why do this ppl whine? xD:DD:d.D:d
bcs they're french
You insult yourself ;(
I don't know XD
go nTo its your bashday go nTO its your bashday:D
Essay de dire "Idk" sa fait genre tu comprend un truc en anglais
gl nto, gros plow <3

GL nto ;)
gl nTo <3
Good luck sponge!! AND you wraith!!! :D
Gl nTo

je t'aime :)

too izi 4 Aura
GL it SponGe and se Chrisless
gj mr. sherlock
too bad he's not the guy, thx for fail
AURA needs more cheaters.
fags will take it
go fagalagv!
thanks for wasting our time
forfeit for fagalag due to bay missing


bets will be removed anyway (so dont afraid on ur emoney)
You have € 442 on af Aura
Possible win: € 1188.98

omg lucky xD
No, bet need be cancelled ;D
aura turned up with 1 baned player.. And only turned up with 4 players.. Fagalag wins no show/forfit for aura
only bay wsnt here and that "banned player" was getting unbanned tommorow so.
Thursday 16 July 2009 22:30 (22:30 Estonia, 20:30 United Kingdom)
we was on the server since 19 pm england time! :P
so i didnt miss out on a match, yay!:D
nope you dint! they all came and they had a argument in there team and 2 left! it was all over there irc then the other clans members left said sorry and that they hate playing with haxers....
nTo t'as la mort hein?
No t un fr
on s'en fou
the worst is to play with busted :(
nice engrish
hummmm.... Not at all, only tipping low skill