heartZ vs Team Helios (4600 views)

pl piaskun
pl mikeh
pl baq
pl myszal
pl fear
pl mahomet
pl psikus
nl llama
nl Artifexx
nl aXent
nl Boire
nl Creaji
nl dea
nl Dolf
nl Fratze
nl HillBillY
26.07.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mikehh (Requestee)
Maps: SOS Secret Weapon
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5571
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


gl heartz
line up probably

nl Dolf
nl Nijmege
nl Bo1re
nl Vitalic
nl Nynetjer
nl Fratze
mikeh :]
These maps suck xD
End of summercup for us ?? ;)
there is still losser bracket for ur or mine team^^
You have € 39 on HELIOS
Possible win: € 95.16

ALL IN ! Gl dea & Hilly :D put belgian flag in front of dea pls :<
All in?? Ur a noob @ betting when u have that amount of money! My bet:

You have € 27 on nl HELIOS Cancel bet
Possible win: € 60.48

gl blackwater & middel.
... hmmm woody was't toen al ...
TNX =WF= Woody :LD
izi bash 4 heartZ @ GFO

HF mikeh !
gl arti & boire !!
juuu ...
wanneer weer is warre ;) ?
gl heartz , psikus roznies ich skuterem ;]
gl fear :)
fira chyba nie bedzie :<
GL jason, mike, psikus, fear, mahomet
.brani ;)
gl nlllama
bij tam piaskun
karaj mike, karaj :>
gl heartZ.
fans :o!
gl Ton(black) Roy(boire) :8D
GL psikus psie :D
goed geluk jongetjes van helios :)
gl helios
2-0 helios
4-0 hellios

You have € 1000 on nl HELIOS
Possible win: € 2410

expected :D
`4-0 helios gg :D
tnx for server mikeh ;)
gg heartZ! no myszal no win ;)
GG, bad server!

no w1lko no win :D
gg heartz no l4z no win
You have € 39 on HELIOS
You won € 93.99


E: and creaji to ofc!
Crea speelt niet voor ons met de summercup!
no vib no win
no vib no win
Helios ftw