cuntmasters vs System6 Gaming (6487 views)

de caTchEr
de bitch
gb stKz
nl Trixor
nl zeno
be Player
23.07.09 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3v3 Summer Leagues 2009
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: bitch (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14987
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV Recorder
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de ETTV #1
By: bitch (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


gl both!
lowl bitch the lowbob
yeyeyeye nice stealing my name sucm suckers
:D true that,u told me this name 4 a random 3o3 cup

<3 sup my irish love?
gl bitch <3
gl system6, trix pakt die nerds lugeronly!
gl bitch
easy 4 system6
2bad ghana can't play ololol
gl Player
go cunt masters!
gl stkz!!
go chris!
made our revenge catcher!
Trixor biggest whinner in ET
oh hi random
agree he is a fucking raging tarded noob assfucker
still angry because I owned you last time?
izi for cm
ketchup> ALL sorry
Trixor biggest whinner in ET

whinner with 2 times "n" ? :D
no! frauwe is biggest whiner 8D
you're allowed to say gl stKz after your comment!
n1 replyskills naab :d
whats wrong with my reply skills?:(
He answered to Jere, you moron xd
why did i get a message saying he replied to me then? moron
cmasters when u beat them beware of their uber huge whining wave
gl hf catcher und bitch :-=)
gl bitch :~>
syst3m six sux
yh but System6 doesn't..
cm will win eazily:p
pak ze trix moet easy zijn
gl bitch catcher and stKz
't schijnt dat griekenland het paradijs is voor homo's ? :D
Jij kan het weten<3
izi 4 cmasters
gl my Bitch ! :)
Trixor biggest whinner in ET
stkz is such a weird guy or just has nice hiding skills imo
which word you don't understand m8?
just wondered what your meaning was behind the comment :p
thats just my opinion , just some details about your gameplay what normal players would never do. so thats why : weird or nice hiding
hiding what? give me an example.. i'm intrigued!
hiding ur hax!
you know that someone is behind a box so a normal player would just put his crosshair left or right from the box but you just hold your crosshair in the middle from the box right on the body because he is not moving. Dunno if that is stupidity or wh.

and on goldrush you were aiming like you have sensitivity 1000 but still headshots. and also a lot of (unlucky) walltracking shit.

must be stupidity! don't really know what you mean.. but i'll have a look later! and yes.. grush i sucked balls !
he is just a stupid rambo nerd :D
old news :)
old news :)
This was the best server I ever played on!
You have € 27 on bw cmasters
You won € 52.65
You have € 25 on be system6
You lost
You have € 28 on bw cmasters
You won € 54.6
trixor de kleuter xD, wp eh playerke ':D'
houd je smoel gangster :D, hedde wel eens op die server rondgelopen (voor zover dat mogelijk is) :XD?
You have € 250 on bw cmasters
You won € 487.5
You have € 227 on cmasters
You won € 442.65

thx bitch :~>
gg noobs

Goed gespeeld systeemzes.
nerds got rolled
just like we did with your clan in summercup?
omg nubs :x