imara vs FagaLag (3890 views)

nl Adeto
nl InfernaL
nl knabL
fr b3ck
fr nTo
fr plzymo
ie flushjee
gb WilliAms
nl wra1th
us pAuz
no shim
ie reVEEe
se Cris
SummerCup '09 5th League 2nd round
26.07.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: knabL (Requestee)
Maps: SOS Secret Weapon

Total Pot: € 4297
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ETTV #2
By: madi (ettvd)
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de ETTV DE #Msh100 4
By: Skeit (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6


GL knabL
gl skeit
gl imara!
he! :D
wanneer kom je is op xfire ofzo?
zit nooit meer op xfire man, zit tegenwoordig alleen maar op IRC te kutten :P
ja en ik ban banned in da channeltje van je
gl fagalag (just because adeto = nerd :[) & b3ck nd flush ;)
gl williams and fagalag :)
gl fagalag
zet hem op Remy!
nTo... np
GL NTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl imara
GL nto and GL pleymo!!!!!!!!

GL plzmo & nTo :D
gl imara

easy for nTo !!!!

i love you
gl imara !
np for nTo and pleymo :DDDDD
nTo gl a toi mec ;)
thanks all :) <3<3

SOS Secret Weapon. idk this fucking map :s I hv never watched on ettv XD
thx all what this map ?
GL nTo!! :D
and the rest of imara ofcourse ! :D np for infernal! <3
Thanks kiim <3 =D
GOGO B3ck :))
gl adeto, inf, b3ck nd flush!
to izi for imara
reve gonna be back for the match ?
gl b3ckji & nToji :)
You have € 204 on eu imara. Cancel bet
Possible win: € 357

better fucking win
gl fagalag
gl cris :)
gl b3ck, flushje & fagalags :D
no rossko no win imara :)

dont like the 2 other frenchies other then b3ck.
np4me rossko
gl pAuz :>
.. wrong lines ups for us. Dont know if we have a team for sunday. Alot of family problems / holidays
Play it gaylord :x

Tbh GL in your real life, I know what are family issues, really...
GL Adeto, InfernaL, b3ck, plzymo, nTo

adeto pakt ze wel hé =D

b3ck long time no see !!! BASH THEM

plzymo, you know what to do ^^
gl Adeto and nTo
gl flushjee!!
go flushje!!!!!
You have € 250 on gb fglg Cancel bet
Possible win: € 745

my money is on you williams !!! dont fuck up !<3
gl beck :)
gl b3ck adeto infernal
and beck i hope u wont teamkill with ur supports like u did on me :<
GL becky =)
GL nto & beck :)
gl flush
dont hold back shiimie, imara in ur wayzz :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD woo, gl fagalag!!
give me your ass @cc7 english boy ! :) =D yeear !
gl plZymo :D , la puissance du Z est en toi
lulZ kznny
imo tu raj de ne pas pouvoir mettre la puissance du Z dans ton pseudo Przvok :DD
GOOO PLZYMO """!!!!!
gl WilliAms m8
b3ck, anticheater convaincu.
gl kanker adeto
gl have fun guys
gl flushje, shiiim
I wouldnt bet on us seeing as we havent had a prac in nearly two weeks ;x
gl infernal adeto b3ck

rape them infernal :DD
gl flush
gl pauz
gl flush, bash em cause i wanna bash u in the next round then ;D

gl hf both
more nC customer thx
Adeto <3
Ca flame les cheatzors, mais ça joue avec, non mais oloji là !

np 4 nTo...(with hax)
\_______RAGE_BOX_______/ <=== PUT ALL YOUR RAGE IN!
\_8===D_RAGE_BOX_(( ' ))_/
how nice, every1 in fagalag is from a different a-hole! gl
Go potty config users :D
Gl Plzymo :D
tOmmm here
gl fags :)
gl adeto
hmmmm expected...
GG WP imAra :DDD
forfeit win :((( ,
would have been easy win for us but like i said players not online lol only got 2 or 3 active atm
excuses excuses ... get over it