Afterlife ET vs H2k Gaming (20433 views)

fi kapaa
fi squall
fi mind
fi Fel
fi Sample
de snoop
de butchji
de zerender
nl abort
ch gifty
pl dialer
de drago
10.08.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Major Series IV
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Sn4kE (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 152042
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: smOke
Listen to smOke
Language: Czech
cz TeamPlay Radio
By: w0nd3r
Listen to w0nd3r
Language: Czech
de sIN.Gaming Stream #1
By: FimS
Listen to FimS
Language: English

Total Slots: 700
Listener Peak: 86

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)
de [] - ETTV 1
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: Saeufer (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
By: Jigsaw (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de ETTV DE #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)
By: ng (ettvd)
de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
fr Titef TV 1 #Volting
By: Titef (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 375


nerds gonna win muniez
not this shit again :/
lol, ypu played against time OVER NINE TOUSEND games already!

2 weeks max kurwa
just one more time...
not this shit again :/
hi2u mister busted
funny how ppl call me busted now when I got banned in december :D
gl h2k
gl sample !
who won last time??
Last time
epic :DDD
: D
let aL win so they can get their lan moneys:-)
funniest thing I heard all day :'D
back then AL weren't beating top teams online so I don't see why they would have done it offline?
shut the fuck up u fucking geek
Woosa.. say Woosa..
we kid ourselves there's future in the fucking
ahaha :DD
Score depends on what line-up both teams use.
are these clans only ones in ET?
Only extreme nerds left.
how much money for the winner? and 2nd place?
250 - 150
For all the players or for each one??
not this shit again :/
give the money to AL. Those guys wont come to LAN anyway (not cuz they hack, or anything...), but they know how to party :)
gl both
"Not cuz they hack" :DDDDDDd
Do I smell jealousy?
sinun aiti on laska
jealous of people who can't prove themselves at lan, oh boy.
squall owned at lan , dont see ur point
I am referring to the players nl pds thinks hack, the ones who landodge. obviously I'm not talking about squall & olbaa etc
ye i w8ing when AL coming on LAN
izi for fintard
i love h2k
squall is probably the biggest nolife ever, same like reload, night and urtier - congratz!
Yeah, urtier has been at ETTV non-stop last year, indeed!
you gotta stop doing sarcastic comments :-| these polaks barely speak English how do you expect them to work that shit out? :s
they fucking well should, I mean most of them live in Morecambe :D
Lol Everyday I enter this site I see a new finland clan with the same players like; squall olbaa and the rest of those 24h playing tards, only clannames are changing like -> kyrapuralalal to hurjajajajakakaka
It seems that there is no one left to play this game in that retarded frozen country, Im serious go out play some hockey or whatever :!O nerds


nothing more to add...
said a fintard = DDDDDDDDDDDD
ujebali sie polakow, ciekawe czy w RL tez takie kozaki ;>
Hater1337 you are so fucking hilarious :D:DDD after i read that i was like wtf? but then I saw you are POLAK so it didn't surprise me... PANZER + 999 PING = POLAK RETARD
my nationality has nothing to do with you and your ugly buddies playing 24/7 :D stinking retards that have no time even to take a shower cause they can't stand one minute without the game, reality the worst game ever right? and m8 how is doing your girlfriend? ohhh wait... i mean girlfriend.jpg?
Afterlife ET won the last Eurocup . The fins you're talking about mostly play as AL ET or KRP , Fantastic 7 is just the name they use in the current seaon of Warleagues .
and in 50000 new 2 weeks clans which apear like everyday? like I don't know...
wasnt it earlier team-reikkeri ? ohh wait...fourth different name...
You have no idea what you are talking about.
KRP and Fantastic7 both are playing in summercup and they are 2 totally different clans while KRP is in warleagues and has players from Fantastic 7.

KRP has never been serious clan and never will be. It is just finnish mix of players who have known each other long time by internet and real-life.
"It is just finnish mix of players" everything is clear but You didn't mention about those other 50 finnish mixes that have left 3on3 2on2 50on50 :F
List me all these 50 mixes and we can continue this delightful conversation.
I don't wanna spend the rest of my awesome life by listing all these mixes to you so gtfo ;]

Suga suga how you get so fly?
Suga suga how you get so fly?
Suga suga how you get so fly?
Suga suga how you get so fly? d(*_*)b
Who said I didn't know that ?
loL even when we play ET once a week we get called nerds. it aint easy being a fintard nowadays.
Some people just can't stand getting owned ^.^
Well, it costs them a couple hundred of euros to start with.
why zubielinho dont coming on english lessons?

cuz they think u re @ the netcáffé if not in front of ur home pc :<
Gl H2k.. <3 H2k i love you :)
fanboy D.E.T.E.C.T.E.D :DDDD
Leets D.E.T.E.C.T.E.D too! :D
First time I play without lag versus them!
should be izi bash :)
You fucking suck anyway nerdji

Sample <3 niggahz
oh now thats sad :(((((((((((((
Quite the opposite, no?
no, sad to use that excuse for your teams failing performances which have occurred in the recent past
I didn't play most of the times. And yes 5on6 is quite hard. :->
oh oke, you are forgiven :)
so u mean the guy who replaced you is as shit as nothing?
nice respect for your teammates :D
They are pathetic glasses nerds. Hate them.

the last game and radio for ETTV #

thanks to all ><
wtf???panzer vais sair do ar??????????????????????
Uma pena :(
as poucas coisas boas que ainda existiam no panorama de ET nacional estão a ser extintas.....
:((((((((((((( very sad day
butchji will play? okay ...
izi bash :D
lineup for h2k pls :)
hallo nach thailand :)
no lolbah?
nl abort
de butchji
pl dialer
ch gifty
de snoop
de zerender

most likely
nörtit rullalle tjsp
GL Kapaa , squall <3
gl gifty
^gl and have phun too both teams :)
np 4 h2k
gl mates, bash thouse nazis
Only three of us are nazis.
3 nazis and a traitor
hah i get it.
nazi estonian
my grandpa was an interpreter for the nazis and fucked a russian, thats what i call a traitor!
HAHAHAHAH :D butchji are u one of them ?
gl h2k snoop own !! gifty pro rifle !
gl alife
H2K needs wEAK
Gl Snoop & Squall ;)
gl h2k
Listen to FimS
Language: English

omg :D
gl Afterlife
Was hat Gott damit zu tun?
its omgosh! not god :D!
gl h2k
Gl gifty and soomipojat
You have € 168 on fi Alife Cancel bet
Possible win: € 505.68
H2k doesn't need a full line up, gifty is playing!
again? :(
gl abort
gl butchji, abort :)
drago will play instead of me so im not sure if H2K are able to win
Why would Olbaa play in this match ?

I guess "no mystic no mAus no win" would be fitting aswell
2 stars ... noob match =D
H2k.ET says bye bye!
You have € 6000 on eu H2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 10080

gl snoop :)
h2k da dupy jak zawsze :D
gl k2k..

all na h2k
all in 4 h2k
GL smOke
I think H2K will win :D
real players will bash botterz.
Queen replaced abort for today match
Does abort plays for you?
tell me thats joke!
easy for fintards, i bet they practice everyday+++++My money on them
2 star rating final???????????
lol what happened just there????nerds aint uber skilled anymore???????
Easy for nolife nerd fi Fintards :D No life at all, prac prac prac all week
And they just lost
gl afterlife xw
You have € 400 on Alife
Possible win: € 1328 Voittakaa pojat:)
Final H2K line-up?
You have € 1000 on fi Alife
Possible win: € 3280
You have € 2658 on fi Alife
Possible win: € 8718.24

win me some monneeeeh !
lol n1 money JarZa| :D
squall magic disappear
2:0 h2k radar
You have € 700 on eu H2k
You won € 1008
thx sNoOp
You have € 3000 on eu H2k
You won € 4320
.. :o
how can you lose -.-
great game, thrilling moments and individual actions, wp MM and gratz H2k, hope to see you both in next W:ET cups and events
wp nerds
gratz H2k
lol i'm better than at least 10 of these players, et is a such a joke, wtf.
gief test clips
dream on
I know it's hard to accept the truth.

Like earlier today I raped this guy called azajet or something and then somebody told me he was in team west and I was like lol please.
Made my day :D
what suVii said
accept truth..?LOOLLD, cmon dude, your the only guy with that problem, the kebab wnb ec...
get over it serious, plz
Damn, you hurt my feelings man ;-<

dont make such a hype out of it.....
u actually made me smile :DDD well done, keep it up...
So expected, goed gedaan abbukje!
rolls got nerded and I lost all mi money :s
You have 523 on Alife
You Lost.
nerds get rolled..
Insane aiming butchji, sure your not using a BOT?