team exitium vs red as a beetroot (5807 views)

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xx razz
fi lettu
fi altsi
fi clouver
28.07.09 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: tozuo (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 8335
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Enemy Territory TV
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de ETTV DE #Msh100 1
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 45


easy for lettu
easy for lettu
easy for army dodgers ^^
ez for raab

lettu has some experience now, after his period in glamorous finnish army, so i bet all my e-moneyz on them


1 min late ;x
clouver how was playing as mAus at Hirntot public!?
I do it every time too unless im playing as SERIMESTARI !

mm1 is always fun
What is mm1
alot of people seem to do it, but its usually pretty obvious its not mAus :DD
some ppl think its their lifetime job to announce it to everyone that its not real maus!
Thats what makes faking mAus fun i guess :p
is tha butchji in hirntot real?
don't think so I usually fake

the ultimate maus fan, here he is ! =)
Wtf? :P
it's clouver, customized with a little pedobear though :D
hackers gonna win anyway
4:2 exitium

ggs wp
need more prone
easy for lettu
Expected... altsi is shit and lettu just came back from army
[PsB:10377 V017B5C75] ff5df957eada85f497593055d60750da "^0gF^d.^wpds ^zXEROX" "" GAME HOOK #120120

np 4 exitium!
when did that happened? :O)
4 years ago? :DDD
nope, that one is from 2008. Before and after that he had/got a diffrent ip.
links pl0s owh and he switched to xs4all in 2009, the internet is so easy these days.

PB#120120 exists since 11.07.08, players like GiiN and Gnadja where also busted with it, but luckily for pds:


QUOTE have asked us (Edit: Pbbans) to remove violation #120120 in Enemy Territory(ET). About 104 bans were removed from the MBL.

As normal, all ban removals will be listed on our web site for 60 days (via the Public Ban Lists link at the top of the page) and are automatically distributed via Auto-MBL to member servers. We encourage admins to update their ban lists as soon as possible.


and that list is: , so no worries your friend is save for now.
Can't really do anything with this tho, pb decided to remove a couple of ban/violations inc. this one (gnadja did get banned for this). Because it was considered "buggy" and could possibly be caused by certain software. Next to that he got caught in 2005 aswell and he did get a pbban for that, he cant be trusted imo. Cos I wonder why I never get pb-errors/violations nor do my rtcw teammates (in et), even tho most of them played over 5 years.
stuff out of 2005:

[PsB:3315 V002BEE36] f761ed1cdb2c4338e6edad7593ac9461 "^ISir ^0V^2on ^4Shkar" "" MULTIHACK #70287
[PsB:3743 V0038CD7B] d1fdae091868fcfc0684bb3228a832e8 "^1-=[^2Pro^3Demon^4Shkar^1]=-" "" MULTIHACK #70335
well can´t really care about the stuff from 2005 as it is 4 year´s ago , he was like 12 year´s old, doubt he even knew what xfire or clanbase was

And i do trust him , as i am his neighbour and often spec him at his house when im bored
I understand your point, its up to him to prove me wrong. Hope to see him play @ the next (crossfire) lan.
like this is ever gonna happen :DDDDDDDDDDDddd
I will drag him there ! Seems this means verdiend is going to the next lan? looking forward to meet u guys :)
This are 2 obvious public hooks, icebot 0.2 and icebot 0.4 :-> this stuff is like 5 years old.
"Unbusted for 7 years"
So you admit cheating five years ago ? :(
well he wasn't busted was he
haha you stupid mongol you made my day :D
You yourself explained it very well and yet you say no its the other way :DDDD
total lack of teamplay by raab :D
You have € 1412 on eu ext3
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