Juudis vs Kehveli (3771 views)

11.08.09 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 1on1 Stopwatch/Objective Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Skeit (Generaladmin)
Maps: Ctf_multi

Total Pot: € 4732
The bets have been cancelled.

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izi for me ;>
way too many walls
listen to this man!
gona be a very good game
Total Pot: € 370
Total Pot: € 154
500e on Juudis
who the fuck are these guys?
kehveli: just a random fintard

juudis: just a random poltard
Guys who wanna play on ETTV .
and who r u?
izi bash for juudis, NOT??!!1
really? people love themselves that much that they want to put a 1v1 on ettv? enjoy 0 watchers
Too izi for juudis and his hax :)
I'm gonna watch so HAH!!
1 viewer :)
duh its on sunday...
nie jestes godzien miec polskiej flagi jebany fintardzie :!O
remove this broadcast. ban the requestee for life.
ETTV worthy rly.........
more of this please!
Total Pot: € 1932
fi kehveli plz u said i wh :DDD Nub
umek they wanna get your 1st place :D
Dontknow !! :D
uNder: u suxx
who are nonames?
I remember Kehveli from somewhere... Could anybody enlighten me?
he is the lowest guy from finland you will ever meet. Playing with pallot.et just coz he is nice on vent
Total Pot: € 3819
I voted for DontKnow for DK v MG
and I prefer to note vote for this match :D
Juudis aka SOOSSI ;DDDDD
Bluman told me that you tried to get in pallot and they didn't take you because you were so low. Too bad for you :'(
oh hi mr i got more skilled while playing with koodiKeijo np :)
Ootko sä ihan idiootti? :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Kyllä kiitos? Huomaan miks et päässy palloihin.
Juu, mäki huomaan miks sä jouduit vaihtaa emolevyn.
Mitä emolevyn vaihtamisella hyötyy?
Taitaapa vaihtua nämä wolffiguidit
No, sä nää guidien vaihdot tiiät =)
Hypis aka lowskill
ei vittu oikeesti, 2 noname 1 vs 1 cb ladder ettv matsis? vittu pliis
retard vs kehveli :<
ei vittu oikeesti, 2 noname 1 vs 1 cb ladder ettv matsis? vittu pliis
ei vittu oikeesti, 2 noname 1 vs 1 cb ladder ettv matsis? vittu pliis

ei vittu oikeesti, 2 noname 1 vs 1 cb ladder ettv matsis? vittu pliis
Juudis vie :)