#eEriness.eu vs wings.et MGC (7057 views)

cz milhAus
cz Pecka
cz Flash
cz Derek
cz mnew
cz eRove
cz Denton
es M1st3r
fi islice
mt Killerboy
ca Santi
ro Lover
gb Speaker
pl staminaboy
Upper Bracket Final
4th league Summer cup
09.08.09 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: milhAus (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 21788
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


cu in the grand final :D
without lagg you'll get pwned : ))
2IZI 4 u milhAus<3 :DDD
kde je erove?
no BASTARD u will never bust u are like mAus:-D
he is like one NOTCOOOOL player:-P
gl kluci usaty
killerboy i wish u fail hard !
gl milhaus!
gogo eEriness :)
ez 4 denton & derekk
eurgh karsiah
gl stamina :D:D
gl wings
o wow gl santi and wings ofc
gl czech
gl Milon, Gumidek, ERouvek, Peckon, Killer-boy

go go mr.jaLOW
gl eE!

wiesiek said true: "fuck u killerboy"

gl eeriness destroy this killernoob
For C0oL$:


Quote[15:14:46] [b3-cools] fu killerboy
[15:14:53] [b3-cools] me and wiesiek will kill u
[15:14:57] [b3-cools] fucking kidtard
[15:15:03] [b3-cools] u will die
[15:15:15] [asdacizdaa] ;]
[15:15:19] × nick, [vardy^] is now known as [Vardy^]
[15:15:30] › join, [GLoo] [GLoo@ip-157-191.ib.tcz.pl]
[15:15:37] [b3-cools] i w8 for cc7 and i want to meet u at it
[15:15:45] [b3-cools] and i kill u
[15:15:47] [b3-cools] rly kill u
[15:15:5 › join, [ScDELfaks] [~susek@5354D50C.cable.casema.nl]
[15:16:07] [b3-cools] too young to be cb admin
[15:16:12] ‹ part, [JamminJoe] [~JamminJoe@c7DAF5AC1.dhcp.bluecom.no]
[15:16:24] [b3-cools] too stupid
[15:16:27] [b3-cools] fucking malta
[15:16:2 [b3-cools] fuck off
[15:16:4 [b3-cools] killerboy=gay
[15:16:42] [b3-cools] fuck u
[15:16:43] [b3-cools] gay
[15:16:44] [[CB]Killerboy] Hi b3-cools ! Please state your question or issue right away - I will respond as soon as possible. [auto-response]
[15:16:50] ‹ kick, [b3-cools] was kicked by [[CB]Killerboy:#clanbase] [No more internet for you, son, blacklisted (83)]
[15:17:14] [b3-cools] haha stupid kid
[15:17:35] [b3-cools] and i'm not your son
[15:17:40] [b3-cools] stupid kidtard
hahah, idiot!!!! It's only true. U destroy this game, so players will destroy you - fucking kid.
u cheated and he destroyed the game. you're confused man.
plz cools, you guys destroy the game, acting like a kid, using cheats!!!
i mean its a game. Think about having friends in real life, that you wont act like you did. The point that this is only a game, is lost for you. Furthermore i have to commit the statments upper mine. YOU ARE destroying this game by cheating. Not ANY cheatbuster for doing his aweful job!
sorry, couldn't stop laughing @ that crap he is saying
[15:15:37] [b3-cools] i w8 for cc7 and i want to meet u at it
[15:15:45] [b3-cools] and i kill u
[15:15:47] [b3-cools] rly kill u > all :DDDDDDDDD
god how old is that guy? :DDDDD
like 12 i guess lol

^^^^^^^^ thx MUHUHUHUHUHUH <3
no kazzujaaa now win !
hmm no offence killerboy but did you not say that staminaboy as a cheater? And now your playing with him? :D What made you change your mind? ^.^
GL stamina santi and m1st3r
let me tell you something, who the fuck said killerboy changed his opinion? did you hear it anywhere?
well hes playing in a team which lineup holds both himself and staminaboy, a guy who he says to be a cheater. If so, why play with him? Im just curious! Gl with this match btw!
thanks, but btw, i swear... that playing in a team with a suposed cheater... is not so weird >_>
Maybe not weird but definitely pathetic...:x

For anyone with any understanding for fair play and even more for someone in his position:x
he also played with fab in a team, who he tried to bust desperately :p
staminaboy <3 !
Killerboy...Fuck YOU MORE ~!~~!~!~!~! aahahahah <lol2>
killahboy in acction :] gl
GL czeske holky!
Gl czesi x)
izi for staminaboys brain :DDDDDDD
gl eE owners and lover :)
gl staminiak ;)
you got erove easy win :D
where you gone ? heard some irl problems or something :<
iv left :) errrh going to ibiza tonight. my dad hasnt been 2 well and just spent alot of good years playing this game pal. think its time for me to move on. But im sure ill be back in a month or so just not as much m8
Moj brzuch pwn 8D
senti? lawlllll!!!!!!!! put your name like this when you play saNti
i wil ltell him to do it for you :)
team wings.et :>
wait , wasnt killerboy thinking staminaboy cheat?
killerboy playing with staminaboy :!D
gl stamina
stamina to twoj ostatni mecz w cb bo juz jutro zapewne bedziesz busted za wh hahahaha ty cioto.
Gl eRove : ))) stamina wiesz nie za mocno bo Cie bustna xDD
kto to kurwa jest stamina?
nuori vel jebany hax
chyba nie srales dawno
hahahahah :DDdd
ladnie masz najebane chlopcze
Killerboy can bust you!
gL eE
staminaboy is an emo! GL!
go go wings! :D
bafta lovere
Go Killerboy bust beat them all !!
bad luck crimZon
gl eRove
gl eE
gl eeriness

gonna be close one without jalo :p
but there's still milhaus and erove, so they have a chance :DDDDD

why aren't you playing? :p
gl milhaus
gl eRove :]
Killerboy, staminaboy !! :)
GL STAMINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OGIEN TAM KURWA JEGO MAC!
#monksofbolivia wishes staminaboy a great game
gary :)))))))))))))))))))))))
staminaboy will be banned from esl, skill drop => obvious bust bb
lower than low :D
You have euro 200 on wings
You lost

zajebiscie ;(
tooooo iiiizi for eE owners! wp
You have € 2500 on cz eEriness
You won € 4050

merci denton