Lost Soldiers vs sIN.Gaming e.V. #plasa (7576 views)

de LanGo
de ducis
de qwik
de bitch
de caTchEr
de tba
de gr0ss
de stRay
fi GrB
us pAuz
ca rockstAr
fi kolibri
20.09.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 25889
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de [www.sHiZo.eu] - ETTV 4
By: sHiZo (ettvd)

de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #5
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #Outlaw.et ETTV #1
By: bitch (ettvd)
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

de |Gods-of-Gaming| ETTV by. miiiq
By: stray (ettvd)
de Lost Soldiers ETTV
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fr Titef TV 2 #Volting
By: Titef (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


you prolly need SWINE to win this.
gl gr0ss :) & grb
gl biatch^^
go gr0ss rape them all... oh wait xD
i'll be here for this one!
gl stray + gr0ss :)
gl stray grb gr0ss bitch
gl gr0ss + stray <3 :*
awesome maps, so unusual!
aha. Waht do u want? Falkenstein and sos? just look at all the other games (just like cs 1.6, css and cod2/4). Just stay with the maps and try to perfect your gameplay and taktik on them... Its just so boring cause 98% of all teams use the same taktiks... Maps wont get won by tax, they get won by individual skills...
gl w0nder bitch & stray
gr0sser hurensohnalarm LoL
no ERIIICC no win!!.. D:
gl stRay'ji :p
gl pauz and sean
gl rockstar and pauz :]
gl sean and sean :)
gl witzky :) izi for lost
izi bash for sIN.Gaming e.V. #plasa !
gl catcher, bitch, gr0ss
danke :>
where the fuck have u been? we failed our 3o3 because we had to take rhand!
was away with the army, they told me 3 days.at wednesday they told me u have to stay 2 days more cuz we need u as a driver -.-
hf Stray <33333
gl sIN :)
Isi for gr0ss an rockstar!

PD: maybe would be play Mental :^)
gl cockstar gr0ss and google nerd aka pAuz :) gief shoutout!
You have € 2392 on de lost^ Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3396.64

np against wannabe plasa

hf lango ;O
failrifle will pwn nP 8D
I >hope< that lost will win, but i don't know if i should bet :<
5 vs 6?
nope, undecided 6th atm
izi for bitch, pown em
no wonder no win
idd, zimmer renovieren geht vor! kabel ist erst montag avi und über wlan stinkt!
dann kommentier doch :>
noe, anderer rechner und so...
och , ich wollt wieder shoutouts machen :DD

wann shoutcastes du den mal wieder? :>
denn, wenn zeit ist ;)
idd ele ..shoutcaste mal ;D
gl plasa
gl Bitch! :D pwn them ! :D
gl gross
to easy for bitch
gl rockstar & pauz!
gl gr0ss
gl pauz
gl gross :D

why not
because of stRay :o
i thought the same ;/
" :D "

i like you stRay you get a gl :D
np 4 stray =)
GrB will prone em to death :)
wtf is this prone shit :DD
nerds gonna get rolled
You have € 2464 on de lost^ Cancel bet
Possible win: € 5149.76

wannabe plasa gonna get rolled
bibuy money
worst bet you could have ever made
cuz cheaters always win :( true
we already booted eriic from the lu
next rockstrar than u than gr0ss :D:D
gl stray <3 und gr0ss entäusch mich net hab geld auf euch gesetzt :(
gl pauz and stray : D
gl bitch
gl GRB!
4-0 for plasa
gg wp
You have € 370 on de lost^
You lost

:( :( :(

Schweine! Alles weil mein w0nder gefehlt hat :(
thx 4 money!
i did nothing .. i failed the thanks goes to the others!
idc money is money :(
nich gesehn, aber war das schonma anders??

aber danke fürs geld!!^^
muss dein lamer flame ueberall sein?
aber natürlich, diese lamescheisse hab ich von dir so gut gelernt, das ich meinen skill jetzt public machen muss!!!
was hast du aufeinmal gegen stray? :(
naja ich hab nix gegen ihn, hab nur spaß dran, dass er jedes mal kommentiert und sich sogar so aufregt und mich ausm ts banned!!^^
oK! Grüße!
WELL we failed hard but gg :]
unexpected !
stray ihr habt gewonnen nice, und fertig :) <3