team.hmm vs Frag For Fun (5032 views)

de frogg
de aCtiveee
ch TAu
de Andy
de aCtionman
fr evl
fr Bowler
fr choum
fr Bj
ch donuts
fr tehnza
Rules are clear, CB banned players are not allowed to play won by forfeit (no show)
24.09.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup II 3v3/6v6
Manager: Franc!s (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 13955
The bets have been cancelled.

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Enemy Territory TV
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By: andyF1 (ettvd)
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


med/- against low- ...
gl !
omfg warum imma so low gegner ... ihr seits eh so gut -.-

naja.. gl jungs und izi bash for hmm :)
was soll man amchen wenn solche teams in die erste gruppe einer liga kommt lol
wir sind schon prem. div in dem cup Oo :D:D:D:D
oh xD
naja nen bisschen hoch gegriffen für jemanden der so low ist wie du...
naja lieber low als ugly wie du!
gl lala,tau und frogg
gl & hf aCtive & aCtionman <3
haha , wenns der echte ist echt so erwartet :P
hab ich mir auch schon gedacht
ich weiß der meint ja auch ich hacke :( nur leider kann er mich ja net busten weil ich nen privat habe :(
fail :p
np 4 znark <3333
gl tau, znark FROGGY :D
izi for hmm !

4 cheaters = insta win :D
2 aCtiveee´s nice? but gg to ur fail!
dann cheater er halt für actionman gleich mit :)
to izi for znark
Gl active =) <3
ohne hax wirds knapp für team hmmm :D
not smart of team.hmm to play with a cb banned player
That wasn't znark himself, it was a friend.

oh w8,sry man i had nothing against you but if you dont trust me when i said "it wasnt me" not my fault.... it means that jaymod ban wasnt me killerboy checked again...i tried some weeks ago "rcon pw stealer" i got kick for it...etc... killerboy said that rcon pw steal shit is also a pbban so he need to give me also an CB ban means that i already served 2 months of "a ban" and next month 23.10.09 iam means that iam fucking clean as i said...and now gtfo all haterz or guys who said i was hacking! and for the real idiots =znArk iz clean,tried rcon pw stealer "the only hack what he tried".
Gifted kom er maar in !
ye but still they can get banned for that on , i wasn talking about you :P
oh k.
who cares about crossfire? get some life guy!
He actually has a life. ;)
to mutch cheater on one match..
to mutch mistakes in this sentence..
gotta love Keks' english skillzZZ
to mutch..... stop! who are u? Oo
Im Gegensatz zu dir hat er sich auf LAN blicken lassen.
Gl znark... Anyway i recorded something about him and his gaystyle!
gl dreckiger znArk
GL an alle von hmm,außer frogg,weil ders schwul
znArk own u mom ! 3F =D
vouler vous coucher avec moi se soir ;) (8) (for znArk) =D
ECC Season 2, wut?
Since it seems to be the lowest EC ever it was needed to make an other one.
You have € 3 on fr 3F Cancel bet
Possible win: € 34.56 ...^^ & hf
znArk & andy :* gl :)
gl zanrk!
it vjtO Monday, 21st September 2009 10:16
Gl znark... :XDDDDDDD THX
lol 3f is inactive atm :)
gl znark
lol easy for froggy
that pushed my ego... oh stop its high already :D
ja hmmmmmmmmmmm,
gl hf !
GL znArk & co.
GL 3f
GL frogg and snArk
gl lala ^^
hf lala
c ki c 3f lol ?
mon petit père, la team 3F est l'une des plus vielles sur ET, t'étais en couche culotte alors qu'on jouait déjà ;)
Juste que en ce moment on est inactif voilà tout.
Et que ce Froggy a mis un match qu'on a pas accepté et de plus il nous a pas demandé la permission et a ajouté une line up au pif ;)
Sa mérite un magnifique
gl znark , andy & lala
You have € 63 on de Cancel bet
Possible win: € 73.71

ich bin fast schonwieder pleite xP
gogo my niggers <3
boring match ... hf znark :p
that screenshot isnt lala we already checked his guid etc...anyway he isnt playing :)
killerboy said it was nTo and he is allready busted.
omg good luck to me and the rest of my team :D
GL znArk the pwner.
GL znarkk
nice fail with lala banned it's not the lala of
proof and he is allowed to play.
then tell me why he is in the team called banned :o

btw pm frogg he need ip and pw from the matchserver
opponent dont show up :( forfeit!
forfeit :(
il ont pas assez de joueur alors il trouve un autres moyens de gagner mdr