sFx.LAN vs sundayMIX (3379 views)

08.10.06 16:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #1day-cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: gtv.otter (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #clanless.gaming ETTV1
By: gtv.otter (ettvd)

By: Trubel (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 93


sundayMIX fosho
oh cmon i was 1st :x
sunday lineup ?
sunday lineup?
:X we lost from sunday mmh 10 mins holded @ braun and then fucked up ?/
ye sunday lu would b great...btw half money on sFx ofc...
who is sunday mix? lineup?
[15:53] <zP|butchji> keran shy butchji mize ernie potter
[15:53] <keran> +hatred backup

keran, shy, butchji, miZe, ernie, potter = sundayMIX
That's exactly what stroopio said isn't it?
look at the post times retard?
Stfu kanker hoer?
+ hatred backup
sunday mix ofc
sfxlan fo sho
by knowing lineups it will be more closer then i expected...

but still sFx.LAN take it IMO
sundaymix 4 sure

lineup = keran, shy, BUTCHJI, miZe, ernie, potter
why the fuck odds always changing?

pending on wtf?

or its checking players free RAM and CPU and count from it the chances...

it seems u aint joking, which mean u r a noob. the odds are the money that have been set on both teams, the more u set on one team the less the odd will be. in case u didnt understand, ill give u an example
lol vs lal pot: 0$$ i bet on lol and then the odds change from 2.00 for each team to 1.25 for lol and 5 for lal. it looks like that lol 1.25 vs 5 lal.
ofcoz it varies, depends on how much ppl bet on each team. IF the odds are 1.25 to 5 and someone bets 10000 on the team that has 5, the odd will probably change to 5 for the first team and 1.25 for the team than those 10000 have been bet. Another factor is THE POT. if it is big, for example 123456 and some1 will bet 1 on the team with 5 the bet WONT change cuz of the pot. But if u bet 50000 on the team with odd 5 the odds will change.
and it will mean i am a noob coz i donno about it... yes u r right...i am noob... but u and idiot...
me > you + ur a retard, i help u and u call me idiot + ur english sucks my dick
"it seems u aint joking, which mean u r a noob." thx the help m8...

pleased to meet u...
i dont want to see ur ugly face