diLemma vs dev1ous.net (4944 views)

es crem
es sHUKa
pt hELLbLACk
es Soco
es cENYu
es oSo
de mikr0
nl CoCo
nl Cupra
be Flippp
gb rolst
at Visjes
fi Wrath
11.10.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Visjes (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6407
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #ETTV9Sfe-gaming.de
By: {S1N} (ettvd)
de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: msh100 (ettvd)

gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


gl mikro <3 :D
ty :)

gl mís amigos <3
dlm can take it , hope it for you m8 <3
gl m8's 8D
line-up dev1ous.net :

nl CoCo
nl Cupra
be Flippp
gb rolst
at Visjes
fi Wrath
gl dev!
gl diLemma

<3 tXino
extatic pwnea
hellblack culo do mundo
shuka harry potter
Eso a que viene joputa? XD
por sabelotodo cara flanet :P es broma tontorron <3
Pillaremos como siempre.
a mi eso me da igual, yo os mando un gl
NP pal rifle del Shuka <3
cuidado NSA que alomejor se rebela y juega en un futuro cercano de smg xD
No jodas!!! Lo ke faltaba...
lose....sera el puro desastre! xd
tranquilo nsa, soy el jugador comodin ^^ juego de cualquier cosa en cualquier lado, y siempre con la misma skill es decir 0 :D
Eres como una navaja suiza, tienes multiples cosas, pero luego te das cuenta que son demasiado malas xD
GO HellBlack GOOOOO <3
metes-me mesmo noijo hellblack (private joke :D)
gl dev1ous
metes noijo aoshi!!!!!!!.!.

lets change our results with this teams of OC XD

hope my m8's


we can do it !!

in el culo del mundo devil !! XD

shuka sexy rifle

txino a mikro lo pro's !!!

crem the nice captain:P

izi 4 dilemma
LoL, vuelve la vieja élite. Suerte oSo & Soco <3

Shuka, cENYu, kiero un saludito <3

Muy bonito, en vez de montar un ekipo os unis a otro...vaya pandilla de mariconas xD
¿Te hacemos un hueco trayendo bebidas y tapitas? xDD
lp quiero rifles sexy's e fodilhonas nieste juego. lo quiero ver a aquellas que son capaces de arrancar los corrones xD <3
8vs6 np for dilemma
x_DDDDDDDD, calla calla que mi aim.. x'D
true , 8vs6

dev1ous.net you'r so fucked up !!!

its gonna be a dilemma for you xD

gl m8's!!!1
wow you thought of this all on your own?
someone give this guy a cookie
why dont you give him the cookie?
ostia con fixajes nuevos y todo. XDD
gl txino crEm <3
enga haber si en esta cambiamos nuestra suerte.
no se si podre estar(igual asi ganais,aunque con shuka lo dudo. :P)
suerte y al toro.
txino maricona, hago mas dmg que tu con cualquier cosa y PINCHO MAS RAPIDO Y MAS MEJOR

sin indirecta
lal oso , soco cenYu i el resto suerte :)
no lo queria decir,pero de mayor quiero ser como tu shuka<3

hell el mas sexy del mundo!!!!
weeeeeeee, una lineup decente ke wapooo xDDD

aver si seguiis con la racha de derrotas cenyu apestas
gl pl mikro :DDDD
im from Beerland !!!
ty spidaah :)
i want more coments at this channel !! XD


gl dev1ous =)
gl devious :D
GL dev1ous nice clan ! and fair Good luck
izi 4 crem el que me incita a no ir a clase <3
<3 dev1ous omg gl guys
CoCo Power Rangers!
Un saludo al mariquita flores que yo me conosco xDD
gl dev1ous
suertee You have € 106 on dLm
Possible win: € 460.04
easy bash for devious, have fun, make a show on ettv!
looooooooooool si eso k os token mas chetos :S suerte la necesitareis :S
cenyu retiraos que si te tienen ati lo llevais chungo jaja xDD
go nutsacks go!
don't be too proud of devious.net , in cod2 & cod4 they're known for hacking :/
This is new for me..send me pm with more infos please.

If this is true my team will leave dev1ous as sponsor.
Nutsacks are all 100% free of hacks. We have never hacked in past , and will never hack.
I spit on hackers.
Don't talk shit plox
They recently recruited new teams in COD 2&4 and CS:S
So dont think either of those guys are cheating
Don't give us a bad name for nothing
I know mAuro.
gl dilemma
plz more txiters
You have € 39.26

Possible Win: € 164.19

GL dLmm (L)
come on dev1ous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you guys :)
Devious, pak ze tijgers!
gl dev1ous <3
Go dev1ous <3
flip is en neger
cupi is my boy
coco gets the bottles vibrating
rick rolst
dr. vicious
vittu wrath D:

go dev1ous!!!
still love you klax
now u crawl back vidi :)
still in for 3 some? :O

<3 u
Spanish people fail,portugese people fail and german people fail, except Saevio and Klaus.

GL to dev1ous!

Cuuuupraaa :>
LOOOOOOOL kaizi , kaizi , dont talk so much ok?? you didnt see us play , so plz dont whine this chat!!!!!

GL guys!!!!
We did see you play and you failed 4-0, watchondemand ftw
LOOOL your got pwned at attack / def -.- .. you won at teamwork thats alll

but qp anyway : : )

gl for other matches
Don't listen to him he doesnt speak for dev1ous
You guys played well
gl in next matches (and come with the wright guid you naablet xD )
GO GO NUTSACKZ :D hope we get to see some of wrath's epic snipe
gl peña!
no ettv gg
GG dev1ous 4-0 dilemma
wp dLm
dev1ous 4 - dilemma 0

good game, good luck in next matches