Best Players BE vs xt6 Gaming (13394 views)

be vila :)
be lio :)
be acid :)
be snot
be mAus
nl hayaa
be xAv
es Gengis
es RadifZ
es Wezor
fr emorej
pl Palemki
Group C

be Best Players BE renamed to be Team EDiT
es Pinpals renamed to es xt6
12.10.09 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XX
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Homer_ (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 69353
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 345


Gl xav !
GL xAv :))
no pasaran
LOL gl both

gengis vila <3333
+es RadifZ
-de duKe_

we will miss u tim!
gl lio gengis :o)
gl vila :)))
omg mAus omg
gl hf EDiT :D
I want a smiley aswell :(
who needs mAus when you got hayaa!
Only busted players get smileys!
gl uk pub owner :))))

of telt dat niet? :(
i played with you on a pub omfg!!!
gl EDiT !!
bonne chance le roux le faux espagnol et le marseillais saoulon
bpbeh will win only coz of hayaa and mAus. take out hayaa = instalose for bpbeh

"Best Players BE revolved to Team EDiT

"revolve - turn on or around an axis or a center; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"; "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"
though i don't feel it was done of purpose (i think the word was supposed to be evolved), some better english writers could actually use the word revolve considering the lineup is nearly the same as edit's old one. following this logic they formed a complete circle with their name, from EDiT to BPBEH back to EDiT once again.
yeah..agreed. the same thing u said can be put like this >> they re-evolved to EDiT (EDiT->bpbeh->EDiT)

watevaaa...mAus n hayaa ftw :D who cares about team's name.. ;D
izi on the belgium power.
mAus sux
gl mAus
np for bpbeh ofc

gl manne :d
mAus just freaking owns, stop saying he sucks... he isn't even very active
Match is sunday ..
no duke no win
no duke no win
<3 pinpals
gl edit <3
gl wezor gengis palemki :)
GL lio & vila <3
GO gengis , wezor & radifz!
23 ?? It's 22.00
they just cant get it right, can they? :D
easy win loL!!!!!!
go go go be!.
gl be es
Veel geluk vlaamse owners, tis topen da ge wint :D XD
gl Jay.
gl pinpals pero me da que pillais xD
gl pinpals!! digo...xt6 gaming! xD
gl manne
Ramón y Victor ;***********************

Wezor porn searcher ^^
Gl villa :]
EDiT gone bash em. gogo :P
Gl Vila & Lio
You have € 60 on be bpbeh Cancel bet
Possible win: € 75

winne eh manne:D
gl acid
hf vila et lio le mangeur de merguez :D
non ça rime plus avec ton nick :)
c'est pas par rapport à son nick mais pas grave ;x
no mesq no win
lio at rifle again???:)
gl BE
gl gengis, wezor et emorej :p
gl owners
gl belgian hackers +)
stop saying bullshit
since when trues are bullshit?

i just cant get it...

reminds how cool cb is :D
I just can't get it why people keeps saying those stupid 'belgian cheater' comments , they proved alot online and on lans without cheats, and everyone forgets that.

back in time everyone was watching EDiT or overload or old team belgium because they were at the top and fanboying them.

then they got tired of the game and cheated a bit, care much, stupid retards really need to think first before they talk shit
same for you at comment above.
have fun hayaa<3 vila wezor emoraj
Succes lio & hayaa!
xt6 Gaming retards.
potm emorej
wa vor shit isda ier man :D , stink spanjaarde
this is just a shame to team xt6 jesus
vaya tela wezor,vaya tela
Nice match
aaaah je noobs aaah maus jou maaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah low
Beltards got rolled hard!
XT6 tards ;x
en fin...
fucking losers gratz with your forfeit win lows ....
xt6 retards scared to be bashed 5v6.
xt6 quit online gaming plz!
Fucking hell just play the match xt6.
No sportsmanship.
As if the busted belgian ego boys would even know the definition of sportmanship...
xt6 fking tards, knowing they even will get bashed 5o6 mongols get lost
:DDDDDDDDDDD vous déconné trop ,/ join
Exciting match
if Best Players BE can't even get 6 players they have nothing to do in EC imo...
Their 6th had a problem so shut up
c'est bien, toi t'as rien compris ;)
and at the end, they had 6
yeah a 6th 30 mins later super... Let's wait 2 days next time...
pero lol...en fin :<
they deserve to be in the play offs
fucking idiots scared ... quit playing et xt6 if u can only win this way ...
playoff worthy , 1-0 , gl
need flame journal from you, mr FCB lover :)
wezor for president!
Who was the admin of the match?
homer i think
yep, that was Homer
Homer, after 35 mins of waiting he gave them 2 mins to find a 6th player or the option for xt6 to play 6v5, BPB found a 6th player just after Homer left the server and xt6 wouldnt rejoin.
after 35 mins? sound okey then to leave. :)
Could have been closer to 40 mins to be honest :)
38 mins @ my clock exactly
a fucking poltard homshit
is not about homer .. is about xt6 didnt wanted to play .. they dont need the admin to say "yes we play"
No, but admin sure can help them out littlebit, yet tho if they really did wait 35min'salredy then it is fine to leave, wouldnt wait neither more.
plz, after 35 mins.
would have done the same, 35 mins of waiting would annoy me as hell
hf getting owned in ur next match >.<
poor pinpals
xt6=scared team !
good job xt6, would have done the same

unlucky belgian hackers :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
nice joke pinpals ...
what happened?
read comments
BE players werent able to get 6th to server
deserved win, i'm sure x6t will rape tag & celsus and win EC :_)

:D yes in leaving
As sure as vila, lio n acid would have too...
Don't remember which EC wars but we had delays vs impact - mpg of over 30 min and we had to stay
but it's doubtful if xt6 would have beaten edit.
kinda funny they didn't dare to play 5v6 though :D
DOH, cause they would've lost 5v6 even :P
lol lol lol xt6

faite d'la peine ..
AHAHAHAHAH ROFL A THESE ALL RETARD WHINING :D so lol btw match will be played MONDAY at 22.15 (6v6) i m so scared gn8


21:00 rL vs xt6 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<------ NEED TO FIX IT ?
21:15 bpbeh vs xt6

ok.. so 15min forfeit win against rL, then 21:15 vs bpbeh
15 is enough : - )
the same number of minutes was enough to create you by your parents
2255 @FCB|vila : i'll forfeit all games
2255 @FCB|vila : so you don't even get the 1-0
2255 @FCB|vila : pethethic
Thx a lot for rescheduling <3
Démontez leur l'arrière train ;)
go wezoranus
goodluck both teams:)
atleast you got 3 stars now because of the e-drama
No, that's because 50% of all players = female.
You can notice that by all the crying last days.
go edit nice ex busted players :)
GL again, lio fucking retard fix ur pc! <3
So who had 5 players? EDiT or xt6
gL lio acid and vila <3
gl wezor emorej et un peu xav xDD
gl xAv et allez vous faire enculer les flamands :D
gl lio and acid, what's up with you guys?
hf xt6
need TosspoT casting
TorsspoT !!111
la mousline est toute chaude
gl edit<3
be Best players BELGIUM ever had
nl hayaa
be Best Players BE renamed to be Team EDiT
4/2 xt6
good game guys <3
4-2 belgians was a good game
spanyards should have taken the forfeit win.
Actually they now have a map in stead of a 1-0
One map, what for? They won't reach play-offs anyway, you'll take their place.
bien jugao chicas

melamegacomes muy bien (jugao digo)
gg wp Both
You have € 79 on be bpbeh
You won € 90.06
The line up was:

wp guys
Keep that lineup!
2011 @FCB|vila : 55 hs on attack
2011 @FCB|vila : 60 hs on defense adler
2011 @FCB|vila : he cheats man
2011 @FCB|vila : oldschool or not
2016 @extasix\WeZoR : y parle de maxuhh
very nice game best of the cup so far.
tosspot was def needed for it made the match more exciting
match of the month,excelent and close game
nice match!
wp wezor :o
3 *s lold
gl all