on-Pills vs Clan Military Forces (6999 views)
22.10.06 20:00 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 5on5 Ladder | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supplydepot2 | |
Braundorf_b4 |
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![]() By: orsz (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35
Viewer Peak: 35

gl Shhhal :)
gluck pilz
gluck pilz
did someone said lag?
says slovenian
oh yeah shit i forgot oO, we rly lag cause of us, they have to pause match....thx for reminding me.
stop trying to outsmart everyone.
when you have said "did someone said lag?" you just showed your brain-abilities.
when you have said "did someone said lag?" you just showed your brain-abilities.
ofc i'm smart, i wrote my slovene test 4(very good) today (: (: :D
hmm i rly never seen any match paused cuz a slovenian laggd, but thats probably cuz u dont have players that r good enuf to be shown on ettv
oh yea, thats going to be the reason yea....shit....we just have quakecon winner....so...yup we suck!!!
omg thats 1 guy noob, name at least 6 med+/high skilled well known guys from slo that play with ettv
they all quit ET :< superboyy, illy-ya, olympus....only med+/high that r still playing...JaKaZc, immoo, vektor... i hope that I answered to ur question right.
haha. no koment.
ja sry nevem ce so inacitve pa nevem za vse... (:
we are away from europe, you are in the north euro, your pings sucks, ours too but we got reason.
yea kk, but our ping is 50 - 90 max si it doesnt rly suxz.
Poilsh cunts,shut up.
u replied to slovenian guy and thought hes polish. U, sir, are a fucking retard.
slovenia NORTH eu? :O
yea thats strange 2 :S. :D
Tried to be funny?...
Learn english, then comment, my dear. :->
Plz I'm pr0
he is... dont face him...
gl no.pills <3
Lineup of onPills:

gl stonji
izi basz for izraelianz
CMF go down:(
:O gl all
Don't we have reason? We have bad lags because of our provider monopoly (there is only one big ISP and veeery many smaller). And sorry, but it is not easy for us to change this situation. benyy, plz change it if it is so easy.
I want to have a good lags.
gl montage my nigga :D
gl savior
Your bet: 34⬠on .on-pills Possible Win: 43 ⬠(+9 â¬)
I hope i WIN
I hope i WIN
btw its 5on5 and its sd2 and adlernest
easy for .on-pills
gl deadmAn :p
gl deadmAn :p
hf my israelian mates.
Your bet: 3421⬠on MonTage Possible Win: 4321 ⬠(+921 â¬)
easy for en-pills. no chances for CMF. but gl boyz
Your bet: 50⬠on CMF Possible Win: 250 ⬠(+200 â¬)
gL my favorit
jews :)

gl CMF
laggers vs laggers
gl deadmAn
gl deadmAn
Vamos brazil para sempre <3 am not a jew!
gl cmf :)
gl termi
Oh my hackers you say, yes apparently 2 of on-pills hack hmm hmm.
Lineup of onPills:
Stonji - hacker http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=526&sid=69e8e36487331f411f27115ff5e34eda
montage - hacker http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=525&sid=69e8e36487331f411f27115ff5e34eda
TeRM1 - hacker http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=527&sid=69e8e36487331f411f27115ff5e34eda
id use a server supported by pbbans / pbs if i was u :)
Stonji - hacker http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=526&sid=69e8e36487331f411f27115ff5e34eda
montage - hacker http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=525&sid=69e8e36487331f411f27115ff5e34eda
TeRM1 - hacker http://www.gamestv.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=527&sid=69e8e36487331f411f27115ff5e34eda
id use a server supported by pbbans / pbs if i was u :)
we are playing with ETTV and pb server so plz spec us and judge
fucking fat retard
fucking fat retard
fat lol
u will get banned @ cb so why even bother?
ye y bother
decem? stop with the bullshit plz.. you can watch them @ ettv today .judge them after the game kktnxbye
its proven why judge. judge him on ettv when he turns his hacks off...?
I only know few israelians that arent acting retarded all the time, what is it with u guys?
lol are you rly so dumb?
they used hax when there was no offi and no ettv, they even got kicked by pb and there are screens on it - just check xfire.be
you rly think they need to use hax versus cmf?
they used hax when there was no offi and no ettv, they even got kicked by pb and there are screens on it - just check xfire.be
you rly think they need to use hax versus cmf?
St6nji m6ntage hAcKXeR z LOZLz
Please, they are not cheaters, stop being so agressive.
i wonder if they werent israelians but lets say... polish, would you defend them so hard too?
If I knew we I'm talking about, Yes, I was defending, even if they were polish.
so you must be very good man mister
they will hack you to death!
plz dont waste ETTV servers on this match, just ban them already
da pashol te nahui fuzz dalbayob
how rude :(
well with your brain, fits you right
well with your brain, fits you right
gl montage!!!!!!!!
No sToNjI Ur nOt HaXiN YoU JuSt PuSh Ze buTToN On yOuR mOuSe tO FaSt AnD U HaD LuCk tO KilL 3 PpLz bEhInD ThE WaLl!!!!!!1111 gggg
AnD wHy u rEaLLy SuX 3wEekS aGo (2200DG @ SD2 stopwatch) aNd yEsTeRdAy U RaPeD Us sO HaRd TrU Ze WaLLz ?!?
AnD wHy CaNt YoU wRiTe iN a NorMaL WaY?
nicklaming a jew how low can you go...
nick laming ? who LOL im using this nick since i started playing
stop taking names from jew bible
stop taking names from jew bible
so hes nicklaming a brazilian what a wnb!
you seem to be pretty retarded, congratulations.
finnish people are retards
stop listening to rock punks
stop listening to rock punks
kul we are famous @ ettv @ hacks @ fanboys
give me dash brotherzz!