ESVKA ~ Division 2 vs eXtreMe SolDierS (4659 views)

cz aDa
cz caybro
cz idymalgia
cz kysna
cz Cypis
cz traktor
it black
it decade
it EliHBK
it gaMi
it OpiNelZ
it owen
it VaL
22.10.09 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: caybro (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 23785
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


gl e2
slaughty new talent
ye :) dunno where we found him anyway
gl E2 kde je Cypisek?

OMG Adler OMG kysna will play rifle:-D owned time
Cypis out (for tonite), sk slaughty the new talent in
(jinymi slovy Cypis dal prednost pichani sve divciny pred pichanim bfmka)
gl e2 !
no cypis no win :(
easy for esvka
You have € 100 on e2
Possible win: € 234

make me rich pl0x
gl e2!
gl esvka <3
izi one for extreme soldiers ;)
GL ESVKA -- take milhAus for ur team -- as backup ofc
gl E$
gl E2!
gl e2! dobry traktor i po blocie pojdzie :)
gl esvka
gl e2
gl svk
<insert traktor's random pic here>
old, you already posted this pic,
new pic or stop faking Traktor.
epic pic is still epic even if its old
whats about your canadian flag? :)
you dont from cz?
i do from cz, but iam mysterious this way! muhahahaha
or proxy user,
selfbust Mr nc customer :p
ye proxy :)
had to fake something :-o
your ip on some cheats forum? hehe
gl traktor :)
<3 kysnaaator
potoc ty reflexmane
gl aDo :-)
a ja som sa stale cudoval ze kto len moze byt ta slovenska vlajka :P
From the name they sound strong, all my money on them
Gl trakro - aDa
Goood luck cz caybro & e2!
GL prdosii :)
gl es
wp :D
gg nade frag movie this time 4 caybro.....still gg :)
well I hate adler and radar isn't really a spam map :]
who win?
gg esvka 2 :(
gj :)
You have € 500 on e$
You lost

siete delle merdacce!