Tagapagtanggol vs aVa #K-LibR (3984 views)

pl pow4h
sc vib
pl slash
pl Rumun3k
pl kuben
pl Why
pl B!ba
be wKa
be Gold0rak
be Aguilera
be MouT
fr ivski
fr milit
fr KDL
27.10.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup II 3v3/6v6
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Pow4h (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 6598
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #Pure.ET ETTVoD Recorder
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl vib.

wKa (be)
Gold0rak (be)
Aguilera (be)
MouT (be)
ivski (fr)
milit (fr)
KDL (fr)

Gl :)
izi for MouuuuT !!!!!!! <3
GL aVa!
will be nice match but rly hard for us gl :D
bande de grosse salope les aVa!!!! jmé 40€ sur vous!!
IZI 4 milit
hf ava !
gl ;]
You have € 68 on aVa
Possible win: € 481.44

Gl MouT, milit
cheaters will win ":D"
gl mika :d'
mika joue pas...
C'est pas lui Aguilera espèce de pute lyonnaise ? :D
non ca c'est shewie sale retard
Goldo gros payday fait moi gagner un peu de tune je perd mes sousous tout à cause de vous.
lol pas autant que moi ^^ et puis on sera imo que 3 de dispo ( du moins jusque la ) pour ce soir autrement dit ...ça changera pas grand chose
Bon j'enlève mes sous alors culé ;)
pff on as gagné malgré tout mais pas d'ettv ct trop tard pour changer les servers :) sinon on les as ouned de chez ouned ^^

gl slash kuben :)
gl wKa, goldorak & Chewbacca
gl aVa
rumun3k wieczny low + hahaha odpusc se ta gre chlopie
jawnie rumunek to jawny kurwa zal :)
naucz sie odpowiadac na komentarze pokrako :)
izi rumun
gl 10 liga
prawda jest jedna nie chcieli Cie nawet byli 10ligowcy LOWKU:D
1) a 10th league doesn't exist, the highest is the 5th (lowest skill wise), we are participating in the 4th
2) this match is part of the ECC season 2

3) I would own you anytime at any place :)
sprostowanie w oc 4 liga :< bo nie ma 10 a to jest wogule inny cup na zaproszenie.
Shewie + mout = low

Ca a moins de gueule que six ce truc
gl goldorak :D
Gl tagapaga& vib
gl vibrozaurze :)
vibrator dziekuje :)
gl hf Taga =))
randoms versus randoms how awesome !
random replying to randoms how awesome !
more known than you are
De notre coté pas trop hein.. un mec team France, deux reload, un admin EC et moi la grande star ;o
great succes
colle ça sur ton profil cF fils
Mout et moi on va refonder six tkt
match will start delayed
nerdji ferme ta gueule pls randoms
low + de merde
rosvo pas content! <3 t'énerve pas ministarji :D
b3ck go sur ventrilo pour war :)
gl for Homer and Goldorak :XD poors admins !
to byl jakis homar nie homer
xD b3ck_
Mais l'autre viens joué le grand sur gamesTV alors que c'est un gros random et il se permet de
critik é de grand joueur .

pareil pour panjiz , j'te connais pas mais tu pue avec ton SIX de merde
4-0 for us even with ettv prob
zamknij morde lamusie
Gl goldorak.
:o ? 4:0 ? but this is fair game ? No ! you are naab admin poor cup. bb
WHen ur wining a game ur leet ultra blabla..when u lose another its shit cup ^^
Read rulz before blaming cup, we play 2 map - u lose both map thats all ho no you got owned both map to be more clear


btw we give u all infos to add in here about ettv and ur not able to do it !!! chance for you :)
u think u are good? i played for first time map reactor. Cman to normal map u wanna offi ?
never say then im good :) as i never said then im a leet...i just said then whining after losing is always easy
Ok can we play versus your team ava ... only on normal map if u wont :) play fairplay we Chose map and U chose map but normal map not fuckin reactor Send me msg cu