dgE Wielkie Pierdolniecie vs i like kaszanka and wontrobianka (4940 views)

fi Simple
fi daaaaaaGmara
fi juli
pl fish
pl method
pl Browarek
24.10.09 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: kLAun (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 9901
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


more fake teams, more fake matches, more, more, more...
dont ban him !!
to nie fake zjebie szurek trzym pizde lowbobie
Member Since 20th October 2009
Welcome newbie award, also get replay and english skill
no co ? ten ostry popierdol mysli ze jest fajny. Wybacz mu jego debilizm... o zgrozo...
na nic sie nie obrazam, dam mu szanse dorosnac :)
zjedz go!
victis roll ;Dd;d;f;h;fc;

to nie jest smieszne tak jak spakiroll:(
a ty niby kto!!? 0_o
gl Sample
Gl EC rifler Simple!
hilarious commenting at such a late hour

hilarious replying at an even later hour ;f
dobra co to za jebany fake...
spierdalaj gnoju....
gl fish or smth XD
to nie fake methodje my gramy z innym merhodem najwyrazniej masz fake u jakiegos kolesia
gl method ;*
Simple xDDDD
Klaun ty to jestes zgrywus. Wracam na swoje plecy bo dopiero co wstalem ze smiechu
Sample taking over 3on3 scene
more klaunuf kaszanek i wontrobianek :O
wanna be sk klaun
cancelled ?
as i said, another fake match.
but its funny, let him do this again !
whats the pont to do a fake match?

"ET" guy and a girl a saturday nigth in a disco

- Girl: Whats the most wild thing you done in your life?
- ET guy: wow.. i do so many wild things in my life i cant tell you whats the most, oh yes.. well .. there was a day that i request a server on gamestv and the match was a fake hahaha...
- Girl: omg ... you are so bad... wanna be my boyfriend?

and why is this guy still allowed to add wars ?