Valkyrie #StopNPlay vs aestas (5724 views)

pt utk
pt krypto
pt nomearod
pt WhT
pt reAvr
pt $!LV3R
pt torako
pt ag0n
be nickj
be fostruM
nl NoHead
de ohzor4
be Prydz
be spiROZE
28.10.09 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: shadz (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2

Total Pot: € 168004
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
By: shadz (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


gl to us :)
gl voces :P
gl valkyrie.

Shoutcast no TS da StopNPlay que será realizado quando a match começar a passar na ETTV.
war is @ 21:00 isn't it?

"Match will be played the WEDNESDAY 28/10 @ 21h GMT on gtv server

Accorded by supervisor [OC]GoldoraK"
21 GMT means 22 CET
28.10.09 22:00 CET it is right
Just checked my chat logs, I agreed 21:15 CET with utk.
Then I talked to you, but didn't see that you said GMT -_- ( we live in CET... )
Let's do 21:15 please... Later isn't rly an option unless you want a defwin -_-
but you agreed the date with me not with uTk, I agreed the date and hour with you and GoldoraK. 20.45GMT or 21GMT cant before
care gmt is for naabs talk @ cet
and if you want to win in a way like this your a bit sad
who are talking about win with a forfeit man? rly stfu if u dont know shit
dude u aint talking to inc team so stfu
gl nohead <3
gl Valkyrie #StopNPlay ! hf Krypto & nomearod ..
gl, hun spele wel goed op bremen maar zijn slecht op delivery :P
I agree with you sir but let me tell you that we were not with the full line up :P
gl nohead

HF valk! krypto <3
gl nohead!
izi for nohead and flocky
S!LV3R <G O O D L U C K>
Doraemon <H A V E F U N >
boa sorte silver x)
bora bora meus putos , gl <3
gl valk :-)
portugal <3
Will be tough, gl belgians!
gl nohead.
hopefully this time without a leaving 6th in the decider map :XD
GL Valk e deixem os deciders pra quando os gatos tiverem penas...xd
my money on valk , best of luck guys!
gl spirozeee
bunch of virgins, noob clan valk!
ahahah :D im not sir, fucked u in doggystyle yesterday :)

(sorry my net went down a lil ago)
u just lost:SSSSSSSS
no i didnt we just played 1 round x)
what's up with these cocksuckerz?
go to bed kids its past ur bed time!

virgins? how can u say that to ur biological father? =X
Vou apostar td em voces, nao percam plz :D
Nohead zorgt er wel voor dat ik weer wat gbooky geld krijg !
GL aestas :)!
gl nohead cheater
gl koto & kMt
no redox no win
gl & hf
You have € 10 on Val
Possible win: € 21.9

haha als jullie van deze verliezen zijn jullie echt kapot slecht:D
gl valk.
Gl jongens, bashen hé, bashen! :p
Bijt hun kop eraf :D
parte-os todos WhT.

gl valk, doraemon <3
gl ohzor4
You have € 1000 on Val
Possible win: € 2970
god dammit, I can't play :( I have smallband and I can't buy extra GB =( sry guys
cu at next tomatfuck :[
kinda busy with skool, u ?
stop it :'(
You have € 1000 on pt Val Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2780
You have € 130000 on Val
Possible win: € 152100

You have € 22 on be aestas Cancel bet
Possible win: € 148.5
will not be played, aestas dont have 6. forfeit win for valkyrie
forfeit wins should pay aswell......:))))))