dark&beyond vs dNan (7346 views)

de sabio
de ScaTmaN_
de viol
de boNg
nl tiiMo
nl pds
pl klejf
nl licid
nl kiewan
nl amazon
nl vita
nl ronner
nl joop
26.10.09 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: BoNg (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10945
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#3?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)
nl Enigma's ETTV #1
By: Enigma (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


gl hf
gl d&b!
gl hf boNg! ;) Siegen <3 boNg
gogo scatman bong viol and all d&b gooooooooo!!!!!! u can do it !!!!!<3333333
gl domi :)
Gl Domi
gl domi, spho, joop & co <3
Geh sterben
sorry, dir natürlich auch gl ;(
bin halt leider kein großer fan von dem team ;D
Aber von mir !

Und Danke !
das lass ich jetzt lieber mal unkommentiert! =D
gl boNg & scat
gl drumm & bass
Wuuuuhooo killinger gl :))) dir auch boNg ;-)
Danke Tim !
danke, ohne dein glück hätten wir verloren imo xD
easy for boNg :)
hf boNg
gl dnan
gl bong
gl amazon
gl ama
lol amazon berend :DD
suc6 heren =)
10:0 dNan
d&b gl <3333

p.s. stop cheating viol :<
hf viol domi joop licid
Wished i could've played to rape some cheating scum :[
You have € 100 on d&b
Possible win: € 783
ej pds als je niet wint he, in 1 zin: Je kanker zus.
gl bong & sab
vita : kzt gebruik modus low
kiewan : bot user yeah!
joop : hoezee
licid : kzzzt
ronner : kzzt
amazon : hahahaa XD

gl pds , violy , sabio , bong , the rest is noob kisses(K)
gl ama
amazon? XD
Nice Game rly close :DD

gg wp
ggs wp

wp boNg

You have € 104 on d&b
You won € 391.04
:-XD ggs
You have € 200 on eu d&b
You won € 752

Thanks pds
You have € 1000 on eu d&b
You won € 3760
You have € 100 on eu d&b
You won € 376
wp klejf !
hard to play against guys who can watch through walls..
well done sabio ScaTmaN_ viol & klejf
bong = bust3d???
Thats why nl tiiMo played for me
haha wtf domi
you need hayaati :\
You have € 1000 on eu d&b
You won € 3760