g5squad vs Wolf Crazy Killer (2114 views)

gb wakizashi
gb h3lix
gb skydeh
fr kaz
fr kartez
tr MousS
08.11.09 23:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: FuSWilliam (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 18240
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de Ana's ETTV #4
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 1
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


g5 PLAYAs niggers
gl waki unleash ur bankai and u will win!
shut up faggot before i will rape your cancermother in her wheelchair
mad that i said gl to waki before u?
good job we'l never know what happened on braun, laggy server... :<
why did you restarted server?
u got raped in the 1st round
gl in echo group
The server was never restart.. server logs it was crashed by someone
the fucking french did it!
i guess u got ip
by them ofc
why we will plant this serv?
we was winning, and we won first map, and they put on cb: they won and we violated serv, they are retarded or what?
of course were retarded. but we didnt fucking crash the server!
so, who did it?
you were all full after we planted the dynamite, so its like we finished the 1st round and at least we will won 3/1.
finish the match then
it was 2-0 wck
with so quick round @ b4
yes they are. also lowrank nubs :<
shouldn't play against those retards you know beforehand that shit like this will happen ^^
next time i will know that.
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

Nice rY`Williams :))
Sorry i got messaged on irc saying.. the match dint finnish server was crashed and its been cancelled.
sure, we won the match at least, 3/1 :)
but 4/0 i think, ez.