Fixed vs Rewind (8416 views)

fi sipperi
fi sirkka
fi satanclaus
fi oldensan
fi jonzi
fi lettu
ee evil purc
de myst'x
ee intact
dk darkie
fi sanctity
be syL
ee night
11.11.09 21:30 CET
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: twist3r (Requestee)
Maps: Ice

Total Pot: € 36757
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Return To Castle Wolfenstein TV
de PMCG Burnertv
By: twist3r (none)

Total Slots: 150
Viewer Peak: 100


Do I have to install anything to watch RTCW TV?
sanctity? :O
yea who is he ?!
Wasn't he Estonian -.- ?

gl btw <3
I hope that was sarcasm
you are so oldschooled and u dont know that ?!?! fuckin retard
You need batteries for your sarcasm meter polish cuntface.
this guy came online when nirv & gang was busted afaik :-p
never heard of this random :X
glhf both, fixed should take this :P
sirkka, jonzi, sipperi zA trilogie o' chocapic!!!!
aaah, show fixed how it's done
gogogo RaZiel's mates!
Make me rich Sipperi :D

You have € 129 on fi fixed Cancel bet
Possible win: € 207.69
Rewind alive again?
omg :OOOO memories :OOOO
imho, it needs shoutcaster.
i find it pretty easy for fixed, rewind still isnt in the shape of champions... and i doubt they will be during this cup..

gl both teams
OldenSan <3

nerd, win it
Finally a match what's worth to spec
nice game
hf darkie, syL, sirkka and sipperi! =)
omfg omfg oldschoolz

a new school team will probs win this cup
gl den syL, als ge speelt :P
go syl <3
sirkka will deliver !!!

and if not, sipperi will clear out the leftovers with pf :P

gl hf both should be good match

gl night & lettu
yeah we've only played together for 5 years now

but nice troll anyway congrats kurwaboy
Together for 5 years and you have played 3-5 rtcw-wars during that time?!?!
Fintards will rock, you are is my heroes :D <3
easy for syL
Sipperim8 :)
i fixed it already :)
someone on wolftv was talking about some other match, where can i find ip to him?
same ip but not sure if it will be shown on wolf tv
wont happen unfortunately
Soz for the camming at start :D
hope it was enjoyable in the second part
all-in worked
thx sipperi & lettu m8s
You have € 70 on fixed
You won € 133.7

You have € 1500 on fixed
You won € 2865
where can i find teh demo downloadz?
So where are the damn demos?
Demos of wtv please, please, pretty please with sugar on top.
You have € 590 on fi fixed
You won € 1126.9