Ching Chang Chong vs Personality Team (8688 views)

de heya
de wDka
be Azur
ru kirill
hr danL
hr drv4c
gb antails
nl phreako
nl roach
ET 3on3 League Fall 2009
Division 1
Group D
16.11.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Fall League 09
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: heya (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 35677
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: stray (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
gb ETTV UK #Msh100 2
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


gl heyaa & wdka <3
*reusper*.. cheater incoming ..*reusper*
who ? :<
mhhhhhh... wDka...
+ manch ein anderer ;o)
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDd randomZ crying :<
ok mr. known
more known than u it seems :<
yeah, known for something cursed surely doesnt want to be known for :o
Cursed is known for being skilled and playing with skilled people

you are known for playing with hackers

crying about what?.. your obvious hacks..?! thats not crying.. thats loughing..DUDE!! °o°
gl I am, you are going to need it ;)
be ready to get fucking mad, personalities
why is that?
personality team are actually pretty good so they will outbrain the random yermans
:D azur :D
14.11.2009 - The Return of the Botters. tune in!
Shoutcast incomng? ;D "and there: wdka wallhacking, seeing that guy behind the wall..jumping in giving 3hs while in midair. oh what a great bot. well played!"
how stupid are U btw ? :S
how stupid are U btw ? :S
it was directed to heya who removed his comment :P
wdka heya <3
yugos going to pwn hackz0rs
gl I am
SOOSSI Thursday, 12th November 2009 20:24
gl I am, you are going to need it ;)

wie du doch immer den boobs den rücken stärkst
The cheaters will take this.
gl heya <3
gl Azur! de belgen steunen ;)
wodka? the busted one?
ok :D
nerds crying :D:D:D.d..D
gl cCc
atleast azur should get ban!!! obvious fuck
all in for azur dont let me down :)
waiting on azur´s bust belive me it will come soon...
haha, knowingly playing with xiiter
heard wdka and heya are using a cracked bot, hard to detect such bot
Ye, pretty hard. That's why almost only cracked bots get detected : p
gl vs cheaters I am
gl drv4c and danL
hf wDka& heya
rofl why the killerboy dont BAN the fuckin ccc's? they are cheaters and guidspoofers
since when killerboy was esl admin?
wtf why are they even allowed to play if so many people say they are cheaters?
ba , we are not as obvious as they would like to make it believe.
because esl has a weird cheater policy in some cases !
yea like I got 2years ban from esl :<
because there is not that much evidence of them cheating :|
For fuck sake you're stupid
vuz there isnt evidence??
there are no proofs for anything so why not

You have € 250 on ccc
Possible win: € 335

put it high pliz :x
they only got high settings ;)
enought to make me rich :D
this should have been moved to monday 21:30
easy for i am
hf heya<3
gl heya & wodka
gl heya & woDka <3
LOL hf getting hacked
cant u just ban them ?
and for what?
are u retarded? Killerboy aint admin of ESL
still he can ban them on cb :D?
i think that if he wants to ban some1 from demo it needs to be from cb offi? not random cybergames or other league match
nah even if u cheated on Cybergames he still can ban you on CB
Can't you take demos from ESL and ban them on CB atleast or send the demos to PBBans and get them banned for those???
LOL hf beeing stupid where is the hack? :DDDDDDD
in your team, obviously
wrong answer
guck in deinem popo nach
nice allowing cheaters to play
in situations like this there is only one solution are gonna have to get themselves some bots!
hf with danL ccc. Hackers vs whiners. Gonna be epic match with lots of pauses :)
might've noticed we only "whine" against you, guess why

and you're seriously stupid, why was I pausing?
u paused coz u are allowed to do that 2 times / round so why not sounds really nice idea
yeah, I paused cos I wanted to waste time, not because I had problems

god your stupidity is amazing
just let it go, remember the saying "arguing on the internet is just like winning the paralympics, even if u win u r still retarded" :)
i must say; that was wonderfull!
god of et has spoken. i wonder how skilled u are on ur server which is perfect no lags and no stream and such
ive seen at least 5 pages of gtv spammed with ure whine after a match

and to be sure, collect them all and make and paste so I can make a trophy wall

You have € 278 on de ccc Cancel bet
Possible win: € 336.38
uda4i kirili4 xD
inb4 the croats whine
You have € 181 on eu I am Cancel bet
Possible win: € 962.92

; DDD!!!
no laq no win
gl being cheate'd I am
ma money on wodka <3
gl & hf
dowaj-te rebjata :)
wodka mach sie alle ! oller kollege
yo dickste homies 4 life und so.
hast du auch schon was zu melden ?
Was heisst hier schon? Ich hab deine flames auf der Enlarged sehnlichst vermisst :'(.
Hab doch noch nie auf der enlarged geflammed
! thx mate :D
Easy bash for Personality <3
Easy bash for Personality <3
GL azur wodk and heya !
heya nub cheater
looking cool. Thanks for the money ccc your bots will never fail :)
You are more obvious than azur =P I got nothing against you guys, I don't even know you, you might be fun guys irl and stuff, but I am just saying, if you don't want to get caught you should learn how to play as a team, and not as individuals. That way you'd become better and that way you can leave your hacks, or atleast put them lower ;)
bist du wohl leise harald,ich habe so einiges von dir gehört wie du im rL bist
krest Tuesday, 17th November 2009 07:18

oha vor 8 am pc
was sagt deine mutter dazu?
soLo was banned by de w0nd3r until 21st November. Reason: racism, learn to respect other nations.
I have won them in every baserace cup final they've ever played, so not realy true. :-p
(3-4 times or smth?)
ye that was pretty funny,... those were the times when wiZzy and aku still played and it was so fucking obvious how the botted but still got owned :D
yeah but on baserace u need skill like u and me so u cant just run with bot fully adjusted to rage and pwn :)
You have € 1000 on de ccc
You won € 1260

more freemoney :d
soLo <3

+1 !!!

soLo <3 ? He wasn't even playing? He has 10 years ban..
well cheated :D
thx xiiters
well hacked..
nice clip
:DDD @ mentals link :DDDDDDDDDDD