PALLOT vs Personality Team (5228 views)

fi Bluman
fi Botti
fi Kerkko
fi Leku
fi HenQ
ee Signum
fi Syntex
hr danL
hr dr4vc
hr diablos
nl phreako
nl roarch
gb antalis
ro lahq
15.11.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SOOSSI (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 17736
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Enemy Territory TV
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By: andyF1 (ettvd)
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By: h3ll (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 67


ei pallot tarvii tuuria.. izi
eetuha se tietää. 5 vai 6 bannittuu cb accoo vai mite se oli?
ei oo yhtää. käy kattomossa
ai ne on jo unbannittu?
ei niitä oo koskaa bannittu
ainaki sulla pbbanneja riittää :)
gl bluman, leku, soossi, Syntex <3 :D
Always the lowskill shitplayers whining about server -_-
haha fuck these idiots still whining :D
or we can't stand idiots
we are not the ones bitching about some god damn server
yes u were, u bitched about the server to the end and left so the match had to be rescheduled
why are you guys fighting with each other so much? that will bring disruption to your team, make love not war :(
its fun to delete your comments between and then act cool? are u like 10?
deleting what? seeing things again?
seriously, you are pathetic :DDDDDD
I think you wanted to reply to bluman
nice deleting
danL whining :oo have to say im suprised.....

NOT! _XD-xdXD_xdxd
when have you ever seen me whine? not whining here either
danl sucks, pallot will win :P
If you're so obsessive with pointing out our faults you should also mention that you were the ones using external programms such as kazza or torrents to fake ping on our server. Was pretty hilarious when you guys pretended to highping and lag on our server whereas you used to have 50 - 98 ping in before :DD.
WE? It's danL who is using the torrents and stuff. Who of us did such?
As if I'm able to recall any names, but you certainly did whine about pings eigher. As a sidenote: danL said on vent in before that he will highping on a uK server. We hadn't had to play on eigher of the servers, but you didn't even agree on a neutral server. This kind of shows for me that you only wanted to bitch around. Another funny thing is that I told Bluman like 3 hours before the first match that I won't be able to play this day most likely and that we'll use wildcard. He said something like ~ "We can only play on Thursdays" and when I asked for a match on the next Thursday he said, that you got a match there already. Was kind of funny when you agreed to play the second match on another day than Thursday and don't dare to denie it - I got IRC logs.
he can deny it all he wants, I got both logs and screenshots
if I would be using torrents my ping would presumably be much higher than the 150 I had, whilst when you connected your guy had normal ping and then SUDDENLY after 30 secs his ping goes up

I did say in advance that any uk or french host is not good for me, I immediately offered a neutral server but fuckface bluman didn't want to play on any other server than yours and I can give you screenshots to prove it
i asked for neutral server on your server as your server was not streamed but u didnt respond on that. I must admit that your server had some lag spikes but it was playable but the problem was the stream. and btw u know u can limit your download speed so adjusting ping wouldnt be a problem.
more bullshit
^0plt^s.^0botti^7: ^2put it on
^0plt^s.^0botti^7: ^2or play on ours
^0plt^e.^0Kerkko^7: ^2btw
^0plt^s.^0botti^7: ^2theres rules also
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2our server has stream
^0plt^6.^0lEku^7: ^2123
^0plt^s.^0botti^7: ^2our server has stream
^0plt^e.^0Kerkko^7: ^2u wasnt in our server at 21.30
^0plt^6.^0lEku^7: ^2jawohl
^0plt^6.^0lEku^7 killed himself.
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2please connect server that has stream
^0plt^s.^0botti^7: ^2please, connect the server with stream
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2217.163.22.215:27960
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2please connect that server
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2there is stream
^0PALLOT^S.^7^0SIGNUM ^x^C4CHAN^7 disconnected
^0I ^wam drv4c^7: ^2what server
^0plt^6.^0lEku^7: ^2our
^0plt^6.^0lEku^7 disconnected
^0plt^s.^0botti^7 disconnected
^0plt^e.^0Kerkko^7 disconnected
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2its server that we can play on
^pplt^6.^pHenQ^7: ^2welcome there
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2we are disconnecting since server has no stream
^pplt^6.^pHenQ^7: ^2its red card
^pplt^6.^pHenQ^7: ^2you lost
^pplt^6.^pHenQ^7: ^2you got red card
^0plt^h.^0bluuu^7: ^2ur server has no stream
^pplt^6.^pHenQ^7: ^2we want stream
^jI ^wam danL^7: ^2I offered you before
^aI^7 am phreako^7: ^2Uhh, no stream
^aI^7 am phreako^7: ^2No stream
^jI ^wam danL^7: ^2our server or neutral

not once you offered another server and insisted on yours
how about chat before that?
which one? you want chat from irc where I told you in advance no uk, fr or pl server cos we have bad routing and where you wouldn't play on any server but yours? or chat from server? or the chat when you acted like a retard when we spoke about wildcard? or chat where you lied that you pmmed me an hour before match with server ip? which one you want?

btw, you kept talking about rules, heard about the rule that says if you're not on channel on time you don't get to pick the server?
even if u dont appear on time u cant choose server which is not playable by rules
"If one clan has not a single representative present 30 minutes before the start, then the other clan may immediately decide on the server. This clan is free to change its server decision later on if the opponent has shown up."

say what again?
"Servers must stream to GameViolations (GV), the latest version of the script is required for all ClanBase matches. Matches played without GV will be considered a double forfeit and a red card given to either team......"

so why did you want to play on a server without stream?
referring you how many times i need to say same thing over and over again to make u understand?
what things? screenshot down below isn't enough?
wouldnt take more than 30 secs to cut and paste that text to screen
paste what text?
dunno u tell me
I'm not dunno, I am danL
ahahahhaahahah best joke today :)
you're the best joke today, not only today, you're the best joke of yesterday also
when we came ur server the ping was fine with all of us. Kerkko might have 150 ping on some NL hosts (YCN mostly) but if i remeber right it was ok but server had some lag spikes ( all server does) but the only thing that made the server unplayable was that the server had no stream or never had
I was fine with eigher of the servers, but it would have been 2 players of us having 150 ping as the croats are brothers. Well thats not the point as we could have played on a neutral server, but you've chosen to disconnect instead.
your server wasn't streamed either

it was and it will be when needed
yes, it clearly shows that it was streaming, just don't know in which bizzaro world
you should stop talking to yourself and then deleting your fails :)
please don't photoshop it, really...
God you guys are patethic. Oh and weren't you removed from some Cheatlist such as etBot? Nobody really understands why your team was allowed to participate as you forfeited every war last OC. Don't rely too much on your friendship with killerboy, you might be enlighten soon. I will be so happy when this war is over as playing lamers like you is just sensless. I'd rather forfeit today than playing you stupid morons, seriously.
Like last OC counts? This oc we have played all our matches. And yes we all have been on all of the cheaterlists (latest palehook) but as killerboy is our beloved lover he let us cheat and play :) and its not up to me if u show up/forfeit the match and thats an option aswell
Actually it does. There's a rule sayin "more than 2 forfeit losses during the last season=not allowed to participate next season". Though creatin a new team wearin the same name is allowed (as far as I know) : p
next season was summercup
soossi sux, personality will win :P
gl lahq!!
hahahahahahaha cool chat bro
this is what 5 years old kid like to do when see a computer
well done any server is working
2-2 for both. AND THEY ARE BOTH RECORDERS, so you cant watch this :|
4-2 for pallot ;D
4-2 plt
You have € 500 on fi Pallot
You won € 835
Wow this was true bullshit, wp though.
no wp-ing for them

come IRC, need to ask you something
go fuck yourself with unhitability and server
fucking finnish retards, I hope you all die
0:16 am too izi for us... Ill wake up 6am and youll be sure about it ill think about you danl fag.
stupid son of a bitch, I had to play with 30-40 fps for the whole fucking match because of you retards, I hope you all die of being raped in that homosexual retarded finland
yeah and used all the pauses you can on a map, disconnected for 10 minutes after every fucking round etc. and you think you are the only motherfucking player who has to play with such fps? get real
YES, BECAUSE I SPECIFICALLY ASKED NOT TO BE PLAYED ON YOUR SERVER, what do you think why I was pausing and disconnecting

but ofc you can't win any other way that enforcing people to play on your shit server so you can play 6on5 or less
if that fps amount makes a player to be worthless, i think it was atleast 5on5, for example leku laggs constantly but do you see him whining here?
+ u did same amount of damage as your teammates, and played as well as they played. so let me guess, you are a fucking god of ET when you have a stable and a good fps?
yeah, now he also lags constantly when I said I had problems, how convenient

you can go load a replay and spec me and tell me I didn't have constant problems, and yes, I am twice as good as I was today when I have NORMAL ET in my hands, today I was like a low+ noob

but funny thing is how you keep persisting to play on your server, do you ever play on any other server or is your server the only one that you can win on? was it such a problem to play on ANY other server?
its ur own fault u refused to test the server and becouse of that ur pings are counted as 0 (best). I dont get why did u even whine about the server if u cba to connect to it to test your ping. And as a sidenote ur ping was fine. Im not even talking about fps since its not servers fault. Maybe it was the stream? maybe its ur comp? maybe its the map? first u whine about pings and then move on to fps which aint something that i can help. Maybe add stream to ur server and try if ur fps drops.
how about I was telling you all the time we had problems with your server? and I didn't have a "FINE" ping, you saw that it was going from 90 to 130/150, it stopped doing that only when me and drv4c stopped using vent that much, that was the only way for the ping to go down

and yes, the fps thing is definitely your servers fault, I had no problems ever like that, not even in the warmup match that we played on streaming server and now after playing on your server I can't get my et to work normally anymore, have to reinstall, so thx a lot for all your sportsmanship and your persistent insisting on your server like it's the only place where you can win, hopefully I'll never again have to talk to any of you again
then only thing i can say is that antiretard script seems to be working fine :)
:DDDD glad to hear our server ruined your fucking life you crybaby

btw why didnt you have such problems when we played the 3on3 on our server? you didnt have to pause all the fucking time and reconnect or reinstall ur et ::D:D:

and btw, as i said we have people who lag too but they are atleast mature enough not to fucking bitch and whine like some croatians with hairy hands
you finnish people are special indeed, your comprehension is on the level of a street lamp, when we played 3on3 I had problems aswell but I could cap it at 85 so it wasn't as much of a problem, yesterday I couldn't reach even half of that fps

I wish I had constant lag, that is great compared to what I had, don't know why are you even mentioning it

but let me ask you one last thing, who was the one insisting only on their server and not willing to play on any other server? was it us? answer me only this
just playing by rules and as u didnt want to test our server so it was fine to play :)
why the hate? :_D lahq kanns einfach net :o
well done :)
You have € 1000 on fi Pallot
You won € 1670

nice sportmanship
let me quess? this is our fault that they dont test server or follow any other rules
personality team is praccing togehter for years now and they still suck, lol
you try playing 5on6

and yeah, we have the same players since we started, yeah, we never changed anyone
Forget about him, he has never played in a clan for more than two weeks.
yes except eLemenT, disQonnect, accurate, nsens, illusion etc.
Very stable teams, I'm impressed.
Rummors saying comeback on its way kekeke
who allowed these fins to play, killerboy are you stupid
ahah u were shit lahq
Ahahah I don't even know you, but I know one thing for sure: I'll always rape you in 3on3's.
xd ok gl raping #1 @ 3v3 CB. funny how arrogant u r but u never saw me play
Wow that surely means a lot nowdays, gotta be afraid of you guys. I might not have aimed at my best this match, true but it wasn't that bad eigher except for missile as I just hate this map. You're dumb if you think I aim like that in 3on3's. You want me to not judge about your skill whilst you judge mine by 1 match (even in 6on6)? Grow Up :).
lern zu replyen du bastard!
danL losing and whining :PPPPPPPPPPPP
Something new there? I don't think so :|
didn't know I had so many fanboys, where do all of you people know me from :s
cheaters always win
bahahahaha gg pallot