Tagapagtanggol vs [ET] (2491 views)

pl pow4h
sc vib
pl slash
pl Rumun3k
pl Why
pl kuben
Not Announced
22.11.09 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 Seasonal Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Pow4h (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 554
The bets have been cancelled.

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gl vib!
low+ match
gl et

Dont bet on us we will loss this.
Nie stawiac na nas :D
League: CB ET 6v6 Seasonal Ladder - 4 sure
nie chcialo mi sie szukac zwyklego laddera a teraz nie mozna juz zmienic ;s
gl slash kuben :)
You have € 384 on pl Tagapaga Cancel bet
Possible win: € 706.56

gl shash, kuben i why :) / slash ostatni meczyk ladny ;0
You have € 308 on pl Tagapaga Cancel bet
Possible win: € 529.76
Samir fail??
gl pow4h ;)
you have €0 on ET
Possible win: €-000

Et wil lose 4 sure

WHo's the pro now?: Samir? NOO WAY:P

powah i slashu pokarajcie ;d <3

gl morti :)
2 - 4 [ET] win!
haha for sure iven in your dream :D