el vigorZ vs Krauts (3757 views)

29.10.06 15:15 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth mAus|#finest 46 kills
Killing Spree Maciek|#finest 11 frags without being killed
Accountant mAus|#finest 164% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! krts + sAntje 15 gibs
...and stay dead! krts + sAntje 47% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning mAus|#finest 42 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! SneeK|#Finest 17 SPAM kills
Fragstealer krts + TrgT <3 RICK 114 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! vila|#finest 219 damage per frag
What objective? mAus|#finest 233 XP
Red Shirt krts + TrgT <3 RICK 43 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? krts + TrgT <3 RICK 16 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore ^Pkrts + trick 191 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut vila|#finest 9 team kills
Gingerbread man mAus|#finest 9 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
krts + nicky408516403034290646153200/01/318/220/1018211536
krts + Stiffy7514327359128452245442870/00/326/223/116712657
krts + Banaan<3Loekino 537021403019257632811070/08/45/219/51238237
^Pkrts + trick11416432283013503054841380/02/326/175/715719653
krts + sAntje9121932351500941005442720/04/327/181/312815555
krts + TrgT <3 RICK357815434004272634941400/00/111/344/718281416
krts + 64759143221371737218602686010640/015/1113/3422/715712647
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
krts + nicky358511313032290646153200/01/213/180/8DDKDDDDKDK/KKDKDDDDDDKDDKDDTKDDDKDKDDDDDTDD/T
krts + Stiffy861132023711533583574560/00/220/141/1K/DKKDKKDKKKKDKTKDDKD//DDDDKKDKDKKD/KDK/DDSK
krts + Banaan<3Loekino 347010293016257632811070/02/45/154/4KKDDK//DDDT//DDKDDKDDD/DDDKDDKDDKDD/KKDD
^Pkrts + trick9510820212011387842071200/02/215/154/5KKDDKDKDKDDKXX/KTDDDDKKKDKDDKDKKKKDDKKDDDKKD
krts + sAntje9215323251100430194325720/03/220/150/3KDKDKKDKDKDKDDDK/DKDDDDDKDDK/KKKKKDKDK/KKKDKDD/K
krts + TrgT <3 RICK377812324003272634941400/00/09/273/6DDDDDKDKKKKD/XDDD/DDDDDDDDDKDKXDDD/KKDKDKDDKXDDX
krts + 636079616130162118463234968150/08/1282/10412/27

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
krts + nicky5505900020000/00/15/40/2XKDDD//KKKDDKD
krts + Stiffy5830712201311649702310/00/16/82/0TDK/D/KDD/KKDDKKKDDD
krts + Banaan<3Loekino 1000111100030000/06/00/65/1KKK/KDK/KD/KKDKKKDDDDD
^Pkrts + trick17156127100211521277180/00/111/21/2KD/KDDK/KKKKKKKDKKD
krts + sAntje906691040051081111700/01/17/31/0K/DKKK/K///KKDKDKDD
krts + TrgT <3 RICK27031100010000/00/12/71/1DDKDDDD/KDKDDD
krts + 84152476070116339733642490/07/531/3010/6

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
krts + TrgT <3 RICK [Warmup]: Hoi tala!
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: hoi mama
krts + Stiffy [Warmup]: rezhni (K)
krts + Stiffy [Warmup]: en nu pijpe
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: papa (K)
SneeK|#Finest [Warmup]: <3 Stinus AKirA & Jana
Maciek|#finest [Warmup]: READY UP
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [Warmup]: <3 maikel en loekino dimi <3 anna :PPPP and dimi is a fat greek <o/
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: no
1day-cup.nEkz [Warmup]: rup plz
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: hoi frizen
SneeK|#Finest [Warmup]: .Ready
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [Warmup]: maikel schat :P
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: xD
krts + Stiffy [Warmup]: hvjullie allemaal
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: hoi sQuinn
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [Warmup]: vitastar spammer
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [Warmup]: xD
vila|#finest [Warmup]: wil je ruppen ipv te zitte type
krts + nicky [Warmup]: Shoutout to : Frizen
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: k
1day-cup.nEkz [Warmup]: kmoet vila is 1 keer gelijk geven
vila|#finest [Warmup]: ty
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: =)
krts + nicky [Warmup]: je krijgt geen pannekoeken Para
1day-cup.nEkz [Countdown]: HF
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [14:58]: gg hf
[14:58]: Allies team locked from spectators by krts + Banaan<3Loekino
[13:07]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
Leonneke|#finest [13:07]: moment
[13:07]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
mAus|#finest [13:07]: (15:23:02) (doktor) finest|mAus heard some rumours that you're looking for a merc
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [13:07]: :>
[13:07]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
krts + TrgT <3 RICK [13:07]: Shout-out to: Frizen, GunneR, Nicky, Lactic, noxa, Juize, Tites, eXit, Banaan, Junkie, Dea, Fostrum, Spty, Alvo, Efax, Hans, axel and everybody I forgot.
[13:07]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
Maciek|#finest [13:07]: FIRST TIME YOURE ON ETTV OR WHAT ?
krts + TrgT <3 RICK [13:07]: 3rd
vila|#finest [13:07]: yes lazio im playing :)
[13:07]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [13:07]: ROFL
[13:07]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [13:07]: :< perfo stinkt
krts + nicky [13:07]: Shoutout to : taLa
[13:07]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
SneeK|#Finest [13:07]: <3 Stinus AKirA & Jana
[13:07]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[13:07]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
Leonneke|#finest [13:07]: soz about that
[13:07]: FIGHT!
Maciek|#finest [13:02]: fuck you
Leonneke|#finest [12:59]: amg su mr ozu
[12:32]: Allies capture the factory district!
[12:30]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[11:05]: Allies capture the factory district!
[10:51]: The side gate has been built!
[10:46]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
SneeK|#Finest [10:37]: :D
[10:22]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[10:16]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[9:03]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:23]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:13]: The side gate has been destroyed!
[5:55]: The side gate has been built!
[4:36]: The side gate has been destroyed!
krts + nicky [3:17]: qwtqwUJTquwt
[0:42]: The side gate has been built!
krts + sAntje [0:32]: gg
[0:16]: The side gate has been destroyed!
Leonneke|#finest [0:09]: meeeh
krts + TrgT <3 RICK [0:06]: gg
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [0:04]: gg
krts + Stiffy [0:03]: :]
krts + Stiffy [0:03]: :]
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [Intermission]: gg
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: shoutout to alternate
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: xD
vila|#finest [Warmup]: .Ready
Maciek|#finest [Warmup]: attax ?
SneeK|#Finest [Warmup]: .Ready
SneeK|#Finest [Warmup]: .Ready
Leonneke|#finest [Warmup]: shoutout to #weekendmix, kye, jauhis, tiigeri, reload
Leonneke|#finest [Warmup]: crmbs and dusty
Maciek|#finest [Warmup]: shoutout to #weekendmix
Maciek|#finest [Warmup]: and the poles
SneeK|#Finest [Warmup]: .Ready
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [14:58]: gg hf
[14:41]: Allies capture the factory district!
[14:36]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[13:18]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[13:17]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
1day-cup.nEkz [13:17]: ?
krts + sAntje [13:17]: :<
Maciek|#finest [13:17]: HIS AIRSTRIKE WONT BLOW
[13:17]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
krts + nicky [13:17]: PHONE
[13:17]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
Leonneke|#finest [13:17]: oh yeah
Leonneke|#finest [13:17]: shoutout to duroh
Leonneke|#finest [13:18]: ofc
krts + sAntje [13:17]: lololololololololololololololololololololol
[13:17]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
krts + Stiffy [13:17]: shout out to : alternate , hayA <3
vila|#finest [13:17]: I like to move it move it , lalala
krts + nicky [13:17]: shoutout to Leonneke
Leonneke|#finest [13:18]: and cdap crew
[13:17]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
Leonneke|#finest [13:17]: including SoF-BaggiezZz
[13:18]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
vila|#finest [13:18]: hallo to mize who couldnt play cauz he hax
[13:18]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[13:18]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[13:18]: FIGHT!
[13:04]: Allies capture the factory district!
[13:03]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[13:01]: Allies capture the factory district!
[12:20]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
[12:19]: The side gate has been built!
Leonneke|#finest [12:18]: loL
[12:13]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[11:59]: Allies have destroyed the Side Door!
[11:23]: TruT. connected
[11:07]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[11:01]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:57]: [1Day-Cup]TruThas become a shoutcaster
[10:55]: The side gate has been destroyed!
[1Day-Cup]TruT [10:39]: hoi nEkz
1day-cup.nEkz [10:33]: hoi
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [10:23]: :DDD
[1Day-Cup]TruT [10:18]: darkfish<3
krts + sAntje [9:35]: gg
krts + Stiffy [9:35]: gg
SneeK|#Finest [9:33]: gg
krts + Banaan<3Loekino [9:33]: gg
[9:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[9:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[9:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[9:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[9:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[9:30]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[9:30]: krts + nicky disconnected
[9:28]: krts + TrgT <3 RICK disconnected
[9:27]: krts + Banaan<3Loekino disconnected
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:34 (original: 15:00)
vila|#finest [Intermission]: did i kill someone?
[Intermission]: SneeK|#Finest disconnected
krts + sAntje [Intermission]: no
vila|#finest [Intermission]: :p
[Intermission]: vila|#finest disconnected
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: U only make me sad!
krts + sAntje [Warmup]: :<
^Pkrts + trick [Warmup]: GG GUYS
[1Day-Cup]TruT [Warmup]: wp

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.