PALLOT vs inteRaction (4596 views)

fi Bluman
fi Botti
fi Leku
fi HenQ
fi Kerkko
ee Signum
fi Syntex
cz denton
cz derek
cz Green_Clon
cz Hyper
cz Neo
cz sec
29.11.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2009
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SOOSSI (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16036
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
cz #ssx-netteam ETTV #1
By: Santa-Claus (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


few suggestions to iR:
Everyone record demos.And after you've raped them : upload your demos ASAP to CLANBASE FTP. Otherwise you will loose!
when ppl cant take LOSE then rules win ... allways nuuubs cry

Soossi next time try play FAIR PLAY
sad but true bro
said the busted guy
yeah, you and your mates powned us in cb 3on3 ladder, and 3 week later you were busted.
Point being?
mby somewhere near the word busted, idiot
idiot huh? strong words my man, strong words.
gl iR - Hypos, Dentos, Derekos, Greenos povodej
:DDDDDDDDDDD rofl what is this
Syntex, can't you see?
You can drop cz rifleman and cz incucuna
gl interaction, how come soossi is allowed to play :| ?
Why wouldn't I be allowed to play?
I thought you were busted for being too fucking stupid :D guess i was wrong
"too fucking stupid" kasvaisit, oikeesti -.-'
he is
easy for iR! hf Green_Clon , Neo ,Darky & Denton!! <3
gogo my friends pallot
gogo my friends pallot
gogo my friends pallot
gogo my balls
we will own our victory just for you azur and heya <3

GL Green_Clon <3:*
GL Hyper !!!!
gl fiSyntex,leku,bluman,soossi! my favorite fintards!
mental my favorite deutchtard!:D
Good Luck inteRaction, hope you kick their asses ;).
cheaters vs cheaters
gl green_clon np4u
gl iR :) np4 denton
gogo green_clon luger 2o2 owner xDxD
:D ty spectator :D
np but i just specced, cuz of my rly screwed up inet connection!!!!
even your mates had screwed up connection :<
well yeah :D

but mine is even worse than of a japanese guy!
drzim palce a preju si aby ste nad temahle dementama vyhrali
bojim se ze ikdyz vyhrajeme, ceka nas prohra kvuli nejakemu porusenemu pravidlu :o
gg soossi busted haxor
Henq? like Sexy*Henq??? is that u?
Yes he is very sexy!With the double eyebrows and stuff

that's what i've heard...

GL iR!
NOT TRUE :D Our opponent's just doesn't know the rules ;)
gl iR :p
gg wp iR :)
expected. hope you played by the rules tho, iR. clanbase admins dont care if you lost/won :D
You have € 100 on cz iR
You won € 228

just won 4:0 and what msg came??

upload them to CLANBASE FTP (yes, there is ftp)
where can i find that? :D pls
go to war link ( there is upload demo now..
read this first tho :D ->
im not sure tho, contact admin before you do anything..
no botti...........................................................
wow a hero
they can only win by forfeit , so get your act together and upload them demos fast :D
haha 100e lost on cheaters..
nerds got brained