Circle of Haste vs Rewind (2995 views)

ee ZeD
ee CD7
ee Fangs
ee sac
no bob
fr drkje
ee intact
ee Night
fi Sanctity
dk Darkie
de Myst'x
be syL
02.01.10 21:30 CET
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: Early Xmas RTCWCup
Hosting: Official GTV Coverage
Manager: (Requestee)
Maps: Village

Total Pot: € 7125
The bets have been cancelled.

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gl ZED
is that coh?

xD bunch of nonames

Wenn das future viddi stranger & co sehen würden :D:D:D die würden sich im grabe umdrehen was für wnb kinder da einfach den namen nehmen.

Circle of Haste is multigaming clan just like anyother MGC, so viddi,strAnger & co didnt lead that MGC.Its pretty simple, the owners of CoH decide who and which squad joins, so why would their word matter anymore since they havent played for them like 4 years or something?But you should get some english lessons if you dont get it summ3l
drkje the etbot customer?
gl darkje
who wins?
mine money!!!!!!!!!!NOW
who won?
can some1 update the scores please?