Freaks United e.V. vs neXor Gaming - reVeal.ET (5841 views)

05.11.06 18:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL: ET 2on2 Fall cup
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Broadcasted by

No Servers yet


mouk's linup

m'freaks lineup ?
freaks lineup:

ESL: ET 2on2 Fall cup NICE 2on2
Wrong time it the 5.11...
It´s on Sunday 18:30 (5.11)
i should bet my money on a unknown 2o2 match ? roflol
o0 ettv for 2on2? omg^^ xD
Broadcast Servers

None confirmed.
well there have been some before resheduling ;p but how ever wayne for me

i'd never request such senseless coverage^^
----------_______________------------- :D
no more mouk -_-
rofl... 2o2...

Anyway... GL reVeal ;)
gl freaks united m8 angel
<3 eim but all my money on Freaks United e.V.
more money on freaks pls... need good quotes^^
thx tom :D <3
izi bash for freaks united
I wonder who expects that there will be 125 persons who want to see this game :o
gl reveal :>
all money on freaks united
gl eiM und zhul =) werde euch beobachten
oh noes!
ich schliesse mich andre an ...das muss sein =)
which 1 is mouK? xD
reVeal neXor Gaming -- ex mouK
fock should v known earlier xD lost 200 or smth
freaks ... will lose .... big bash -.-
agree LOL

Bet on neXor, otherwise you´ll lOOOse your money d00ds
we will see...
why do admins aprove of such broadcast?
if there is some ettv which wants to broadcast the match, then why not to allow it to be shown on the list?
whine off, if you dont wanna see it then dont watch it, there is really no problem with that
Eks is gettin' mad ^^

But hey, agree :D
ettv is for entertaining people and not only for high skill entertaining but low skill can also fine to watch to...
fast game 4:0
reveal wins
Supply inet attack.... but gg
48 ping > 100 ping


anyway, gg
the gtv servers are hosted at a provider that has one of the best pings for players within germany (europe)

if someone has >100ms within germany he should check his internet / provider.

Ping-Statistik für
Pakete: Gesendet = 4, Empfangen = 4, Verloren = 0 (0% Verlust),
Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.:
Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 10ms, Mittelwert = 9ms
yeah.. the server was ok, but my connection sucked for about 2 hours, so it was more or less my own fault :)
wtf is with score?
confirm the score please :D
confirm the fucking score already...
this atch was or wasnt?
how to confirm?
i need my money :O
reveal 4 : 0 freakz
reveal wins