erAse #DevineGaming vs AntiClimax-SaH (5080 views)

fi toNi
fi dTEC7
pl BossHK
at DonMatthias
nl esSe
nl Ap0c
no Hexagon
gb Nips
be insAne
be bosshoer
be sile
be kosk
be frE
be Flechaaa
16.12.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: DonMatthias (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 27772
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de [Z.U.Z] offline
By: Highlander (ettvd)
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
fi ETTV @ RmsGaming 2
By: Pamppa (ettvd)
gb ETTVoD Recorder #Msh100
By: msh100 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


gl erase
gl erase
gl erAse
bet to ya ..dont screw me plz :)
yesterday i bet esse becouse he dont think
esse out pl BossHK in and win is youres !
yesterday i bet esse becouse he CAN'T think
yesteday i bet maus becouse he dont think
hf don, izi for u
gl flash
nice setje btw =)
gl pieternat0rii
gl erase!
epic ppl will own
gl erase & fré
izi 4 eA
Lucky and laggy, no warmup, vent lagged, no tax, cfg didn't loaded, hungry, fps 30, randoms were disturbing irl, repeat.
Don't be so negative :P
izi voor de mannen!
I smell some ownage by BossHK so easy for BossHK's team
gl Donito aka PRORIFLER <3
xD thx m8
stop checking gtv and waitong when i wrote somethink:-D
go eA (: !
what´s up with those bosshk fan boys on ettv he´s probably the worst etplayer i´ve ever seen
he must be good, he filmed his own hand while playing ET ->
:DDD thats for playing jaymod/etpub I guess, but nice that you found that!
plz, he rolls
gl don!

Yes, it does exist!
gl fritsie :)
Miss Epic will roll
Fritsie will be replaced by insAne
6 belgians will be rolled!
2 izi for BossHK

Easy win to erAse
gl erAse
bosshk = bosshoer ??
goo aclmx.
gl jonges
bosshk = bosshoer ??
pls tell me, this bosshk is a polak or a fintard?
2:0 SaH
server fucked up everything
:< You have € 195 on eu erAse
Possible win: € 409.5

always i bet on ur team :<
sad thing we had to play on such a shitserver

would've been a way better game on a decent one

every fuckin server so fuckin laggy unable to play
I would say, rematch but first accept score on CB :> !
Challenge us on CB!
4-0 aclimax don wont enter it cos hes gonna lose 8k hähä (no really got 2nd offi he'll prolly fill it soon :O)
Haha, den cheater insane is trug
You have € 250 on be aClmx
You won € 477.5

You have € 250 on aClmx
You won € 477.5

You have € 55 on eu erAse
You lost

Godver lag server
I think we would've lost if playing on a better server as well :) better luck next time
Well I think you coulda took Supply without lag and at 2-0 there is alot more pressure on the other team to perform next map so it could have changed the game :(
we won supply with quite a lot of time left tbh (smth like 4 mins i thought)
insaaaannneeee ftw
thnx for the ez money Bosshoer!