eXcess-eSportZ vs sWat (5136 views)

de gr0ss
de stRay
hu BoRi
hu adze
us pAuZ
ca rockstAr
fr Dudinsky
pl dnl
pl lamekk
pl Syriusz
pl winq
pl Rafacz
pl sw1ruz
15.12.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 6on6 Fall League 09
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 26756
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de |Gods-of-Gaming| ETTV by. miiiq
By: stray (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
de Burner TV Recorder
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
fi RmsGaming - ETTV 1
By: Pamppa (ettvd)

nl Enigma's ETTV #1
By: Enigma (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


gross :)
adze </3
wtf is going on today ?:D
omg dudinsky will pwn
gl pAuZ, rockstAr, stRay

np4 eXcess
izi 4 swat
BoRi , adze :_D

retards xD
omg DNL :D)
np 4 eXcess!!!

gl to gr0ss!
gl rockstar
gl gr0ss
gl adze, faggot..
Obviously meant to be a joke!!
gl excess
adze :* <3
gl pAuZ, rockstAr, stRay
hf mr.software aka Gross:-P
gl dudinsky
You have € 180 on eXcess
Possible win: € 747

gl@all but not stray muhahaha :)
bibuy money :XD
nana für swat reichts noch (hoffe ich :))
nope die werden tot gecheatet wirst sehen :D
naja an dir lags warscheinlich nicht aber trotzdem danke endlich wieder bissl money wartet ab in einem tag is alles weg ;DD
seh es ein kiwi du bist spielsüchtig! :X
:) warum spielst eig nimma oder bist xfire nimma on?
sein inet ist futsch is nur am pc vonna mami oder so :<
gl adze, bori
hf stray <3 and gr0ss <3
anim approves
excess izi bash
gl stray,pauz & Dudinsky /// Syriusz & dnl :))
Gl ma poule Dudinsky :)
easy 4 pl
akkor nézem grosst ok?
gl srácok:)
where is Jadol ?
gl adze, gross :-)
2 ez for polhaxs
i dont think so!
You have € 100 on si sWat
You lost
how you can lost, fu
omg gr0ss omg
Gl Dudinsky
2 ez for polhaxs
gl gross and rockstar
isnt pAuZ busted?
how come hes still allowed to play than?
cuz hes only banned in NA
gl pauz
You have € 1000 on de eXcess Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3230 gr0ss enttäusch mich net ;)
tylko maniany mi tu nie odpierdalac! ;=d
haha gl (: ;xxdd
You have € 1000 on si sWat Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1430

Don't fail me polaks.
omg cancel it ... we dont play anything before this war
nevah i trust in swiruz.
gl pauz,dudinsky & gr0ss
hf rockstar and pauz :)
ja jebe :< :XD
nawet moniez przejebalem!
gg wp ... emos at the end..
tenks fo maney
gg, intensive game
ty rockstAr
You have € 565 on eXcess
You won € 1887.1

:DDDDDDDDDDDDD seriously.. its always the same shit
15.12 21:30 Belgian Fraternity 3.28 vs. 1.44 dNan 25 € on dNan Lost
15.12 21:30 eXcess-eSportZ 3.34 vs. 1.43 sWat 25 € on sWat Lost

You could be rich now :D
I AM RICH NOW :))))))))) thx
You have € 250 on eXcess
You won € 835

rockstar & pauz are sexy :)
haha nerds got rolled wp excess <3
cheaters always wins : gr0ss <3
thx gr0ss cheater
cheater vs cheater *rofl*
stfu! sehen wir uns auf lan? :<
aber ich bin interesant or how to say this shit. CIC sIN ?:o
naice! o:
funny how adze and bori ended up there :D
yea, such a good team for them, unbelievable (:
You have € 11 on de eXcess
You won € 36.74