#pwners.et vs nkNn (4586 views)

gb emortal
nl domi
nl ati
nl hayaa
nl modus
nl illumise
be Gifted
be chizzel
nl loazis
fi Swanidus
Connect.et 5vs5 Cup Final
11.12.09 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Warlord (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 2628
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de [www.sHiZo.eu] - ETTV 3
By: sHiZo (ettvd)

de |Gods-of-Gaming| ETTV by. miiiq
By: stray (ettvd)
nl Enigma's ETTV #1
By: Enigma (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


gl pwners!
1 fintard againts 5 poros
GL pwners !
You have € 15 on eu pwnR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 24.6
why do we always have to play cheaters :S
You have € 66 on eu nkNn Cancel bet
Possible win: € 262.68

i live for the weekend, i live for hardstyle baby! gl dawgs
omg its 1st round owner, srr we had to replace you but you made them egoquit :(
D: Your music is sick
i want your babies
gl emoRtal Domi
I dont like to play vs dnan related dutchies
if my personal pwners lose.......

nvm xD

Het was kerstochtend 1337, ik weet het nog zo goed:
Mijn ammo die was leeg.
En moeder zei dat ik niet in de radar mocht komen
En als ik lief geen gamen
Dat ik dan een blowjob kreeg
Zij wist ook niet waar Ati_ uit kon hangen
Zij zou het modus vragen, maar omdat hij ownen was
In de goldrush bank, moest ik maar een uurtje
Goed naar Hayaa zoeken,
Domi liep vast we ergens op het gras

Want emortal had de command post toch goed dicht gedaan
Zoals ik dat elke avond deed
Ik was de vorige avond zelfs nog terug gegaan
Ik weet ook niet waarom ik dat deed
Ik had heel lang voor de spawn gestaan
Alsof ik wist wat ik nu weet.

Hyvin pelattu swani
Hyvin pelattu swani
glad i had some spectators
ik hoop dat ze geen bustavi van me gaan maken
wp ati
wp XD i love to shoutcast ati fucking pwner!

wp emortal
gg wp
ati beast
wp pwners !
lolled @ braun :D
can I actually listen to you now :LD? did you record?
watch replay you will see at team_chat (radar)
but i was @ vent when i shoutcast :D
he sucked, trust me

(i still think rifle needs to be nerfed for 5on5 atleast)
iz true! on certain stages and on maps like delivery its godmode :D
It's pretty obvious its overpowered when ppl who never play it get massive damage with it :p
I think 5on5 needs to be nerfed

to 6on6
and that's why you're not loved in this community
because I don't like 5on5? :< must go cry-cry now

who the fuck cares about being loved by a bunch of people on the internet, I speak my mind
you also dont care about me danL? ::(((((((
no, fuck off stupid nigger
you know im your father dont you
try not to act like a macho.. cause seriously you failed
what the fuck are you talking about
no replay ?????
wp ati cp radar
You have € 500 on pwnR
You won € 680
:O Forget!